如何购买ETH币、如何购买ETH教程 答案:
KyberSwap BSCKyberSwap BSC 去中心化交易平台
DODO Swap面向Web3的 去中心化交易协议
Kine ProtocolKINE提供了一个[点对点]的衍生品市场,由链上数字资产支持的流动性池作为交易所内所有交易者的被动对手方。
Matcha-Dex聚合交易 在 Ethereum、Binance、Polygon、Avalanche、Celo、Fantom 等平台上进行交易!Matcha 为您在交易所找到最优惠的价格,并将它们组合成一笔交易。
MDEX swapMDEX.COM 支持BSC、HECO及ETH的去中心化跨鏈交易協議,多次位列CoinMarketCap、CoinGecko的DEX排行榜第一。
Uniswap (V2)Uniswap是一个在以太坊上自动交换代币的协议。它于2018年11月2日推出。Uniswap将自己描述为一个简单的智能合约接口,用于交换ERC20代币。它有一个正式的模型来汇集流动性储备。它作为交易者和流动性提供者的开源前端接口,致力于提供免费和去中心化的资产交换。
TornadoTornado Cash 通过打破源地址和目标地址之间的链上链接来提高交易隐私。它使用一个智能合约,接受可以通过不同地址提取的 ETH 存款。为了保护隐私,可以使用中继器提取到没有 ETH 余额的地址。每当新地址提取 ETH 时,都无法将提取与存款联系起来,从而确保完全隐私。
1inch Exchange1inch是一个DeFi聚合器和一个具有智能路由的去中心化交易所。
Curve Finance曲线的目的是利用先进的粘合曲线创造深层的链上流动性。
KyberSwap ETHKyberSwap ETH 去中心化交易
Loopring swapLoopring swap 去中心化交易
DODO Swap面向Web3的 去中心化交易协议
Kine ProtocolKINE提供了一个[点对点]的衍生品市场,由链上数字资产支持的流动性池作为交易所内所有交易者的被动对手方。
Matcha-Dex聚合交易 在 Ethereum、Binance、Polygon、Avalanche、Celo、Fantom 等平台上进行交易!Matcha 为您在交易所找到最优惠的价格,并将它们组合成一笔交易。
MDEX swapMDEX.COM 支持BSC、HECO及ETH的去中心化跨鏈交易協議,多次位列CoinMarketCap、CoinGecko的DEX排行榜第一。
QuickSwapQuickSwap 是一个去中心化交易所 (DEX),如果你想交易 MATIC,你绝对应该使用它。 它是Polygon网络的典型交易所,具有更低的gas成本和更容易交易的优势。
KyberSwap PolygonKyberSwap Polygon 去中心化交易平台
DODO Swap面向Web3的 去中心化交易协议
Matcha-Dex聚合交易 在 Ethereum、Binance、Polygon、Avalanche、Celo、Fantom 等平台上进行交易!Matcha 为您在交易所找到最优惠的价格,并将它们组合成一笔交易。
TraderJoeTrader Joe是你在Avalanche网络上的一站式去中心化交易平台。
Hurricane swapAvalanche 上的第一个跨链流动性 DEX
KyberSwap AVAXKyberSwap AVAX 去中心化交易
Lydia Swap-AVAXLydiaSwap-AVAXLydiaSwap-AVAX
Pangolin-AVAX一个社区驱动的去中心化交易所,用于 Avalanche 和以太坊资产 快速结算 , 低交易费用 ,和 提供支持的民主分配 由 Avalanche 。 穿山甲带给你 寻找和最大化收益的最佳交易机会。
RaydiumRaydium AcceleRaytor是自动化做市商Raydium旗下的IDO平台。平台目前已经成功IDO项目7个,包括近期热门的链游StarAtlas也选择了在Raydium上进行IDO。
Serum Portal在世界上最快、最强大的去中心化交易所进行交易。
DODO Swap面向Web3的 去中心化交易协议
SaberSabre 是一个面向全球范围的开放式交易和流动性平台,Sabre是在 Solana 上交易资产的自动化做市商。
SlopeSlope Finance是一个由社区驱动的全栈平台,由建立在Solana之上的DEX、钱包和NFT部门组成,为用户提供极快的速度、几乎为零的交易费用和直观的界面。我们的目标是打造一个
Cherry Swap樱桃交换
Pexpay | 币安投资币安投资全球最安全的C2C交易平台
BSC钱包ETH钱包Polygon钱包Avax钱包Sol钱包OKC钱包钱包工具MetaMaskMetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。
WalletconnectWalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。
imTokenimToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。
Trust walletTrust Wallet 是被全球最大加密资产交易所 Binance 收购的,去中心化移动钱包应用程序。Trust Wallet 钱包支持购买、存储数字货币,查看价格、交易等。 此外,它还是一个去中心化应用程序(dApp)浏览器,其内置的 dApp 浏览器可与 dApp 建立通信,因此用户可以直接在智能手机或平板电脑上交易加密货币和收藏品。
Mathwallet麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。
Binance WalletBinance Wallet是Binance Chain、Binance Smart Chain和Ethereum的加密货币钱包。它是存储、交换和赚取加密货币的一站式网关。它支持Firefox、Chrome和Brave浏览器。
MetaMaskMetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。
WalletconnectWalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。
imTokenimToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。
Mathwallet麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。
Binance WalletBinance Wallet是Binance Chain、Binance Smart Chain和Ethereum的加密货币钱包。它是存储、交换和赚取加密货币的一站式网关。它支持Firefox、Chrome和Brave浏览器。
MyetherwalletMEW (MyEtherWallet) 是一个免费的客户端界面,可帮助您与以太坊区块链进行交互。我们易于使用的开源平台允许您生成钱包、与智能合约交互等等。
Portis人们期望通过简单而熟悉的方式来加载和使用应用程序。设置钱包、签署交易和支付 gas 费用对主流用户来说可能是令人生畏的。您的 Dapp(去中心化应用程序)使用标准的 web3.js 方法与 Portis SDK 通信,这意味着它将自动与您现有的代码一起工作。 用户无需提前安装任何东西即可使用您的 DApp。使用 Portis,您的 DApp 已经与解决方案捆绑在一起,为他们提供了一种感觉熟悉的简单的浏览器内电子邮件/密码登录方法。
RainbowRainbow 是一种创建以太坊钱包、收集 NFT 和探索 Web3 新世界的有趣、简单且安全的方式。
ArgentArgent 是基于以太坊的移动钱包,可帮助用户轻松管理加密资产和身份,没有助记词、gas 费用或长地址,具备简单、安全和完全分布式等特点。
Ethereum 以太坊钱包以太坊是社区运营的技术,为加密货币以太坊(ETH)和成千上万的去中心化应用程序提供动力。
CoinbaseCoinbase 钱包支持超过 4,000 种代币和整个世界的去中心化应用程序
MetaMaskMetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。
WalletconnectWalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。
imTokenimToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。
Mathwallet麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。
Portis人们期望通过简单而熟悉的方式来加载和使用应用程序。设置钱包、签署交易和支付 gas 费用对主流用户来说可能是令人生畏的。您的 Dapp(去中心化应用程序)使用标准的 web3.js 方法与 Portis SDK 通信,这意味着它将自动与您现有的代码一起工作。 用户无需提前安装任何东西即可使用您的 DApp。使用 Portis,您的 DApp 已经与解决方案捆绑在一起,为他们提供了一种感觉熟悉的简单的浏览器内电子邮件/密码登录方法。
Wallet-AVAX钱包Avalanche 钱包是一个简单、安全、非托管的钱包,用于存储 Avalanche 资产。
MetaMaskMetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。
WalletconnectWalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。
imTokenimToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。
Mathwallet麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。
MetaMaskMetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。
WalletconnectWalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。
imTokenimToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。
Mathwallet麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。
SlopeSlope Finance是一个由社区驱动的全栈平台,由建立在Solana之上的DEX、钱包和NFT部门组成,为用户提供极快的速度、几乎为零的交易费用和直观的界面。我们的目标是打造一个
PhantomPhantom 是用于访问部署在 Solana 区块链上的分布式应用程序的扩展。 该扩展程序将一个对象注入到每个网站的 javascript 上下文中,以便分散的应用程序可以与您的钱包进行交互,您也可以与应用程序进行交互。 Phantom 还允许用户创建和管理自己的身份(通过私钥、助记符和 Ledger 等硬件钱包),因此当去中心化应用程序想要执行交易并写入区块链时,用户可以获得一个安全界面来查看交易, 在批准或拒绝之前。 因为它为普通浏览器上下文添加了功能,所以 Phantom 需要读取和写入任何网页的权限。安全非常重视,Phantom 代码已经过顶级审计公司的审计。
MetaX数字货币钱包,DApp 入口,NFT 世界 —— 您想要的应有尽有
MetaMaskMetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。
WalletconnectWalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。
智能全链导入钱包右上方点选Connect Wallet 之后,便可以直接将该网络汇入至你的metamask 钱包,一键添加全网智能链到小狐狸钱包,多功能添加工具。链表 帮助用户连接到 EVM 供电的网络 Chainlist 是 EVM 网络的列表。用户可以使用这些信息将他们的钱包和 Web3 中间件提供商连接到适当的链 ID 和网络 ID 以连接到正确的链。
GEMIT钱包检查的化工具,可帮助交易者做出有关他们所做投资的日常决策。 只需几个简单的步骤,您就可以快速获取有关您当前盈亏的信息,以及币安智能链上钱包中每个仓位的反射收益。
Token 合约授权查询Token 合约授权查询
交易加速/取消 工具用于钱包Mtramask、WalletConnect 交易加速或取消。
Google Authenticator开启Google的登陆二步验证,用于加密账户登录安全
以太坊(英语:Ethereum)是一个开源的有智能合约功能的公共区块链平台。通过其专用加密货币以太币(Ether,又称“以太币”)提供去中心化的虚拟机(称为“以太虚拟机”Ethereum Virtual Machine)来处理点对点合约。
智能合约(smart contract):存储在区块链上的程序,由各节点运行,需要运行程序的人支付手续费给节点的矿工或权益人。
叔块(uncle block):将因为速度较慢而未及时被收入母链的较短区块链并入,以提升交易量。使用的是有向无环图的相关技术。
状态通道(state channels):原理类似比特币的闪雷网络,可提升交易速度、降低区块链的负担,并提高可扩展性。尚未实现,开发团队包括雷电网络(Raiden Network)和移动性网络(Liquidity Network)。
以太坊最初由 Vitalik Buterin 在2013年提出。Vitalik 本是一名参与比特币社群的程序员,曾向比特币核心开发人员主张比特币平台应该要有个更完善的编程语言让人开发程序,但未得到他们的同意,因此决定开发一个新的平台作此用途[8]:88。Buterin 认为很多程序都可以用类似比特币的原理来达成进一步的发展。Buterin 在2013年写下了《以太坊白皮书》,说明了建造去中心化程序的目标。然后2014年透过网络公开募资得到开发的资金,投资人用比特币向基金会购买以太币。
最初以太坊程序是由一间位在瑞士的公司 Ethereum Switzerland GmbH 开发[11][12],之后转移至一个非营利机构“以太坊基金会”(Ethereum Foundation)。
总部设在瑞士楚格州的非营利基金会,这个基金是负责为未来加密货币研发和推进开发的其他机构分配资源的伞形公司。该基金会的董事会由Vitalik Buterin(主席),Mihai Alisie(副主席),Taylor Gerring, Stephan Tual, Joseph Lubin, Jeffrey Wilcke 还有 Gavin Wood组成。该基金会将重点放在首要的“使命”上,即,使运营机构来完成每天的日常工作。
以太坊是一个平台,它上面提供各种模块让用户来搭建应用,如果将搭建应用比作造房子,那么以太坊就提供了墙面、屋顶、地板等模块,用户只需像搭积木一样把房子搭起来,因此在以太坊上建立应用的成本和速度都大大改善。具体来说,以太坊通过一套图灵完备的脚本语言(Ethereum Virtual Machinecode,简称EVM语言)来建立应用,它类似于汇编语言。我们知道,直接用汇编语言编程是非常痛苦的,但以太坊里的编程并不需要直接使用EVM语言,而是类似C语言、Python、Lisp等高级语言,再通过编译器转成EVM语言。
2013年年末,以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin发布了以太坊初版白皮书,在全球的密码学货币社区陆续召集到一批认可以太坊理念的开发者,启动了项目。
2014年2月对于以太坊是一个非常重要的月份,以太坊的各方面都在突飞猛进:社区成长、写代码、写wiki内容、商业基础结构和法律策略。在这个月,Vitalik在迈阿密比特币会议上第一次公布了以太坊项目,并在Reddit上举办第一次“问我们任何事儿”活动,核心开发团队成为世界级的密码学货币团队。迈阿密会议后,Gavin Wood和Jeffrey Wilcke加入以太坊,进行全职工作,虽然在在这以前,他们完全出于兴趣为以太开发C++和GO客户端。
在三月初以太坊发布了第三版测试网络(POC3),并最终将以太坊总部搬到了瑞士楚格州。在六月份,团队发布POC4,并快速向POC5前进。在这期间,团队还决定将以太坊做成一个非营利性组织。四月份,Gavin Wood发布了以太坊黄皮书,这是以太坊的技术圣经,将以太坊虚拟机(EVM)等重要技术规格化。 在7月份,团队创建了瑞士以太坊基金会、发布了POC5,在24日开始了创世纪预售,同时在Reddit上组织了第二次“问我们任何事儿”。
从2014年7月24日起,以太坊进行了为期42天的以太币预售,一共募集到31,531个比特币,根据当时的比特币价格折合1843万美元,是当时排名第二大的众筹项目。预售时所使用的比特币地址是36PrZ1KHYMpqSyAQXSG8VwbUiq2EogxLo2,在比特币区块链浏览器里可以看到每一笔转入和转出。在预售前两周一个比特币可以买到2000个以太币,一个比特币能够买到的以太币数量随着时间递减,最后一周,一个比特币可以买到1337个以太币。最终售出的以太币的数量是60,102,216。另外还有0.099x(x = 60102216 为发售总量)个以太币被分配给在BTC融资之前参与开发的早期贡献者,另外一个0.099x 将分配给长期研究项目。所以以太坊正式发行时有 60102216 + 60102216 * 0.099 * 2 = 72002454个以太币。自上线时起,在POW(工作量证明机制)阶段,计划每年最多有60102216 * 0.26=15,626,576个以太币被矿工挖出。1~2年内转成POS(权益证明机制)后,每年产出的以太币将大为减少,甚至可以不再增发新币。
2014年的秋季是以太坊的收获季节,在代码和运营方面都取得了很大进展。10月5日发布了POC6。这是一个具有重要意义的版本,亮点之一是区块链速度。区块时间从60秒减少到12秒,并使用了新的基于GHOST的协议。在11月份,以太坊在柏林举办了第一次小型开发者会议(DEVCON 0)。
2015年11月9日到13日,以太坊在伦敦举行了为期五天的开发者大会(DEVCON 1),吸引了全世界三百多名开发者参加。第三次开着大会(DEVCON 2)将于2016年9月份在上海举行。
Serenity阶段发布日期尚未确定。在Serenity阶段,以太坊将从PoW转换到PoS。工作量证明意味着将电力转换为热量、以太币和网络稳定性。但是若非必要,以太坊不想因为挖矿排放过多热量,所以需要修改算法:权益证明(POS)。网络从工作量证明(POW)转换到权益证明(POS)将需要一个实质性的转换,一个转变过程,这似乎是一个长期过程,但并不是那么遥远:这类开发工作正在进行中。POW是对计算能力的严重浪费,就像民主–除了其它系统以外的最坏系统。从POW的约束中解脱出来,网络将更加快速、出块更快、更加有效、对新用户来说更加易用、更能抵制挖矿的中心化等。这将可能是像将智能合约放到区块链一样的巨大进步。 转换到POS以后,前三个阶段所需要的挖矿将被终止,新发行的以太币也将大为降低,甚至不再增发新币。
在以太坊2.0阶段,开发团队的主要目标是通过分片(sharding)方式解决可扩展性问题(Scalability),即提高区块链的处理交易处理能力,这也是所有的区块链项目致力解决的瓶颈。 预计 2017年年末发布。
获取ETH最简单的方式就是购买。 市面上有许多可以购买ETH的数字货币交易所,但用户需要根据所处地址和付款方式选择合适的交易所。
等待B 输入1000以太币。
这样的设施的基础性构件就是我们所谓的“去中心化Dropbox合约“。这个合约工作原理如下。首先,某人将需要上传的数据分成块,对每一块数据加密以保护隐私,并且以此构建一个默克尔树。然后创建一个含以下规则的合约,每N个块,合约将从默克尔树中抽取一个随机索引(使用能够被合约代码访问的上一个块的哈希来提供随机性), 然后给第一个实体X以太以支撑一个带有类似简化验证支付(SPV)的在树中特定索引处的块的所有权证明。当一个用户想重新下载他的文件,他可以使用微支付通道协议(例如每32k字节支付1萨博)恢复文件;从费用上讲最高效的方法是支付者不到最后不发布交易,而是用一个略微更合算的带有同样随机数的交易在每32k字节之后来代替原交易。
