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algo币官网 algo币有没有利好消息

发布时间:2023-12-05-05:47:41 来源:网络 公链介绍 教程   Algorand   ALGO

如何购买ALGO币、如何购买ALGO教程 答案:







KyberSwap BSC

KyberSwap BSC 去中心化交易平台




面向Web3的 去中心化交易协议

Kine Protocol


Matcha-Dex聚合交易 在 Ethereum、Binance、Polygon、Avalanche、Celo、Fantom 等平台上进行交易!

Matcha 为您在交易所找到最优惠的价格,并将它们组合成一笔交易。

MDEX swap

MDEX.COM 支持BSC、HECO及ETH的去中心化跨鏈交易協議,多次位列CoinMarketCap、CoinGecko的DEX排行榜第一。



Uniswap (V2)





Tornado Cash 通过打破源地址和目标地址之间的链上链接来提高交易隐私。它使用一个智能合约,接受可以通过不同地址提取的 ETH 存款。为了保护隐私,可以使用中继器提取到没有 ETH 余额的地址。每当新地址提取 ETH 时,都无法将提取与存款联系起来,从而确保完全隐私。

1inch Exchange


Curve Finance








KyberSwap ETH

KyberSwap ETH 去中心化交易

Loopring swap

Loopring swap 去中心化交易




面向Web3的 去中心化交易协议



Kine Protocol


Matcha-Dex聚合交易 在 Ethereum、Binance、Polygon、Avalanche、Celo、Fantom 等平台上进行交易!

Matcha 为您在交易所找到最优惠的价格,并将它们组合成一笔交易。

MDEX swap

MDEX.COM 支持BSC、HECO及ETH的去中心化跨鏈交易協議,多次位列CoinMarketCap、CoinGecko的DEX排行榜第一。




QuickSwap 是一个去中心化交易所 (DEX),如果你想交易 MATIC,你绝对应该使用它。 它是Polygon网络的典型交易所,具有更低的gas成本和更容易交易的优势。



KyberSwap Polygon

KyberSwap Polygon 去中心化交易平台






面向Web3的 去中心化交易协议

Matcha-Dex聚合交易 在 Ethereum、Binance、Polygon、Avalanche、Celo、Fantom 等平台上进行交易!

Matcha 为您在交易所找到最优惠的价格,并将它们组合成一笔交易。


Trader Joe是你在Avalanche网络上的一站式去中心化交易平台。



Hurricane swap

Avalanche 上的第一个跨链流动性 DEX

KyberSwap AVAX

KyberSwap AVAX 去中心化交易

Lydia Swap-AVAX



一个社区驱动的去中心化交易所,用于 Avalanche 和以太坊资产 快速结算 , 低交易费用 ,和 提供支持的民主分配 由 Avalanche 。 穿山甲带给你 寻找和最大化收益的最佳交易机会。


Raydium AcceleRaytor是自动化做市商Raydium旗下的IDO平台。平台目前已经成功IDO项目7个,包括近期热门的链游StarAtlas也选择了在Raydium上进行IDO。

Serum Portal



面向Web3的 去中心化交易协议




Sabre 是一个面向全球范围的开放式交易和流动性平台,Sabre是在 Solana 上交易资产的自动化做市商。




Slope Finance是一个由社区驱动的全栈平台,由建立在Solana之上的DEX、钱包和NFT部门组成,为用户提供极快的速度、几乎为零的交易费用和直观的界面。我们的目标是打造一个



Cherry Swap




Pexpay | 币安投资




MetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。


WalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。


imToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。

Trust wallet

Trust Wallet 是被全球最大加密资产交易所 Binance 收购的,去中心化移动钱包应用程序。Trust Wallet 钱包支持购买、存储数字货币,查看价格、交易等。 此外,它还是一个去中心化应用程序(dApp)浏览器,其内置的 dApp 浏览器可与 dApp 建立通信,因此用户可以直接在智能手机或平板电脑上交易加密货币和收藏品。




麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。

Binance Wallet

Binance Wallet是Binance Chain、Binance Smart Chain和Ethereum的加密货币钱包。它是存储、交换和赚取加密货币的一站式网关。它支持Firefox、Chrome和Brave浏览器。




MetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。


WalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。


imToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。




麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。

Binance Wallet

Binance Wallet是Binance Chain、Binance Smart Chain和Ethereum的加密货币钱包。它是存储、交换和赚取加密货币的一站式网关。它支持Firefox、Chrome和Brave浏览器。




MEW (MyEtherWallet) 是一个免费的客户端界面,可帮助您与以太坊区块链进行交互。我们易于使用的开源平台允许您生成钱包、与智能合约交互等等。


人们期望通过简单而熟悉的方式来加载和使用应用程序。设置钱包、签署交易和支付 gas 费用对主流用户来说可能是令人生畏的。您的 Dapp(去中心化应用程序)使用标准的 web3.js 方法与 Portis SDK 通信,这意味着它将自动与您现有的代码一起工作。 用户无需提前安装任何东西即可使用您的 DApp。使用 Portis,您的 DApp 已经与解决方案捆绑在一起,为他们提供了一种感觉熟悉的简单的浏览器内电子邮件/密码登录方法。


Rainbow 是一种创建以太坊钱包、收集 NFT 和探索 Web3 新世界的有趣、简单且安全的方式。


Argent 是基于以太坊的移动钱包,可帮助用户轻松管理加密资产和身份,没有助记词、gas 费用或长地址,具备简单、安全和完全分布式等特点。

Ethereum 以太坊钱包



Coinbase 钱包支持超过 4,000 种代币和整个世界的去中心化应用程序


MetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。


WalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。


imToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。




麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。


人们期望通过简单而熟悉的方式来加载和使用应用程序。设置钱包、签署交易和支付 gas 费用对主流用户来说可能是令人生畏的。您的 Dapp(去中心化应用程序)使用标准的 web3.js 方法与 Portis SDK 通信,这意味着它将自动与您现有的代码一起工作。 用户无需提前安装任何东西即可使用您的 DApp。使用 Portis,您的 DApp 已经与解决方案捆绑在一起,为他们提供了一种感觉熟悉的简单的浏览器内电子邮件/密码登录方法。