通常意义上“去中心化自治组织(DAO, decentralized autonomous organization)”的概念指的是一个拥有一定数量成员或股东的虚拟实体,依靠比如67%多数来决定花钱以及修改代码。成员会集体决定组织如何分配资金。分配资金的方法可能是悬赏,工资或者更有吸引力的机制比如用内部货币奖励工作。这仅仅使用密码学块链技术就从根本上复制了传统公司或者非营利组织的法律意义以实现强制执行。至此许多围绕DAO的讨论都是围绕一个带有接受分红的股东和可交易的股份的“去中心化自治公司(DAC,decentralized autonomous corporation)”的“资本家”模式;作为替代者,一个被描述为“去中心化自治社区(decentralized autonomous community)”的实体将使所有成员都在决策上拥有同等的权利并且在增减成员时要求67%多数同意。每个人都只能拥有一个成员资格这一规则需要被群体强制实施。
[0,i,K,V] 注册索引为i 的对存储地址索引为K 至 v 的内容的更改建议。
[0,i] 注册对建议i 的投票。
[2,i] 如有足够投票则确认建议i。
然后合约对每一项都有具体的条款。它将维护一个所有开放存储的更改记录以及一个谁投票表决的表。还有一个所有成员的表。当任何存储内容的更改获得了三分之二多数同意,一个最终的交易将执行这项更改。一个更加复杂的框架会增加内置的选举功能以实现如发送交易,增减成员,甚至提供委任制民主一类的投票代表(即任何人都可以委托另外一个人来代表自己投票,而且这种委托关系是可以传递的,所以如果A委托了B然后B委托了C那么C将决定A的投票)。这种设计将使DAO作为一个去中心化社区有机地成长, 使人们最终能够把挑选合适人选的任务交给专家,与当前系统不同,随着社区成员不断改变他们的站队假以时日专家会容易地出现和消失。
进一步的应用 1. 储蓄钱包。 假设Alice想确保她的资金安全,但她担心丢失或者被黑客盗走私钥。她把以太币放到和Bob签订的一个合约里,如下所示,这合同是一个银行: ``` Alice单独每天最多可提取1%的资金。 Bob单独每天最多可提取1%的资金,但Alice可以用她的私钥创建一个交易取消Bob的提现权限。 Alice 和 Bob 一起可以任意提取资金。 一般来讲,每天1%对Alice足够了,如果Alice想提现更多她可以联系Bob寻求帮助。如果Alice的私钥被盗,她可以立即找到Bob把她的资金转移到一个新合同里。如果她弄丢了她的私钥,Bob可以慢慢地把钱提出。如果Bob表现出了恶意,她可以关掉他的提现权限。 ``` 2. 作物保险。一个人可以很容易地以天气情况而不是任何价格指数作为数据输入来创建一个金融衍生品合约。如果一个爱荷华的农民购买了一个基于爱荷华的降雨情况进行反向赔付的金融衍生品,那么如果遇到干旱,该农民将自动地收到赔付资金而如果有足量的降雨他会很开心因为他的作物收成会很好。 3. 一个去中心化的数据发布器。 对于基于差异的金融合约,事实上通过过“谢林点”协议将数据发布器去中心化是可能的。谢林点的工作原理如下:N方为某个指定的数据提供输入值到系统(例如ETH/USD价格),所有的值被排序,每个提供25%到75%之间的值的节点都会获得奖励,每个人都有激励去提供他人将提供的答案,大量玩家可以真正同意的答案明显默认就是正确答案,这构造了一个可以在理论上提供很多数值,包括ETH/USD价格,柏林的温度甚至某个特别困难的计算的结果的去中心化协议。 4. 多重签名智能契约。比特币允许基于多重签名的交易合约,例如,5把私钥里集齐3把就可以使用资金。以太坊可以做得更细化,例如,5把私钥里集齐4把可以花全部资金,如果只3把则每天最多花10%的资金,只有2把就只能每天花0.5%的资金。另外,以太坊里的多重签名是异步的,意思是说,双方可以在不同时间在区块链上注册签名,最后一个签名到位后就会自动发送交易。 5. 云计算。EVM技术还可被用来创建一个可验证的计算环境,允许用户邀请他人进行计算然后选择性地要求提供在一定的随机选择的检查点上计算被正确完成的证据。这使得创建一个任何用户都可以用他们的台式机,笔记本电脑或者专用服务器参与的云计算市场成为可能,现场检查和安全保证金可以被用来确保系统是值得信任的(即没有节点可以因欺骗获利)。虽然这样一个系统可能并不适用所有任务;例如,需要高级进程间通信的任务就不易在一个大的节点云上完成。然而一些其它的任务就很容易实现并行;[email protected], [email protected]和基因算法这样的项目就很容易在这样的平台上进行。 6. 点对点赌博。任意数量的点对点赌博协议都可以搬到以太坊的区块链上,例如Frank Stajano和Richard Clayton的Cyberdice。 最简单的赌博协议事实上是这样一个简单的合约,它用来赌下一个区块的哈稀值与猜测值之间的差额, 据此可以创建更复杂的赌博协议,以实现近乎零费用和无欺骗的赌博服务。 7. 预测市场。 不管是有神谕还是有谢林币,预测市场都会很容易实现,带有谢林币的预测市场可能会被证明是第一个主流的作为去中心化组织管理协议的“ futarchy”应用。 8. 链上去中心化市场,以身份和信誉系统为基础。
简单的成本计算公式:显卡算力÷显卡价钱=每1块钱获得的算力。比如我们一张r x 5 8 0配备8 g内存的显卡,未超频挖取以太币算力是2 2 m h z / s , 价 钱 是 2 2 0 0 人 民 币 , 那 么 每 1 块 钱 获 得 的 算 力 就 是22/2200=0.01,那么超频后基本可以达到平均28.5mhz/s的算力,这样情况下每1块钱获得的算力就是28.5/2200=0.01295。
硬件准备:显卡挖矿不需要很大的PCIE带宽,主板上具备PCI-E 1X即可满足带宽要求。一般主板上具有3-5个PCI-E 1X接口,1个PCI-E16X接口,此外主板上具有大4PIN供电接口对稳定性有一定的提升。PCI-E1X需要淘宝购买1X转16X延长线。
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1. Purchase Ethereum through the trading platform
Trading platform
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Uniswap (V2)Uniswap is a protocol for automatically exchanging tokens on Ethereum. It was launched on November 2, 2018. Uniswap describes itself as a simple smart contract interface for exchanging ERC20 tokens. It has a formal model for pooling liquidity reserves. It serves as an open source front-end interface for traders and liquidity providers, committed to providing free and decentralized asset exchange.
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DappRadar-ETHETH decentralized trading aggregation platform
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TraderJoeTrader Joe is your one-stop decentralized trading platform on the Avalanche network.
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RaydiumRaydium AcceleRaytor is the IDO platform of the automated market maker Raydium. The platform currently has 7 successful IDO projects, including the recently popular blockchain game StarAtlas, which also chose to conduct its IDO on Raydium.
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Digital Wallet
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WalletconnectWalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are symmetrically encrypted using a shared key between the two peers. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.
imTokenimToken is a digital asset wallet whose blockchain supports multiple chains. Such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cosmos, etc., it can help manage accounts and assets on the blockchain very simply and securely. Additionally, it has a built-in Dapp browser.
Trust walletTrust Wallet is a decentralized mobile wallet application acquired by Binance, the world's largest crypto asset exchange. Trust Wallet supports purchasing and storing digital currencies, viewing prices, transactions, and more. Additionally, it is a decentralized application (dApp) browser with built-in dAppThe browser can communicate with dApps so users can trade cryptocurrencies and collectibles directly from their smartphone or tablet.