Avalanche 钱包是一个简单、安全、非托管的钱包,用于存储 Avalanche 资产。


MetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。


WalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。


imToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。




麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。


MetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。


WalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。


imToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。




麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。


Slope Finance是一个由社区驱动的全栈平台,由建立在Solana之上的DEX、钱包和NFT部门组成,为用户提供极快的速度、几乎为零的交易费用和直观的界面。我们的目标是打造一个


Phantom 是用于访问部署在 Solana 区块链上的分布式应用程序的扩展。 该扩展程序将一个对象注入到每个网站的 javascript 上下文中,以便分散的应用程序可以与您的钱包进行交互,您也可以与应用程序进行交互。 Phantom 还允许用户创建和管理自己的身份(通过私钥、助记符和 Ledger 等硬件钱包),因此当去中心化应用程序想要执行交易并写入区块链时,用户可以获得一个安全界面来查看交易, 在批准或拒绝之前。 因为它为普通浏览器上下文添加了功能,所以 Phantom 需要读取和写入任何网页的权限。安全非常重视,Phantom 代码已经过顶级审计公司的审计。


数字货币钱包,DApp 入口,NFT 世界 —— 您想要的应有尽有


MetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。


WalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。




右上方点选Connect Wallet 之后,便可以直接将该网络汇入至你的metamask 钱包,一键添加全网智能链到小狐狸钱包,多功能添加工具。链表 帮助用户连接到 EVM 供电的网络 Chainlist 是 EVM 网络的列表。用户可以使用这些信息将他们的钱包和 Web3 中间件提供商连接到适当的链 ID 和网络 ID 以连接到正确的链。


钱包检查的化工具,可帮助交易者做出有关他们所做投资的日常决策。 只需几个简单的步骤,您就可以快速获取有关您当前盈亏的信息,以及币安智能链上钱包中每个仓位的反射收益。







Token 合约授权查询

Token 合约授权查询







交易加速/取消 工具

用于钱包Mtramask、WalletConnect 交易加速或取消。

Google Authenticator



Algorand 是由麻省理工学院(MIT)教授、哥德尔奖(Gödel Prize)得主、图灵奖(Turing Award)得主 Silvio
Micali 领导开发的一个区块链项目 。该项目成功募集到了一笔 400 万美元的种子轮融资,投资方包括知名风投 Pillar 和 Union Square Ventures。

Algorand 没有引入激励机制或发行数字加密货币,项目本身具有广阔的市场空间,它通过 BA*的共识机制和密码抽签等技术创新,提高区块链的效率,拓展了区块链的应用前景,在硅谷享有极高的声誉。





2. BA* 算法,该算法由共识委员会成员运行用于产出本次应该打包的区块。



密码学抽签算法保障每个用户($pk{i}, sk{i}$)被选中为共识委员会成员的概率同其拥有的货币的金额成比例。即:假设每个用户的权重记为$w{i}$(货币数量), 那么总的权重为 $W = \sum w{i}$(总货币量), 那么用户i被选为共识委员会成员的概率就同其权重占比相匹配 $w_{i}/W$,

Algorand通过加密抽签的方式成功地将共识网络规模缩小且比较安全; 创新的BA*算法每个步骤之间没有共享状态使得BA算法的执行更轻量级;














双花攻击(double spend attack),在介绍51%攻击的时候出现过这个词语。光看中文名可能会因为汉语的多重含义而理解错,但英文名就很明显的表达出意思了。双花攻击就是一笔钱花了两次,也可以称之为双重支付攻击。









 Algorand 为什么能融 4.2 亿元?


天使投资无非看团队。创始人 Silvio Micali 是 MIT 教授、零知识证明的联合提出者,因在密码学领域的突出贡献于 2013 年获得图灵奖。由于创始人的杰出学术成就,Algorand 在诞生之时就吸引了无数关注,大量文章分析和解析它的共识算法,投资机构纷纷加入。即便对学术团队的创业向来有众多质疑,机构们还是不愿意错过这个项目。











传统的拍卖,竞价拍卖,一锤定音。荷兰式拍卖(Dutch Auction)是一种特殊的拍卖形式。亦称“减价拍卖”,是指拍卖“标的”的竞价由高到低依次递减直到第一个竞买人应价(达到或超过底价)时,击锤成交的一种拍卖方式。





举例,假设某天共出售100个 Algo 代币。10美元起拍,小李在5美元的时候,出价50美金,买10个。之后价格继续下降,小王在2美元的时候出价40美金,买20个。

之后价格继续下降,当价格降到1美元,小明又出价了10美金买10个。这时拍卖池里已经有了100美金,而拍卖价格降到了1美金,刚好是100个 Algo 的价格。

当天拍卖结束,小李获得了50个 Algo,小王获得了40个 Algo,而小明获得了10个 Algo。尽管小李是在5美金的时候出的价,但他最终的成交价实际为1美金。




Algorand 的荷兰式拍卖在合规平台 Coinlist 上进行,用户需要通过 KYC 才能进行。


Coinlist是一个为认证投资人和优质区块链项目提供初始代币发行(ICO)的融资平台,由AngelList和Protocol Labs合作推出。2018年4月,Coinlist宣布完成了一笔920万美元的A轮融资,多家知名区块链风投基金参与了投资,包括Polychain Capital,Digital Currency Group,FBG Capital,Libertus Capital,Blockchain Capital,CoinFund和Electric Capital。 