TokenPocketTokenPocket is a multi-chain digital wallet.
MathwalletMathwallet is a multi-platform (mobile/desktop/hardware) universal encryption wallet. Math Wallet supports storage of more than 50 blockchains and more than 3,000 tokens.
Binance WalletBinance Wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet for Binance Chain, Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum. It is a one-stop gateway to store, exchange and earn cryptocurrencies. It supports Firefox, Chrome and Brave browsers.
HyperPayHyperPay is a four-in-one digital asset wallet that innovatively integrates managed wallets, self-managed wallets, co-managed wallets, and hardware wallets.
MetaMaskMetaMask is the most popular browser plug-in wallet that supports multiple chains. It allows users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem, which hosts a large number of decentralized applications (Dapps), without downloading the entire blockchain on their devices. Therefore, it is one of the best Ethereum wallet solutions that provides easy access to decentralized exchanges (DEX), gaming platforms, and many other applications. Currently, mobile products have been developed.
WalletconnectWalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are symmetrically encrypted using a shared key between the two peers. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.
imTokenimToken is a digital asset wallet whose blockchain supports multiple chains. Such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cosmos, etc., it can help manage accounts and assets on the blockchain very simply and securely. Additionally, it has a built-in Dapp browser.
TokenPocketTokenPocket is a multi-chain digital wallet.
MathwalletMathwallet is a multi-platform (mobile/desktop/hardware) universal encryption wallet. Math Wallet supports storage of more than 50 blockchains and more than 3,000 tokens.
Binance WalletBinance Wallet is Binance Chain, Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum cryptocurrency wallet. It is a one-stop gateway to store, exchange and earn cryptocurrencies. It supports Firefox, Chrome and Brave browsers.
HyperPayHyperPay is a four-in-one digital asset wallet that innovatively integrates managed wallets, self-managed wallets, co-managed wallets, and hardware wallets.
MyetherwalletMEW (MyEtherWallet) is a free client interface that helps you interact with the Ethereum blockchain. Our easy-to-use open source platform allows you to generate wallets, interact with smart contracts, and more.
PortisPeople expect a simple and familiar way to load and use applications. Setting up a wallet, signing transactions, and paying gas fees can be intimidating for mainstream users. Your Dapp (decentralized application) communicates with the Portis SDK using standard web3.js methods, which means it will automatically work with your existing code. Users don’t need to install anything in advance to use your DApp. With Portis, your DApp is already bundled with the solution, giving them a simple in-browser email/password login method that feels familiar.
RainbowRainbow is a fun, easy, and secure way to create an Ethereum wallet, collect NFTs, and explore the new world of Web3.
ArgentArgent is an Ethereum-based mobile wallet that helps users easily manage crypto assets and identities. There are no mnemonics, gas fees or long addresses. It is simple, secure and fully distributed.
Ethereum Ethereum WalletEthereum is the community-run technology that powers the cryptocurrency Ethereum (ETH) and thousands of decentralized applications.
CoinbaseCoinbase wallet supports over 4,000 tokens and an entire world of decentralized applications
MetaMaskMetaMask is the most popular browser plug-in wallet that supports multiple chains. It allows users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem, which hosts a large number of decentralized applications (Dapps), without downloading the entire blockchain on their devices. Therefore, it is one of the best Ethereum wallet solutions that provides easy access to decentralized exchanges (DEX), gaming platforms, and many other applications. Currently, mobile products have been developed.
WalletconnectWalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are passed through two peersSymmetric encryption using a shared key between parties. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.
imTokenimToken is a digital asset wallet whose blockchain supports multiple chains. Such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cosmos, etc., it can help manage accounts and assets on the blockchain very simply and securely. Additionally, it has a built-in Dapp browser.
TokenPocketTokenPocket is a multi-chain digital wallet.
MathwalletMathwallet is a multi-platform (mobile/desktop/hardware) universal encryption wallet. Math Wallet supports storage of more than 50 blockchains and more than 3,000 tokens.
PortisPeople expect a simple and familiar way to load and use applications. Setting up a wallet, signing transactions, and paying gas fees can be intimidating for mainstream users. Your Dapp (decentralized application) communicates with the Portis SDK using standard web3.js methods, which means it will automatically work with your existing code. Users don’t need to install anything in advance to use your DApp. With Portis, your DApp is already bundled with the solution, giving them a simple in-browser email/password login method that feels familiar.
Wallet-AVAX WalletAvalanche Wallet is a simple, secure, non-custodial wallet for storing Avalanche assets.
MetaMaskMetaMask is the most popular browser plug-in wallet that supports multiple chains. It allows users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem, which hosts a large number of decentralized applications (Dapps), without downloading the entire blockchain on their devices. Therefore, it is one of the best Ethereum wallet solutions that provides easy access to decentralized exchanges (DEX), gaming platforms, and many other applications. Currently, mobile products have been developed.
WalletconnectWalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are symmetrically encrypted using a shared key between the two peers. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.
imTokenimToken is a digital asset wallet whose blockchain supports multiple chains. Such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cosmos, etc., it can helpVery simply and securely manage accounts and assets on the blockchain. Additionally, it has a built-in Dapp browser.
TokenPocketTokenPocket is a multi-chain digital wallet.
MathwalletMathwallet is a multi-platform (mobile/desktop/hardware) universal encryption wallet. Math Wallet supports storage of more than 50 blockchains and more than 3,000 tokens.
MetaMaskMetaMask is the most popular browser plug-in wallet that supports multiple chains. It allows users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem, which hosts a large number of decentralized applications (Dapps), without downloading the entire blockchain on their devices. Therefore, it is one of the best Ethereum wallet solutions that provides easy access to decentralized exchanges (DEX), gaming platforms, and many other applications. Currently, mobile products have been developed.
WalletconnectWalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are symmetrically encrypted using a shared key between the two peers. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.
imTokenimToken is a digital asset wallet whose blockchain supports multiple chains. Such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cosmos, etc., it can help manage accounts and assets on the blockchain very simply and securely. Additionally, it has a built-in Dapp browser.
TokenPocketTokenPocket is a multi-chain digital wallet.
MathwalletMathwallet is a multi-platform (mobile/desktop/hardware) universal encryption wallet. Math Wallet supports storage of more than 50 blockchains and more than 3,000 tokens.
SlopeSlope Finance is a community-driven, full-stack platform consisting of DEX, wallet and NFT sectors built on Solana, providing users with blazing speeds, near-zero transaction fees and Intuitive interface. Our goal is to build a
PhantomPhantom is an extension for accessing distributed applications deployed on the Solana blockchain. The extension injects an object into each website's javascript context so that decentralized applications can interact with your wallet and you can interact with the application. Phantom also allows users to create and manage their own identities (via private keys, mnemonics, and hardware wallets like Ledger), so when goingWhen a centralized application wants to execute a transaction and write it to the blockchain, the user can get a secure interface to review the transaction, before approving or rejecting it. Because it adds functionality to a normal browser context, Phantom requires permission to read and write any web page. Security is taken very seriously, and Phantom code has been audited by top auditing firms.
MetaXDigital currency wallet, DApp entrance, NFT world - everything you want
MetaMaskMetaMask is the most popular browser plug-in wallet that supports multiple chains. It allows users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem, which hosts a large number of decentralized applications (Dapps), without downloading the entire blockchain on their devices. Therefore, it is one of the best Ethereum wallet solutions that provides easy access to decentralized exchanges (DEX), gaming platforms, and many other applications. Currently, mobile products have been developed.
WalletconnectWalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are symmetrically encrypted using a shared key between the two peers. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.
Scientists grab coinsUse scientific tools to grab coins quickly
Intelligent whole-chain import into walletAfter clicking Connect Wallet on the upper right, you can directly import the network to your metamask wallet. One-click to add the entire network smart chain to the Little Fox Wallet, a multi-functional adding tool. Chainlist Helps users connect to EVM powered networks Chainlist is a list of EVM networks. Users can use this information to connect their wallets and Web3 middleware providers to the appropriate chain ID and network ID to connect to the correct chain.
GEMITWallet Check is a tool that helps traders make day-to-day decisions about the investments they make. In just a few simple steps, you can quickly get information about your current profit and loss, as well as reflected profits for each position in your wallet on Binance Smart Chain.