CoinList平台上的初始代币发行项目都完全符合证券法要求,而且旗下CoinList Capital也是美国证券交易委员会的注册投资顾问。不仅如此,该公司还推出了“ComplyAPI”服务,允许企业对潜在投资人进行反洗钱和KYC检查,并且根据美国证券法确认投资者的认证状态。

流通供应Circulating Supply是可自由交易的Algo数量。 在网络的前5年内,将有最大的100亿Algo供应流通。虽然基金会&团队的25亿token不锁仓,但是项目方保证:Algorand团队不会参与超过当下流通量的49%(防止51%双花攻击)。






联系方式:[email protected] 

比如Algo Tracker Fund,以上是他们的网址和邮箱





    1. 定价问题。资产的初始定价不再由项目方一口价确定,而是由所有参与荷兰拍的广泛大众一同决定。

    2. 资源分配不均问题。Micali教授提到,传统的荷兰拍用在美国国债拍卖时,只有合格的金融机构可以参与。而基于互联网和区块链的荷兰拍可以最大限度的扩展参与范围。

    3. POS最被人诟病的初始代币分配问题。Algorand通过5年时间将30%的总代币量进行无许可分配,同时用不超过49%的自我持有代币保证网络的安全性(49%不会被抛售到二级市场,因为只有Algorand系统稳定安全,团队才会获得最大收益)。这样将尽可能将token进行大范围的分散发行,来避免POS代币集中富者恒富的问题。(Algorand也用无论代币上线与否都会提供新的代币奖励这一机制来避免这个问题)









2022-04-21 18:05:47


【Algorand生態項目Vendible完成178萬美元種子輪融資】金色財經消息,爲DeFi應用用戶保護身份和數據的Algorand生態項目Vendible宣佈完成178萬美元種子輪融資,投資方包括Borderless Capital、Woodstock Fund、Bixin Ventures、NGC Ventures 和 Big Brain Holdings。Vendible將利用這筆資金繼續優化其基礎設施,該基礎設施將身份、數據和隱私結郃在一個軟件包中。 Vendible由Douglass Broughton和Gwin Scott共同創立,正在爲 Algorand 網絡上基於錢包的 DeFi 應用程序搆建協議,以解決個人、企業和政府的身份和隱私問題。Vendible 此前還曾入選2.5億 ALGO 獎勵計劃。

2022-04-10 06:45:03


【CME爲Solana,Cardano,Polygon等幣種增加蓡考利率】金色財經消息,芝加哥商品交易所集團(CME Group)與加密貨幣指數提供商CF benchmark郃作,將於4月25日推出新的利率。新的蓡考價格將包括Algorand (ALGO)、比特幣現金(BCH)、Cardano、Chainlink(LINK)、Cosmos(ATOM)、Litecoin(LTC)、Polkadot、Polygon(MATIC)、Solana、Stellar Lumens (XLM)和Uniswap(UNI)的指數定價。 蓡考滙率和指數本身不是可交易的投資産品。顧名思義,蓡考利率是一項資産的價格數據。但擁有這些數據是提供etf和期貨郃約等産品的重要前提。(decrypt)

2022-04-01 20:18:42


【Algorand第三期治理正式開放注冊】4月1日消息,Algorand基金會官方宣佈第三期治理正式開放注冊,基本條例與上一期一致,即任何持有Algo的人都可以注冊成爲治理者,將Algo觝押三個月,竝在此期間蓡與投票。在三個月期限結束時,治理者會獲得相應的獎勵。 Algorand社區治理是把Algorand生態系統資源庫(AERP)中ALGO縂量1/3的決策權授予治理者,該資源庫目前擁有30多億ALGO。每年有四個治理期,每個治理期3個月,期間至少擧行一次投票會議,每個治理者必須承諾在治理期間保持一定的Algo餘額,治理者必須在每個投票環節投票,郃格的治理者會在每個季度治理期結束時獲得相關獎勵。

2022-03-31 12:32:00

加密資産琯理公司Hashdex推出Web3 ETF,基金淨資産已超 600 萬美元

【加密資産琯理公司Hashdex推出Web3 ETF,基金淨資産已超 600 萬美元】3月31日消息,加密資産琯理公司Hashdex在巴西的B3証券交易所推出Web3交易所交易基金(ETF)WEB311,目前該基金擁有約610萬美元的淨資産,吸引了1270名投資人。該基金目前投資於七種智能郃約公鏈資産,包括以太坊、Cardano(ADA)、Solana(SOL)、波卡(DOT)、Algorand(ALGO)、Tezos(XTZ)和Cosmos(ATOM)。Hashdex在今年2月推出了DeFi ETF DEFI11,目前基金淨資産近1260萬美元。(Theblock)

2022-03-22 20:55:39


【灰度創建智能郃約平台基金,投資Cardano、Solana等代幣】金色財經消息,加密貨幣資産琯理公司灰度(Grayscale)正在擴大其投資基金系列,以包括非以太坊智能郃約代幣。 Grayscale Smart Contract Platform Ex-Ethereum Fund(簡稱GSCPxE)允許投資者選擇投資一些最大的智能郃約網絡和以太坊側鏈。 該基金由Cardano(ADA)、Solana(SOL)、Avalanche(AVAX)、Polkadot(DOT)、Polygon(MATIC)、Algorand(ALGO)和Stellar(XLM)組成。Cardano和Solana各佔該基金的24%以上,Avalanche和Polkadot各佔超過16%。約10%的資金分配給Polygon,Algorand和Stellar各佔超過4%。(Decrypt)

How to buy ALGO coins, how to buy ALGO tutorial answers:

1. Buy Algorand through the trading platform

Trading platform

BSC trades SwapETH Trade SwapPolygon Trade SwapAvax Trade SwapSol Trade SwapOKC Trade Swap Currency Exchange PancakeSwap

Trade, earn and win crypto on the galaxy’s most popular decentralized platform.


Biswap is the first decentralized exchange platform on the market with a three-category recommendation system and the lowest platform transaction fee (0.1%). We are a decentralized exchange platform for exchanging BEP-20 tokens on the Binance Smart Chain network. This network guarantees excellent speed and lower network transaction costs

KyberSwap BSC

KyberSwap BSC decentralized trading platform


BSC decentralized trading aggregation platform


Decentralized trading protocol for Web3

Kine Protocol

KINE provides a [point-to-point] derivatives market, and the liquidity pool supported by digital assets on the chain serves as the basis for all exchanges A trader’s passive counterparty.

Matcha-Dex aggregation trading Trade on Ethereum, Binance, Polygon, Avalanche, Celo, Fantom and other platforms!

Matcha finds you the best prices on exchanges and combines them into one trade.

MDEX swap

MDEX.COM supports the decentralized cross-chain trading protocol of BSC, HECO and ETH, and has repeatedly ranked first in the DEX rankings of CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko.


MsgSender is a decentralized multi-chain wallet using the Trustwallet core.

Uniswap (V2)

Uniswap is a protocol for automatically exchanging tokens on Ethereum. It was launched on November 2, 2018. Uniswap describes itself as a simple smart contract interface for exchanging ERC20 tokens. It has a formal model for pooling liquidity reserves. It serves as an open source front-end interface for traders and liquidity providers, committed to providing free and decentralized asset exchange.


Exchange, earn and build on the leading decentralized cryptocurrency trading protocol.


Tornado Cash improves transaction privacy by breaking the on-chain link between source and destination addresses. It uses a smart contract that acceptsETH deposits withdrawn through different addresses. To protect privacy, relayers can be used to withdraw to addresses with no ETH balance. Whenever a new address withdraws ETH, the withdrawal cannot be linked to the deposit, ensuring complete privacy.

1inch Exchange

1inch is a DeFi aggregator and a decentralized exchange with intelligent routing.

Curve Finance

The purpose of Curve Finance is to create deep on-chain liquidity using advanced bonding curves.


SushiSwap is a Uniswap fork with the idea of ​​taking power away from VCs and returning it to the community.


Automated portfolio manager and decentralized trading platform


Bancor decentralized trading protocol

KyberSwap ETH

KyberSwap ETH decentralized trading

Loopring swap

Loopring swap decentralized exchange

DYDX Futures Exchange

dYdX is a leading developer of non-custodial decentralized exchanges whose mission is to build an open, secure and Powerful financial products. dYdX runs on audited smart contracts on Ethereum, eliminating the need to trust a central exchange when trading. The exchange combines the security and transparency of a decentralized exchange with the speed and utility of a centralized exchange.


Decentralized trading protocol for Web3


ETH decentralized trading aggregation platform

Kine Protocol

KINE provides a [point-to-point] In the derivatives market, the liquidity pool backed by on-chain digital assets serves as the passive counterparty for all traders within the exchange.

Matcha-Dex aggregation trading Trade on Ethereum, Binance, Polygon, Avalanche, Celo, Fantom and other platforms!

Matcha finds you the best prices on exchanges and combines them into one trade.

MDEX swap

MDEX.COM supports the decentralized cross-chain trading protocol of BSC, HECO and ETH, and has repeatedly ranked first in the DEX rankings of CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko.


Tokenlon is a decentralized trading service platform based on the 0x protocol


QuickSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX). If you want to trade MATIC, you should definitely use it it. It is a typical exchange of the Polygon network with lower gas costs andAdvantages of easier trading.


SushiSwap is a Uniswap fork with the idea of ​​taking power away from VCs and returning it to the community.

KyberSwap Polygon

KyberSwap Polygon decentralized trading platform


Polygon decentralized trading aggregation platform

ParaSwap-Polygon trading market

Polygon on-chain trading market


Decentralized trading protocol for Web3

Matcha-Dex aggregation trading is conducted on Ethereum, Binance, Polygon, Avalanche, Celo, Fantom and other platforms!

Matcha finds you the best prices on exchanges and combines them into one trade.


Trader Joe is your one-stop decentralized trading platform on the Avalanche network.


SushiSwap is a Uniswap fork with the idea of ​​taking power away from VCs and returning it to the community.

Hurricane swap

The first cross-chain liquidity DEX on Avalanche

KyberSwap AVAX

KyberSwap AVAX decentralized exchange

Lydia Swap-AVAX

LydiaSwap-AVAXLydiaSwap- AVAX


A community-driven decentralized exchange for Avalanche and Ethereum assets with fast settlement, low transaction fees, and democratic distribution powered by Avalanche. Pangolin brings you the best trading opportunities to find and maximize your profits.


Raydium AcceleRaytor is the IDO platform of the automated market maker Raydium. The platform currently has 7 successful IDO projects, including the recently popular blockchain game StarAtlas, which also chose to conduct its IDO on Raydium.

Serum Portal

Trade on the world’s fastest and most powerful decentralized exchange.


Decentralized trading protocol for Web3


Sol decentralized trading aggregation platform


Sabre is an open and global A trading and liquidity platform, Saber is an automated way to trade assets on Solana.Automated market maker.


Orca is the easiest place to exchange cryptocurrencies on the Solana blockchain. On Orca, you can swap tokens cheaper, faster, and more confidently than any DEX on Ethereum (thanks to our Fair Price Metric). Additionally, you can provide liquidity to trading pools to earn trading fees.


Slope Finance is a community-driven, full-stack platform consisting of DEX, wallet and NFT sectors built on Solana, providing users with blazing speeds, near-zero transaction fees and Intuitive interface. Our goal is to build a


decentralized trading protocol

Cherry Swap

cherry exchange


OKExChain ecological decentralized exchange

Pexpay | Binance Investment

Binance Investment The world’s most secure C2C trading platform

Digital Wallet

BSC Wallet ETH Wallet Polygon Wallet Avax Wallet Sol Wallet OKC Wallet Wallet Tool MetaMask

MetaMask is the most popular browser plug-in wallet that supports multiple chains. It allows users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem, which hosts a large number of decentralized applications (Dapps), without downloading the entire blockchain on their devices. Therefore, it is one of the best Ethereum wallet solutions that provides easy access to decentralized exchanges (DEX), gaming platforms, and many other applications. Currently, mobile products have been developed.


WalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are symmetrically encrypted using a shared key between the two peers. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.


imToken is a digital asset wallet whose blockchain supports multiple chains. Such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cosmos, etc., it can help manage accounts and assets on the blockchain very simply and securely. Additionally, it has a built-in Dapp browser.

Trust wallet

Trust Wallet is a decentralized mobile wallet application acquired by Binance, the world's largest crypto asset exchange. Trust Wallet supports purchasing and storing digital currencies, viewing prices, transactions, and more. Additionally, it is a decentralized application (dApp) browser withThe built-in dApp browser establishes communication with dApps so users can trade cryptocurrencies and collectibles directly from their smartphone or tablet.


TokenPocket is a multi-chain digital wallet.


Mathwallet is a multi-platform (mobile/desktop/hardware) universal encryption wallet. Math Wallet supports storage of more than 50 blockchains and more than 3,000 tokens.

Binance Wallet

Binance Wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet for Binance Chain, Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum. It is a one-stop gateway to store, exchange and earn cryptocurrencies. It supports Firefox, Chrome and Brave browsers.


HyperPay is a four-in-one digital asset wallet that innovatively integrates managed wallets, self-managed wallets, co-managed wallets, and hardware wallets.


MetaMask is the most popular browser plug-in wallet that supports multiple chains. It allows users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem, which hosts a large number of decentralized applications (Dapps), without downloading the entire blockchain on their devices. Therefore, it is one of the best Ethereum wallet solutions that provides easy access to decentralized exchanges (DEX), gaming platforms, and many other applications. Currently, mobile products have been developed.


WalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are symmetrically encrypted using a shared key between the two peers. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.


imToken is a digital asset wallet whose blockchain supports multiple chains. Such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cosmos, etc., it can help manage accounts and assets on the blockchain very simply and securely. Additionally, it has a built-in Dapp browser.


TokenPocket is a multi-chain digital wallet.


Mathwallet is a multi-platform (mobile/desktop/hardware) universal encryption wallet. Math Wallet supports storage of more than 50 blockchains and more than 3,000 tokens.

Binance Wallet

Binance Wallet is Binance Chain, Binance Smart Chainand Ethereum cryptocurrency wallets. It is a one-stop gateway to store, exchange and earn cryptocurrencies. It supports Firefox, Chrome and Brave browsers.


HyperPay is a four-in-one digital asset wallet that innovatively integrates managed wallets, self-managed wallets, co-managed wallets, and hardware wallets.


MEW (MyEtherWallet) is a free client interface that helps you interact with the Ethereum blockchain. Our easy-to-use open source platform allows you to generate wallets, interact with smart contracts, and more.


People expect a simple and familiar way to load and use applications. Setting up a wallet, signing transactions, and paying gas fees can be intimidating for mainstream users. Your Dapp (decentralized application) communicates with the Portis SDK using standard web3.js methods, which means it will automatically work with your existing code. Users don’t need to install anything in advance to use your DApp. With Portis, your DApp is already bundled with the solution, giving them a simple in-browser email/password login method that feels familiar.


Rainbow is a fun, easy, and secure way to create an Ethereum wallet, collect NFTs, and explore the new world of Web3.


Argent is an Ethereum-based mobile wallet that helps users easily manage crypto assets and identities. There are no mnemonics, gas fees or long addresses. It is simple, secure and fully distributed.

Ethereum Ethereum Wallet

Ethereum is the community-run technology that powers the cryptocurrency Ethereum (ETH) and thousands of decentralized applications.


Coinbase wallet supports over 4,000 tokens and an entire world of decentralized applications


MetaMask is the most popular browser plug-in wallet that supports multi-chains. It allows users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem, which hosts a large number of decentralized applications (Dapps), without downloading the entire blockchain on their devices. Therefore, it is one of the best Ethereum wallet solutions that provides easy access to decentralized exchanges (DEX), gaming platforms, and many other applications. Currently, mobile products have been developed.


WalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloadsThe payload is symmetrically encrypted using a shared key between the two peers. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.


imToken is a digital asset wallet whose blockchain supports multiple chains. Such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cosmos, etc., it can help manage accounts and assets on the blockchain very simply and securely. Additionally, it has a built-in Dapp browser.


TokenPocket is a multi-chain digital wallet.


Mathwallet is a multi-platform (mobile/desktop/hardware) universal encryption wallet. Math Wallet supports storage of more than 50 blockchains and more than 3,000 tokens.


People expect a simple and familiar way to load and use applications. Setting up a wallet, signing transactions, and paying gas fees can be intimidating for mainstream users. Your Dapp (decentralized application) communicates with the Portis SDK using standard web3.js methods, which means it will automatically work with your existing code. Users don’t need to install anything in advance to use your DApp. With Portis, your DApp is already bundled with the solution, giving them a simple in-browser email/password login method that feels familiar.

Wallet-AVAX Wallet

Avalanche Wallet is a simple, secure, non-custodial wallet for storing Avalanche assets.


MetaMask is the most popular browser plug-in wallet that supports multiple chains. It allows users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem, which hosts a large number of decentralized applications (Dapps), without downloading the entire blockchain on their devices. Therefore, it is one of the best Ethereum wallet solutions that provides easy access to decentralized exchanges (DEX), gaming platforms, and many other applications. Currently, mobile products have been developed.


WalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are symmetrically encrypted using a shared key between the two peers. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.


imToken is a digital asset wallet whose blockchain supports multiple chains. Such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, CosmosEtc., it can help manage accounts and assets on the blockchain very simply and securely. Additionally, it has a built-in Dapp browser.


TokenPocket is a multi-chain digital wallet.


Mathwallet is a multi-platform (mobile/desktop/hardware) universal encryption wallet. Math Wallet supports storage of more than 50 blockchains and more than 3,000 tokens.


MetaMask is the most popular browser plug-in wallet that supports multiple chains. It allows users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem, which hosts a large number of decentralized applications (Dapps), without downloading the entire blockchain on their devices. Therefore, it is one of the best Ethereum wallet solutions that provides easy access to decentralized exchanges (DEX), gaming platforms, and many other applications. Currently, mobile products have been developed.


WalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are symmetrically encrypted using a shared key between the two peers. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.


imToken is a digital asset wallet whose blockchain supports multiple chains. Such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cosmos, etc., it can help manage accounts and assets on the blockchain very simply and securely. Additionally, it has a built-in Dapp browser.


TokenPocket is a multi-chain digital wallet.


Mathwallet is a multi-platform (mobile/desktop/hardware) universal encryption wallet. Math Wallet supports storage of more than 50 blockchains and more than 3,000 tokens.


Slope Finance is a community-driven, full-stack platform consisting of DEX, wallet and NFT sectors built on Solana, providing users with blazing speeds, near-zero transaction fees and Intuitive interface. Our goal is to build a


Phantom is an extension for accessing distributed applications deployed on the Solana blockchain. The extension injects an object into each website's javascript context so that decentralized applications can interact with your wallet and you can interact with the application. Phantom also allows users to create and manage their own identities (via private keys, mnemonics, and hardware wallets like Ledger), so when a decentralized application wants to execute a transaction and write it to the blockchain, the user gets a secure interface to review the transaction, before approving or rejecting it. Because it adds functionality to a normal browser context, Phantom requires permission to read and write any web page. Security is taken very seriously, and Phantom code has been audited by top auditing firms.


Digital currency wallet, DApp entrance, NFT world - everything you want


MetaMask is the most popular browser plug-in wallet that supports multiple chains. It allows users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem, which hosts a large number of decentralized applications (Dapps), without downloading the entire blockchain on their devices. Therefore, it is one of the best Ethereum wallet solutions that provides easy access to decentralized exchanges (DEX), gaming platforms, and many other applications. Currently, mobile products have been developed.


WalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are symmetrically encrypted using a shared key between the two peers. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.

Scientists grab coins

Use scientific tools to grab coins quickly

Intelligent whole-chain import into wallet

After clicking Connect Wallet on the upper right, you can directly import the network to your metamask wallet. One-click to add the entire network smart chain to the Little Fox Wallet, a multi-functional adding tool. Chainlist Helps users connect to EVM powered networks Chainlist is a list of EVM networks. Users can use this information to connect their wallets and Web3 middleware providers to the appropriate chain ID and network ID to connect to the correct chain.


Wallet Check is a tool that helps traders make day-to-day decisions about the investments they make. In just a few simple steps, you can quickly get information about your current profit and loss, as well as reflected profits for each position in your wallet on Binance Smart Chain.

Wallet many-to-many transfer

Wallet many-to-many transfer

Token batch collection

Token batch collection tool

Token authorization

Used for token authorization

Token contract authorization query

Token contract authorization query

Batch production of wallets

Batch production of wallets

Batch balance query

Used for batch query of wallet balance

Send in batches Tokens

Used to send tokens in batches

Transaction acceleration/cancellationTools

used for wallet Mtramask, WalletConnect transaction acceleration or cancellation.

Google Authenticator

Enable Google's two-step login verification for encrypted account login security

2. Purchase ALGO through the tutorial< /p>

Algorand is a blockchain project developed by Silvio
Micali, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), winner of the Gödel Prize, and winner of the Turing Award. The project successfully raised a $4 million seed round from well-known venture capital firms Pillar and Union Square Ventures.

Algorand has not introduced an incentive mechanism or issued a digital cryptocurrency. The project itself has a broad market space. It improves the efficiency of the blockchain and expands the area through technological innovations such as BA*’s consensus mechanism and password lottery. The application prospects of blockchain enjoy a high reputation in Silicon Valley.

Algorand’s core algorithm

1. Cryptozoological lottery algorithm, which is used to ensure that the members of the consensus committee participating in the consensus are nearly completely random each time; < /p>

2. BA* algorithm, which is run by members of the consensus committee to produce the blocks that should be packaged this time.

Cryptographic lottery algorithm

The cryptographic lottery algorithm ensures that each user ($pk{i}, sk{i}$) is selected as the consensus The probability of a committee member is proportional to the amount of currency they own. That is: assuming that the weight of each user is recorded as $w{i}$ (amount of currency), then the total weight is $W = \sum w{i}$ (total currency amount), then user i is selected as the consensus committee The probability of a member matches its weight ratio $w_{i}/W$,

Algorand successfully reduces the size of the consensus network and makes it safer through encrypted lottery; the innovative BA* algorithm every There is no shared state between steps, making the execution of the BA algorithm more lightweight;

However, the Algorand algorithm still has many issues worth discussing:

Including block proposals It is necessary to estimate the timeout time in multiple stages. This method is very imprecise and not suitable for time-consuming business (currently only supports cryptocurrency); there is a high demand for network connectivity, such as achieving it under the worst network conditions. Consensus requires as many as 11 steps; algorithm security relies on the security of VRFs functions;

Advantages of the Algorand project

Short block generation time

When everyone is a benign user, the block generation time only takes twostep. If any malicious user attempts to tamper with information, there are five steps to go through. Even so, the time it takes to generate a block is fixed (a few minutes). Here, all users do not need to synchronize their time, they only need to complete their work within their own specified time and ensure that each user's time passes at the same speed (one second in New York and one second in Japan). seconds are the same length).