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Batch balance queryUsed for batch query of wallet balance
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Google AuthenticatorEnable Google's two-step login verification for encrypted account login security
2. Purchase ETH through the tutorial< /p>
Ethereum (English: Ethereum) is an open source public blockchain platform with smart contract functions. It provides a decentralized virtual machine (called the Ethereum Virtual Machine) through its dedicated cryptocurrency Ether (also known as "Ether") to process peer-to-peer contracts.
The concept of Ethereum was first proposed by programmer Vitalik Buterin between 2013 and 2014 after being inspired by Bitcoin. It roughly means "the next generation of cryptocurrency and decentralized application platform". ICO crowdfunding began to develop.
As of June 2018, Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency by market value. Ethereum is also known as the "second-generation blockchain platform", second only to Bitcoin.
Compared to most other cryptocurrencies or blockchain technologies, the characteristics of Ethereum include the following:
Smart contract: a program stored on the blockchain, controlled by each To run a node, the person running the program needs to pay a handling fee to the miner or stakeholder of the node.
Tokens: Smart contracts can create tokens for use by distributed applications. Tokenization of distributed applications aligns the interests of users, investors, and managers. Tokens can also be used to conduct initial coin offerings.
Uncle block: Incorporate shorter blockchains that were not included in the parent chain in time due to slow speed to increase transaction volume. The related technology of directed acyclic graph is used.
Proof-of-stake: More efficient than proof-of-work, it can save a lot of computer resources wasted in mining and avoid network centralization caused by special application integrated circuits. (Under testing)
Branch chain (Plasma): Use smaller branch blockchain operations and only write the final results to the main chain, which can increase the workload per unit time. (Not yet implemented)
State channels: The principle is similar to Bitcoin’s Lightning Network, which can increase transaction speed, reduce the burden on the blockchain, and improve scalability. Not yet implemented, the development team includes Raiden Network and Liquidity Network.
Sharding: Reduce the amount of data recorded by each node and improve efficiency through parallel operations (not yet implemented).
Distributed applications: Distributed applications on Ethereum will not downtime and cannot be shut down.
Ethereum was originally proposed by Vitalik Buterin in 2013. Vitalik is a programmer involved in the Bitcoin community. He once suggested to the Bitcoin core developers that the Bitcoin platform should have a more complete programming language for people to develop programs, but he did not get their consent, so he decided to develop one. New platforms for this purpose [8]:88. Buterin believes that many programs can use principles similar to Bitcoin to achieve further development. Buterin wrote the "Ethereum White Paper" in 2013, outlining the goals of building decentralized programs. Then in 2014, development funds were obtained through public fundraising on the Internet, and investors used Bitcoin to purchase Ethereum from the foundation.
The original Ethereum program was developed by Ethereum Switzerland GmbH, a company in Switzerland[11][12], and was later transferred to a non-profit organization "Ethereum Foundation".
When the platform began to develop, some people praised Ethereum's technological innovation, but others questioned its security and scalability.
Bitcoin pioneered the decentralized cryptocurrency and has fully tested the feasibility and security of blockchain technology for more than five years. The Bitcoin blockchain is actually a set of distributed databases. If you add a symbol - Bitcoin, and stipulate a set of protocols so that this symbol can be safely transferred on the database without trusting a third party , the combination of these characteristics perfectly constructs a currency transmission system-the Bitcoin network.
However, Bitcoin is not perfect. The scalability of the protocol is a shortcoming. For example, there is only one symbol in the Bitcoin network-Bitcoin. Users cannot customize other symbols. These symbols can represent the company's stocks. , or debt certificates, etc., which loses some functions. In addition, the Bitcoin protocol uses a stack-based scripting language. Although this language has a certain degree of flexibility, allowing functions such as multi-signatures to be implemented, it is not sufficient to build more advanced applications, such as decentralized exchanges. wait. Ethereum is designed to solve the problem of insufficient scalability of Bitcoin.
In early 2016, Ethereum’s technology was recognized by the market and its price began to skyrocket, attracting a large number of people other than developers to enter the world of Ethereum. Huobi and OKCoin, two of China's three major Bitcoin exchanges, both officially launched Ethereum on May 31, 2017.
Since entering 2016, those who follow the digital currency industry closely have eagerly observed the development of the second-generation cryptocurrency platform Ethereum.
As a relatively new development project utilizing Bitcoin technology, Ethereum is committed to implementing a global decentralized and ownership-free digital computer to execute peer-to-peer contracts. Simply put, Ethereum is a world computer that you cannot turn off. Crypto-architecture and the creation of Turing completenessNew combinations can promote the emergence of a large number of new industries. In turn, traditional industries are under increasing pressure to innovate and are even at risk of becoming obsolete.
The Bitcoin network is actually a distributed database, while Ethereum goes one step further. It can be regarded as a distributed computer: the blockchain is the ROM of the computer, the contract is the program, and Ethereum The miners are responsible for calculations and play the role of CPU. This computer is not and cannot be free to use, otherwise anyone can store all kinds of junk information in it and perform all kinds of trivial calculations. Using it requires at least paying computing fees and storage fees, and of course there are other fees. .
The most well-known is the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance established in early 2017 by more than 20 of the world's top financial institutions and technology companies, including JPMorgan Chase, Chicago Exchange Group, Bank of New York Mellon, Thomson Reuters, Microsoft, Intel, and Accenture. Ethereum, the cryptocurrency spawned by Ethereum, has recently become the most popular asset after Bitcoin.
Ethereum Foundation:
A non-profit foundation based in the canton of Zug, Switzerland, this foundation is an umbrella company responsible for allocating resources for future cryptocurrency research and development and other institutions advancing its development. The Foundation's Board of Directors consists of Vitalik Buterin (Chairman), Mihai Alisie (Vice Chairman), Taylor Gerring, Stephan Tual, Joseph Lubin, Jeffrey Wilcke and Gavin Wood. The foundation focuses on its overarching "mission," which is to enable operations to accomplish the day-to-day work of the organization.
Ethereum Switzerland Ltd.:
A company based in Switzerland that will be responsible for operating a portion of the 2014 fiscal year in order to lead the launch of the Genesis Blockchain. The company is 100% controlled by the Ethereum Foundation and plans to cease operations after the release of the Genesis Blockchain.
Functional Application
Ethereum is a platform that provides various modules for users to build applications. If building applications is compared to building a house, then Ethereum provides the walls. , roof, floor and other modules, users only need to build the house like building blocks, so the cost and speed of building applications on Ethereum are greatly improved. Specifically, Ethereum uses a Turing-complete scripting language (Ethereum Virtual Machinecode, EVM language for short) to build applications, which is similar to assembly language. We know that programming directly in assembly language is very painful, but programming in Ethereum does not require direct use of the EVM language, but high-level languages such as C language, Python, and Lisp, which are then converted into the EVM language through a compiler.
The applications on the platform mentioned above are actually contracts, which are the core of Ethereum. The contract is an automatic agent living in the Ethereum system. He has his own Ethereum address. When the user submits a request to the contract,After a transaction is sent to the contract's address, the contract is activated, and then based on the additional information in the transaction, the contract will run its own code and finally return a result, which may be another transaction sent from the contract's address. It should be pointed out that transactions in Ethereum are not just about sending Ether coins, they can also embed considerable additional information. If a transaction is sent to a contract, then this information is very important, because the contract will complete its own business logic based on this information.
The services that contracts can provide are almost endless, and its boundary is your imagination, because the Turing-complete language provides complete freedom, allowing users to build various applications. The white paper gives several examples, such as savings accounts, user-defined sub-currencies, etc.
At the end of 2013, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, released the first version of the white paper of Ethereum. A group of developers who recognized the concept of Ethereum were gathered in the global cryptocurrency community and the project was launched.
During the period from December 2013 to January 2014, Ethereum’s focus was on how to launch the vision described by Vitalik in the Ethereum white paper. The team ultimately agreed that the Genesis pre-sale was a good idea. After long-term, multi-level discussions, and in order to create a suitable infrastructure and legal strategy, the team decided to postpone the Ethereum pre-sale originally scheduled for February 2014.
February 2014 is a very important month for Ethereum. All aspects of Ethereum are making rapid progress: community growth, writing code, writing wiki content, business infrastructure and legal strategy. This month, Vitalik announced the Ethereum project for the first time at the Miami Bitcoin Conference and held the first "Ask Us Anything" event on Reddit, turning the core development team into a world-class cryptocurrency team. After the Miami conference, Gavin Wood and Jeffrey Wilcke joined Ethereum to work full-time, although before that, they developed C++ and GO clients for Ethereum purely out of interest.
In early March, Ethereum released the third version of the test network (POC3), and eventually moved the Ethereum headquarters to the canton of Zug, Switzerland. In June, the team released POC4 and quickly moved towards POC5. During this period, the team also decided to make Ethereum a non-profit organization. In April, Gavin Wood released the Ethereum Yellow Paper, which is the technical bible of Ethereum and standardizes important technologies such as the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). In July, the team created the Swiss Ethereum Foundation, released POC5, started the Genesis pre-sale on the 24th, and organized the second "Ask Us Anything" on Reddit.
Starting from July 24, 2014, Ethereum conducted a 42-day Ethereum pre-sale, raising a total of 31,531 Bitcoins, which was equivalent to US$18.43 million based on the Bitcoin price at the time.The second largest crowdfunding project at the time. The Bitcoin address used during the pre-sale is 36PrZ1KHYMpqSyAQXSG8VwbUiq2EogxLo2. You can see every transfer in and out in the Bitcoin blockchain browser. In the two weeks before the pre-sale, one Bitcoin could buy 2,000 Ethereum coins. The number of Ethereum coins that one Bitcoin could buy decreased over time. In the last week, one Bitcoin could buy 1,337 Ethereum coins. The final number of ether sold was 60,102,216. In addition, 0.099x (x = 60102216 is the total amount of the sale) Ether coins will be allocated to early contributors who participated in the development before BTC financing, and another 0.099x will be allocated to long-term research projects. Therefore, when Ethereum was officially released, there were 60102216 + 60102216 * 0.099 * 2 = 72002454 Ethereum coins. From the time of launch, in the POW (proof of work mechanism) stage, it is planned that up to 60102216 * 0.26 = 15,626,576 Ether coins will be mined by miners every year. After converting to POS (Proof of Stake mechanism) within 1 to 2 years, the annual output of Ethereum coins will be greatly reduced, and no new coins may even be issued.
The autumn of 2014 was the harvest season for Ethereum, with great progress made in both code and operations. POC6 was released on October 5th. This is a significant release, and one of the highlights is blockchain speed. Block time was reduced from 60 seconds to 12 seconds and a new GHOST-based protocol was used. In November, Ethereum held its first small developer conference (DEVCON 0) in Berlin.
In January 2015, the team released POC7, and in February, the team released POC8. In March, the team issued a series of announcements about the release of the Genesis block, and POC9 was also under intense development. In May, the team released the last test network (POC9), codenamed Olympic. In order to better test the network, during the Olympic phase, members who participate in the test network will receive Ethereum rewards from the team. There are many forms of rewards, including test mining rewards and bug submission rewards.
After nearly two years of rigorous testing, the team released the official Ethereum network at the end of July, which also marked the official operation of the Ethereum blockchain. The release of Ethereum is divided into four stages, namely Frontier, Homestead, Metropolis and Serenity. In the first three stages, the Ethereum consensus algorithm adopts the proof-of-work mechanism (POW). In the fourth stage, it will switch to the proof-of-stake mechanism (POS).
On July 30, 2015, Ethereum released the Frontier phase. The Frontier phase is the initial version of Ethereum and is not a completely reliable and secure network. Frontier is a blank version of the Ethereum network: an interface for mining and a method for uploading and executing contracts. The main purpose of Frontier is to get mining and exchange trading up and running, so that the community can run mining equipment, and to start building an environment where people can test distributed applications (DApps). Since the Ethereum client in the Frontier stage only has a command line interface and no graphical interface, it is the main developer at this stage. With the release of Frontier, Ethereum also began to be traded on exchanges around the world. In early 2016, the price of Ethereum began to skyrocket, and Ethereum's technical strength began to be recognized in the market, attracting a large number of people other than developers to enter the world of Ethereum. In addition, the number of Ether coins mined by miners per year at this stage is approximately 10 million, which is less than the originally planned 15 million per year.
From November 9th to 13th, 2015, Ethereum held a five-day developer conference (DEVCON 1) in London, attracting more than 300 developers from all over the world. The third open conference (DEVCON 2) will be held in Shanghai in September 2016.
On March 14, 2016 (Pi Day), Ethereum launched the Homestead phase. Compared with the Frontier phase, the Homestead phase has no obvious technical milestones. It just shows that the Ethereum network has been running smoothly and is no longer an unsafe and unreliable network. At this stage, Ethereum provides a graphical interface wallet, and the ease of use has been greatly improved. Ethereum is no longer exclusive to developers, and ordinary users can also easily experience and use Ethereum.
Metropolis phase release date has not yet been determined. In the Metropolis stage, the team will finally officially release a relatively complete user interface designed for non-technical users, that is, the release of the Mist browser. The team expects that the release of Mist will include a decentralized application store and some well-functioning and well-designed basic applications, demonstrating the power of the Ethereum network. Mist browser will be very easy to use, anyone who knows how to use ordinary browser will use Mist. On the Ethereum platform, decentralized applications developed by third-party developers for ordinary users are gradually increasing. Ethereum is not only a development platform, but also gradually becoming an application market, in which developers and users are indispensable parts.
Serenity phase release date has not yet been determined. During the Serenity phase, Ethereum will transition from PoW to PoS. Proof of work means converting electricity into heat, ether, and network stability. However, if it is not necessary, Ethereum does not want to emit too much heat due to mining, so it needs to modify the algorithm: Proof of Stake (POS). The network's transition from Proof-of-Work (POW) to Proof-of-Stake (POS) will require a substantial transition, a transformation process that seems to be a long-term process, but is not that far off: this type of development work is ongoing.POW is a gross waste of computing power, just like democracy - the worst system except for other systems. Freed from the constraints of POW, the network will be faster, block generation will be faster, more efficient, easier to use for new users, and more resistant to the centralization of mining. This will potentially be a huge step forward like putting smart contracts on the blockchain. After switching to POS, the mining required in the first three stages will be terminated, and the number of newly issued Ethereum coins will also be greatly reduced, or even no new coins will be issued.
In the Ethereum 2.0 stage, the main goal of the development team is to solve the scalability problem (Scalability) through sharding, that is, to improve the transaction processing capacity of the blockchain. This is also the case for all blockchain projects. Bottlenecks that are committed to solving. It is expected to be released in late 2017.
How to get ETH?
The easiest way to obtain ETH is to buy it. There are many digital currency exchanges on the market where you can buy ETH, but users need to choose the appropriate exchange based on their address and payment method.
In the Ethereum system, state is represented by objects called "accounts" (each account consists of a 20-byte address) and transfers value and information between two accounts. composed of state transitions. An Ethereum account consists of four parts:
A random number, a counter used to determine that each transaction can only be processed once
The current Ethereum balance of the account
The contract code of the account, if any
br>Account storage (default is empty)
Ether is the main cryptographic fuel within Ethereum and is used to pay transaction fees. Generally speaking, Ethereum has two types of accounts: externally owned accounts (controlled by private keys) and contract accounts (controlled by contract code). Externally owned accounts have no code, and people can send messages from an external account by creating and signing a transaction. Whenever a contract account receives a message, the code inside the contract is activated, allowing it to read and write internal storage, send other messages or create contracts.
Messages and Transactions
Ethereum’s messages are similar to Bitcoin’s transactions to some extent, but there are three important differences between the two. First, Ethereum messages can be created by external entities or contracts, whereas Bitcoin transactions can only be created externally. Second, Ethereum messages can optionally contain data. Third, if the recipient of the Ethereum message is a contract account, it can choose to respond, which means that the Ethereum message also contains the concept of functions.
A "transaction" in Ethereum refers to a signed data packet that stores messages sent from an external account. A transaction contains the recipient of the message, a signature confirming the sender, the ether account balance, the data to be sent, and two values called STARTGAS and GASPRICE. To prevent exponential explosions and infinite loops of code, each transaction requires a calculation of the computational steps caused by executing the code - including the initial message and all messages raised in the execution -Make restrictions. STARTGAS is the limit, and GASPRICE is the fee that miners need to pay for each calculation step. If the gas "runs out" during the execution of a transaction, all status changes will be restored to their original status, but the transaction fees paid will not be recovered. If there is any gas remaining when the execution of the transaction is aborted, then this gas will be returned to the sender. There are separate transaction types and corresponding message types for creating contracts; the address of the contract is calculated based on the account random number and the hash of the transaction data.