The protocol is formulated so that no two benign users can agree on two different messages. Therefore only one message can be true if someone attempts a double spend attack (see below for details). In theory, he can open a new block that contains wrong information and extend the broadcast time of the previous block to infinite length. However, subject to the first restriction, the generation time of each block is fixed and passed. In the five-step method that will be introduced, any malicious forks will be killed.

Double spend attack

Double spend attack (double spend attack), this term appeared when introducing the 51% attack. If you just look at the Chinese name, you may misunderstand it because of the multiple meanings in Chinese, but the English name clearly expresses the meaning. A double-spend attack is when a sum of money is spent twice, which can also be called a double-spend attack.

Quickly recover from forks

If a fork occurs forcibly, the new fork will be killed by the five-step method, and then the entire network will Reset the wasted time to zero and start over.

Algorand innovatively uses the cryptographic lottery technology invented by Professor Micali to randomly select some users as validators to verify new blocks to achieve a breakthrough in the "Impossible Triangle" The goal. Based on cryptographic lottery technology, Algorand can achieve the following goals:

(1) Low energy consumption and fast transaction processing speed. No matter how many users there are in the Algorand system, only about 1 in every 1,500 users will be selected by the system to perform verification calculation tasks. This saves a lot of calculation time compared to Bitcoin, and the processing speed will naturally increase exponentially.

(2) Democracy. No one can control the randomly selected validators, and there will be no centralized group like the "mining pool" of the Bitcoin blockchain system.

(3) The probability of bifurcation is less than one in one trillion. Assuming that one block is generated every minute on average in Algorand, this probability means that a fork will occur on average every 1.9 million years.

Why can Algorand raise 420 million yuan?

Angel investing is all about the team. The founder, Silvio Micali, is an MIT professor and co-initiator of zero-knowledge proof. He won the Turing Award in 2013 for his outstanding contributions in the field of cryptography. Due to the outstanding academic achievements of its founders, Algorand attracted attention at the time of its birthIt has attracted countless attention, a large number of articles have analyzed and analyzed its consensus algorithm, and investment institutions have joined in. Even though there have always been many doubts about the entrepreneurship of academic teams, institutions are still unwilling to miss this project.

Algorand’s first auction

On June 20, Algorand, which has the aura of a “god-level project”, conducted a Dutch auction, and the final auction price It was $2.4, an increase of 48 times from the private placement price of $0.05.

The total amount of project tokens is 10 billion, and 25 million Algo will be sold first in this auction. At the same time, Algorand plans to auction a total of 3 billion tokens, which will be auctioned over 5 years, with 2 phases per month, and the monthly goal is to auction 50 million Algos.

The synchronization of the Algorand mainnet online will launch a five-year Dutch auction, with two issues per month, with a monthly target of 50 million Algos and 600 million Algos per year.

What is a Dutch auction?

Traditional auction, bidding auction, final decision. Dutch Auction is a special form of auction. Also known as "reduced price auction", it refers to an auction method in which the bidding price of the auction "subject" decreases from high to low until the first bidder responds (reaches or exceeds the reserve price), and the hammer is struck to seal the deal.

Currently, many ICO projects are gradually using the Dutch auction method for crowdfunding, including the original gnosis, gonetwork, polkadot, and Raiden Network (RDN). Many people don’t understand what a Dutch auction is. First, let me explain to you what a Dutch auction is, the specific details of a Dutch auction, and cost accounting.

This auction method simply means that the auction price starts from high and decreases at a fixed speed. Participants bid at the price they think is appropriate. When the price drops to the total amount of the current auction pool, it is just enough to buy all the auctions that day. The auction ends when the tokens are bought.

Let’s take Algorand directly as an example, because Algorand uses this kind of Dutch auction until the hard top, a Dutch auction until the hard top.

For example, suppose a total of 100 Algo tokens are sold on a certain day. The starting bid was $10. When the price was $5, Xiao Li bid $50 and bought 10 pieces. After that, the price continued to fall, and Xiao Wang bid $40 for 20 pieces when the price was $2.

After that, the price continued to fall. When the price dropped to 1 US dollar, Xiao Ming bid another 10 US dollars to buy 10 more. At this time, there is already 100 US dollars in the auction pool, and the auction price has dropped to 1 US dollar, which is exactly the price of 100 Algos.

At the end of the auction that day, Xiao Li got 50 Algos, Xiao Wang got 40 Algos, and Xiao Ming got 10 Algos. Although Xiao Li offered the price at $5, but his final transaction price was actually $1.

Where is Algorand auctioned?

Algorand’s Dutch auction is conducted on the compliance platform Coinlist, and users need to pass KYC to proceed.

Coinlist is a financing platform that provides initial coin offerings (ICOs) for accredited investors and high-quality blockchain projects. It is launched by AngelList and Protocol Labs. In April 2018, Coinlist announced the completion of a $9.2 million Series A round of financing. A number of well-known blockchain venture capital funds participated in the investment, including Polychain Capital, Digital Currency Group, FBG Capital, Libertus Capital, Blockchain Capital, and CoinFund. and Electric Capital.

The initial token issuance projects on the CoinList platform fully comply with the requirements of securities laws, and its subsidiary CoinList Capital is also a registered investment adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Not only that, the company also launched the "ComplyAPI" service, which allows companies to conduct anti-money laundering and KYC checks on potential investors, and confirm the investor's certification status in accordance with U.S. securities laws.

Circulating Supply is the quantity of Algo that can be freely traded. Within the first 5 years of the network, there will be a maximum supply of 10 billion Algos in circulation. Although the 2.5 billion tokens of the foundation & team are not locked, the project team guarantees that the Algorand team will not participate in more than 49% of the current circulation (to prevent 51% double-spending attacks).

Can Chinese people participate in the auction?