An important consequence of the messaging mechanism is the "first-class citizen" property of Ethereum - contracts have the same rights as external accounts, including the rights to send messages and create other contracts. This allows the contract to play multiple different roles at the same time. For example, a user can make a member of the decentralized organization (one contract) an intermediary account (another contract) for a paranoid user using a customized quantum proof-based orchid. The person who signs Porter (the third contract) intermediaries with a co-signing entity that itself uses an account secured by five private keys (the fourth contract). The power of the Ethereum platform is that decentralized organizations and agency contracts do not need to care what type of account each participant in the contract has.
Generally speaking, there are three types of applications on Ethereum. The first category is financial applications that provide users with more powerful ways to manage and participate in contracts with their money. These include sub-currencies, financial derivatives, hedging contracts, savings wallets, wills, and even some types of full-scale employment contracts. The second category is semi-financial applications, where there is money present but there is also a heavy non-monetary aspect, a perfect example being self-imposed bounties for solving computational problems. Finally, there are completely non-financial applications like online voting and decentralized governance.
Token Systems
On-chain token systems have many applications, from sub-currencies representing assets like USD or gold to company shares, where individual tokens represent smart assets, secure, unforgeable offers Vouchers, or even token systems for point rewards that have nothing to do with traditional value. Implementing a token system in Ethereum is surprisingly easy. The key point is to understand that all currency or token systems are fundamentally a database with the following operation: subtract X units from A and add X units to B, provided that (1) A There are at least X units before the transaction and (2) the transaction is approved by A. Implementing a token system is to implement such logic into a contract.
The basic code for implementing a token system in the Serpent language is as follows:
This is essentially a "banking system" state transition function that will be further described in this article Minimal implementation. Some additional code would need to be added to provide functionality for initial and other edge cases of currency distribution, ideally a function would be added to allow other contracts to query the balance of an address. Will suffice. In theory, an Ethereum-based sub-currencyThe token system could include an important feature that Bitcoin-based on-chain metacoins lack: the ability to pay transaction fees directly with the currency. This capability is achieved by maintaining an Ethereum account within the contract that is used to pay transaction fees to the sender, by collecting the internal currency used to serve as transaction fees and auctioning them off in a continuously running auction. Continuously fund this Ethereum account. This way users need to "activate" their account with Ethereum, but once there is Ethereum in the account it will be reused as the contract will recharge it each time.
Financial derivatives and currencies with stable value
Financial derivatives are the most common application of "smart contracts" and one of the easiest to implement with code. The main challenge in implementing financial contracts is that most of them require reference to an external price publisher; for example, a very high-demand application is a smart contract for hedging the price fluctuations of Ethereum (or other cryptocurrencies) against the US dollar. , but the contract needs to know the price of ether relative to the dollar. The simplest way is through a "data provider" contract maintained by a specific organization (such as Nasdaq). The contract is designed so that the organization can update the contract as needed, and provides an interface that allows other contracts to send a Message to the contract to get a reply containing price information.
When these key elements are in place, the hedging contract will look like this:
Waiting for A to input 1,000 ether. .
Waiting for B to enter 1000 Ether.
By querying the data provider contract, record the USD value of 1000 Ether, for example, x USD, to memory.
After 30 days, A or B are allowed to "reactivate" the contract to send $x worth of ether (requery the data providing contract to get the new price and calculate it) to A and send the remaining ether to B.
Such a contract has extraordinary potential in cryptographic commerce. One of the issues that cryptocurrencies are often criticized for is the volatility of their prices; although a large number of users and merchants may need the security and convenience brought by cryptographic assets, they are not willing to face a 23% drop in assets in one day. value situation. Until now, the most common proposed solution was issuer-backed assets; the idea was that the issuer created a sub-currency, for which they had the right to issue and redeem, giving them (offline) a unit of a specific underlying asset (e.g. gold, dollar) one unit sub-currency. The issuer promises that when anyone returns a unit of cryptographic assets. Return the underlying assets of a unit. This mechanism enables any non-cryptographic asset to be "upgraded" to a cryptographic asset if the issuer is trustworthy.
However, in practice, issuers are not always trustworthy, and in some cases the banking system is too fragile or not honest enough for such services to exist. Financial derivatives offer an alternative. There will no longer be a single issuer providing reserves to back an asset, but instead a pool of betsA decentralized market composed of speculators where the price of cryptographic assets will rise. Unlike issuers, speculators have no bargaining rights because the hedging contract has their reserves locked into the contract. Note that this approach is not completely decentralized, as a trusted source of price information is still required, although it is argued that this still reduces infrastructure requirements (unlike an issuer, a price publisher does not require license and appears to be classified as free speech) and a huge step forward in reducing the risk of potential fraud.
Identity and Reputation Systems
The earliest altcoin, Namecoin, attempted to use a Bitcoin-like blockchain to provide a name registration system where users could register their names along with other data. A public database registration. The most common use case is a domain name like "bitcoin.org" (or in Namecoin, "bitcoin.bit") corresponding to a domain name system with an IP address. Other use cases include email verification systems and potentially more advanced reputation systems. Here is the basic contract in Ethereum that provides a name registration system similar to Namecoin:
The contract is very simple; it is an Ethereum network that can be added but cannot be Database modified or removed. Anyone can register a name as a value and it will never change. A more complex name registration contract would contain "functional clauses" that allow querying by other contracts, as well as a mechanism for the "owner" of a name (i.e. the first registrant) to modify data or transfer ownership. You can even add reputation and trust network features on top of it.
Decentralized Storage
A number of popular online file storage startups have emerged over the past few years, the most prominent being Dropbox, which seeks to provide backup storage by allowing users to upload backups of their hard drives Services and allowing users to access and thereby charging users a monthly fee. However, the file storage market is sometimes relatively inefficient at this point; a cursory look at existing services suggests that, particularly at the "uncanny valley" 20-200GB level where there is neither free space nor enterprise-level user discounts, mainstream The monthly price for file storage costs means paying the cost of an entire hard drive in one month. Ethereum contracts allow the development of a decentralized storage ecosystem where users can earn a small amount of revenue by renting out their own hard drives or unused network space, thus reducing the cost of file storage.
The fundamental building block of such a facility is what we call a "decentralized Dropbox contract". This contract works as follows. First, someone divides the data that needs to be uploaded into chunks, encrypts each chunk to protect privacy, and builds a Merkle tree out of this. Then create a contract with the following rules. Every N blocks, the contract will extract a random index from the Merkle tree (using the hash of the previous block that can be accessed by the contract code to provide randomness), and then give the first entitiesto support a proof of ownership of a block at a specific index in the tree with something like Simplified Verification Payments (SPV). When a user wants to re-download his file, he can restore the file using a micropayment channel protocol (e.g. paying 1 SAAB per 32k bytes); the most cost-effective way is for the payer not to post the transaction until the end, but Replace the original transaction with a slightly more cost-effective transaction with the same nonce after every 32k bytes.
An important feature of this protocol is that although it seems like a person trusts many random nodes who are not prepared to lose the file, he can divide the file into many small pieces through secret sharing, and then know each small piece through the monitoring contract. The blocks are still saved by a certain node. If a contract is still paying, it provides evidence that someone is still keeping the documents.
Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)
In general, the concept of "decentralized autonomous organization (DAO)" refers to a virtual entity with a certain number of members or shareholders , relying on, say, a 67% majority to decide how to spend money and modify the code. Members collectively decide how the organization allocates funds. Methods for allocating funds could be bounties, salaries or more attractive mechanisms such as rewarding work with an internal currency. This essentially replicates the legal implications of a traditional company or non-profit organization for enforcement using only cryptographic blockchain technology. Much of the discussion around DAOs to this point has revolved around a "capitalist" model of a "decentralized autonomous corporation (DAC)" with shareholders who receive dividends and tradable shares; as an alternative, one has been described as The entity of "decentralized autonomous community" will allow all members to have equal rights in decision-making and require 67% majority consent when adding or removing members. The rule that each person can only have one membership needs to be enforced by the group.