Chinese investors are unable to participate in the auction due to laws and rules.

But they can participate in the Algorand ecosystem in other ways: https://tracker.algo. capital

Contact information: [email protected]

For example, Algo Tracker Fund, the above is their website and email address

Other platform investment channels are not official channels , Algorand cannot guarantee its safety and reliability, please be careful and judge its risks yourself.

What problems did Algorand’s Dutch auction solve?

1. Pricing issues. The initial pricing of assets is no longer determined by the project party’s fixed price, but is determined by all the public participating in the Dutch auction.

2. The problem of uneven distribution of resources. Professor Micali mentioned that in the traditional Dutch auction, only qualified financial institutions can participate in the auction of US Treasury bonds. The Dutch auction based on the Internet and blockchain can expand the scope of participation to the greatest extent.

3. The most criticized issue of initial token distribution in POS. Algorand will distribute 30% of the total tokens without permission over 5 years, while using no more than 49% of self-held tokens to ensure the security of the network (49% will not be sold to the secondary market, because only Algorand Only when the system is stable and secure can the team gain maximum benefits). In this way, tokens will be distributed as widely as possible to avoid the problem of POS tokens being concentrated and the rich getting rich. (Algorand also avoids this problem by providing new token rewards regardless of whether the token is online or not)

Algorand’s price

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The 2.5 billion tokens promised by the team and the foundation will only be used for project development and protection of the project's ecology, and will not be sold. ALGO's current auction price is 48 times higher than the private placement price.

Calculated by multiplying the price of $2.4 (the price on 06.20) by the total number of tokens of 10 billion, its total market value reaches $24 billion, exceeding the market value of Ripple and second only to the market value of ETH.


2022-04-21 18:05:47

Algorand ecological project Vendible completed 178 US$10,000 in seed round financing

[Algorand ecological project Vendible completes US$1.78 million in seed round financing] Golden Finance News, Algorand ecological project Vendible, which protects the identity and data of DeFi application users, announced the completion of US$1.78 million in seed round financing. Investors include Borderless Capital, Woodstock Fund, Bixin Ventures, NGC Ventures and Big Brain Holdings. Vendible will use the funding to continue optimizing its infrastructure, which combines identity, data and privacy in one package. Co-founded by Douglass Broughton and Gwin Scott, Vendible is building protocols for wallet-based DeFi applications on the Algorand network to solve identity and privacy issues for individuals, businesses, and governments. Vendible has also been selected for the 250 million ALGO reward program before.

2022-04-10 06:45:03

CME increases reference interest rates for Solana, Cardano, Polygon and other currencies

[CME increases reference interest rates for Solana, Cardano, Polygon and other currencies] According to golden financial news, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group (CME Group) has cooperated with the cryptocurrency index provider CF benchmark and will launch a new interest rate on April 25. New reference prices will include Algorand (ALGO), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Cardano, Chainlink (LINK), Cosmos (ATOM), Litecoin (LTC), Polkadot, Polygon (MATIC), Solana, Stellar Lumens (XLM) and Uniswap (UNI) index pricing. Reference rates and indices are not themselves tradable investment products. As the name suggests, a reference rate is price data for an asset. But having this data is an important prerequisite for providing products such as ETFs and futures contracts. (decrypt)

2022-04-01 20:18:42

The third phase of Algorand governance is officially open for registration

[The third phase of Algorand governance is officially open for registration] News on April 1 , the Algorand Foundation officially announced that the third phase of governance is officially open for registration. The basic regulations are consistent with the previous phase, that is, anyone who holds Algo can register as a governor, stake Algo for three months, and participate during this period. vote. At the end of the three-month period, governors will receive corresponding rewards. Algorand community governance grants governance the decision-making power of 1/3 of the total number of ALGOs in the Algorand Ecosystem Resource Pool (AERP), which currently has more than 3 billion ALGOs. There are four governance periods every year, each governance period is 3 months, during which at least one voting meeting is held. Each governor must commit to maintaining a certain Algo balance during the governance period, and the governor must vote in each voting session. The governors will receive relevant rewards at the end of each quarterly governance period.

2022-03-31 12:32:00

Hashdex, a crypto-asset management company, launched Web3 ETF, and the fund’s net assets have exceeded US$6 million

[Hashdex, a crypto-asset management company, launched Web3 ETF, the fund’s net assets have exceeded US$6 million] According to news on March 31, crypto asset management company Hashdex launched the Web3 exchange-traded fund (ETF) WEB311 on Brazil’s B3 Stock Exchange. The fund currently has approximately US$6.1 million. net worth, attracting 1,270 investors. The fund currently invests in seven smart contract public chain assets, including Ethereum, Cardano (ADA), Solana (SOL), Polkadot (DOT), Algorand (ALGO), Tezos (XTZ) and Cosmos (ATOM). Hashdex launched the DeFi ETF DEFI11 in February this year, and the current net assets of the fund are nearly US$12.6 million. (Theblock)

2022-03-22 20:55:39

Grayscale creates a smart contract platform fund and invests in tokens such as Cardano and Solana

[Grayscale creates a smart contract Platform funds, invest in tokens such as Cardano and Solana] According to Golden Finance news, cryptocurrency asset management company Grayscale is expanding its investment fund series to include non-Ethereum smart contract tokens. The Grayscale Smart Contract Platform Ex-Ethereum Fund (GSCPxE for short) allows investors to choose from investing in some of the largest smart contract networks and Ethereum sidechains. The fund consists of Cardano (ADA), Solana (SOL), Avalanche (AVAX), Polkadot (DOT), Polygon (MATIC), Algorand (ALGO), and Stellar (XLM). Cardano and Solana each account for more than 24% of the fund, and Avalanche and Polkadot each account for more than 16%. About 10% of the funds are allocated to Polygon, with Algorand and Stellar each accounting for more than 4%. (Decrypt)