The following is an outline of how to implement DO in code. The simplest design is a piece of code that can modify itself if two-thirds of the members agree. Although the code is theoretically immutable, it is still easy to get around the hurdle and make the code modifiable by placing the backbone of the code in a separate contract and pointing the address of the contract call to a mutable storage, in a There are three transaction types in a simple implementation of such a DAO contract, distinguished by the data provided by the transaction:
[0,i,K,V] Registration index i changes to the contents of the storage address indexes K to v suggestion.
[0,i] registers a vote for suggestion i.
[2,i] Confirm recommendation i if there are enough votes.
Then the contract has specific terms for each item. It will maintain an allOpen storage of change records and a table of who voted. There is also a table of all members. When any change to the stored content is approved by a two-thirds majority, a final transaction will implement the change. A more complex framework will add built-in election functions to implement such as sending transactions, adding or removing members, and even providing voting representatives such as delegated democracy (that is, anyone can delegate another person to vote on his behalf, and this delegation Relationships are transitive, so if A delegates to B and then B delegates to C then C will determine A's vote). This design will allow the DAO to grow organically as a decentralized community, allowing people to eventually hand over the task of picking the right people to experts, unlike the current system, where experts will easily emerge over time as community members continue to change their sides. and disappear.
An alternative model is a decentralized company, where any account can own 0 to more shares, and decisions require the approval of a two-thirds majority of the shares. A complete framework would include asset management functionality - the ability to submit orders to buy and sell shares and the ability to accept such orders (provided there is an order matching mechanism in the contract). Representatives still exist in the form of accredited democracy, giving rise to the concept of "board of directors".
More advanced organizational governance mechanisms may be implemented in the future; now a decentralized organization (DO) can be described starting from a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). The distinction between DO and DAO is blurry. A rough dividing line is whether governance can be achieved through a political-like process or an "automatic" process. A good intuitive test is the "no common language" criterion: if two members cannot Can the organization still function normally if it speaks the same language? Obviously, a simple traditional holding company will fail, while something like the Bitcoin protocol is likely to succeed, Robin Hanson's "futarchy", a mechanism for organizational governance through prediction markets is a real A good example of what “autonomous” governance might look like. Note that one need not assume that all DAOs are superior to all DOs; autonomy is just a paradigm that has great advantages in some specific scenarios, but may not be feasible elsewhere, and many semi-DAOs may exist.
Further applications 1. Savings wallet. Suppose Alice wants to keep her funds safe, but she is worried about losing or having her private keys stolen by hackers. She puts the ether into a contract signed with Bob, as shown below. This contract is a bank: Alice alone can withdraw up to 1% of the funds per day. Bob alone can withdraw up to 1% of the funds per day, but Alice can use her private key to create a transaction to cancel Bob's withdrawal permission. Alice and Bob together can withdraw funds at will. Generally speaking, 1% per day is enough for Alice. If Alice wants to withdraw more, she can contact Bob for help. If Alice's private key is stolen, she can immediately find Bob to transfer her funds to a new contract. If she doesHaving lost her private key, Bob can slowly withdraw the money. If Bob behaves maliciously, she can turn off his withdrawal privileges. ``` 2. Crop insurance. One can easily create a financial derivatives contract using weather conditions as data input instead of any price index. If an Iowa farmer purchases a financial derivative that pays inversely based on rainfall in Iowa, then if there is a drought, the farmer will automatically receive the payment and if there is sufficient rain he will Very happy because his crops will be good. 3. A decentralized data publisher. For difference-based financial contracts, it is in fact possible to decentralize the data publisher through a "Schelling point" protocol. Schelling points work as follows: N parties provide input values to the system for a certain specified data (e.g. ETH/USD price), all values are sorted, and each node providing a value between 25% and 75% will With rewards, everyone has an incentive to provide answers that others will provide, and answers that a large number of players can actually agree on are obviously the correct answers by default. This constructs a system that can theoretically provide many values, including ETH/USD price, temperature in Berlin Even a decentralized protocol for the results of a particularly difficult calculation. 4. Multi-signature smart contract. Bitcoin allows transaction contracts based on multi-signatures. For example, funds can be used by collecting 3 out of 5 private keys. Ethereum can be more detailed. For example, if you collect 4 out of 5 private keys, you can spend all the funds. If you only have 3, you can spend up to 10% of the funds every day. If you only have 2, you can only spend 0.5% of the funds every day. . In addition, multi-signature in Ethereum is asynchronous, which means that both parties can register signatures on the blockchain at different times, and the transaction will be automatically sent after the last signature is in place. 5. Cloud computing. EVM technology can also be used to create a verifiable computing environment, allowing users to invite others to perform computations and then optionally require proof that the computations were completed correctly at certain randomly selected checkpoints. This makes it possible to create a cloud computing marketplace where any user can participate with their desktop, laptop or dedicated server, and where on-site inspections and security deposits can be used to ensure that the system is trustworthy (i.e. no node can gain access through fraud). profit). Although such a system may not be suitable for all tasks; for example, tasks that require advanced inter-process communication are not easily accomplished on a large cloud of nodes. However, some other tasks are easily parallelized; projects such as [email protected], [email protected] and genetic algorithms are easily carried out on such a platform. 6. Peer-to-peer gambling. Any number of peer-to-peer gambling protocols could be moved to Ethereum’s blockchain, such as Frank Stajano and Richard Clayton’s Cyberdice. The simplest gambling protocol is actually a simple contract that bets on the hash of the next blockThe difference between the value and the guessed value, based on which more complex gambling protocols can be created to achieve near-zero fee and cheat-free gambling services. 7. Prediction markets. With oracles and Schelling coins, prediction markets will be easy to implement, and prediction markets with Schelling coins may prove to be the first mainstream "futarchy" application as a decentralized organization management protocol. 8. Decentralized market on the chain, based on identity and reputation system.
Total amount of Ethereum and mining time
The initial total amount is 72 million, with about 15 million added every year. It is expected to switch to POS algorithm in 2018 (cannot be mined) ), after switching to POS algorithm, the output decreases. Each block has 5 coins, the daily output is about 40,000, the mining orphan block rate is high, and the difficulty is adjusted once for each block.
Ethereum Mining Machine Selection
When choosing a mining machine, you should first look at the computing power, secondly at the power consumption, and thirdly at the historical reputation, including machine stability, after-sales service, etc. Computing power is the computing power of a machine, that is, how many hash operations the machine can perform per second. The current computing power of mainstream Bitcoin mining machines is 14T, which means 14*10^13 hash collisions per second.
How to measure the cost-effectiveness of a graphics card
Simple cost calculation formula: graphics card computing power ÷ graphics card price = computing power obtained per 1 yuan. For example, if we have an rx580 graphics card equipped with 8G memory, the computing power for mining Ethereum without overclocking is 22MHz/s, and the price is 2200 RMB, then the computing power obtained for every 1 yuan is 22/ 2200=0.01, then after overclocking, it can basically reach an average computing power of 28.5mhz/s. In this case, the computing power obtained for every 1 yuan is 28.5/2200=0.01295.
Ethereum mining machine hardware
Ethereum mainly uses graphics cards (GPUs) for mining. You need to configure a PC with multiple graphics cards to run the mining program. The main hardware includes: graphics card, motherboard, power supply, CPU, memory, hard disk (SSD above 60G recommended), extension cable, adapter cable, etc. The graphics card determines the speed of mining, and the motherboard and power supply largely determine the stability of the mining machine.
Hardware preparation: Graphics card mining does not require a large PCIE bandwidth. PCI-E 1X on the motherboard can meet the bandwidth requirements. Generally, the motherboard has 3-5 PCI-E 1X interfaces and 1 PCI-E16X interface. In addition, the motherboard has a large 4PIN power supply interface, which improves stability to a certain extent. PCI-E1X requires Taobao to purchase a 1X to 16X extension cable.
Hashrate table of commonly used graphics cards for Ethereum mining:
Mining relies on graphics card core calculations, so AMD graphics cards are more efficient than NVIDA cards. To choose an AMD card, the graphics card memory is required to be greater than 2G. It is recommended to purchase a 4G graphics card.
Computing power diagram of common graphics cards:
AMD graphics card computing power table:
Related information:
< p>History of the Development of Ethereum
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