如何购买BSV币、如何购买BSV教程 答案:
KyberSwap BSCKyberSwap BSC 去中心化交易平台
DODO Swap面向Web3的 去中心化交易协议
Kine ProtocolKINE提供了一个[点对点]的衍生品市场,由链上数字资产支持的流动性池作为交易所内所有交易者的被动对手方。
Matcha-Dex聚合交易 在 Ethereum、Binance、Polygon、Avalanche、Celo、Fantom 等平台上进行交易!Matcha 为您在交易所找到最优惠的价格,并将它们组合成一笔交易。
MDEX swapMDEX.COM 支持BSC、HECO及ETH的去中心化跨鏈交易協議,多次位列CoinMarketCap、CoinGecko的DEX排行榜第一。
Uniswap (V2)Uniswap是一个在以太坊上自动交换代币的协议。它于2018年11月2日推出。Uniswap将自己描述为一个简单的智能合约接口,用于交换ERC20代币。它有一个正式的模型来汇集流动性储备。它作为交易者和流动性提供者的开源前端接口,致力于提供免费和去中心化的资产交换。
TornadoTornado Cash 通过打破源地址和目标地址之间的链上链接来提高交易隐私。它使用一个智能合约,接受可以通过不同地址提取的 ETH 存款。为了保护隐私,可以使用中继器提取到没有 ETH 余额的地址。每当新地址提取 ETH 时,都无法将提取与存款联系起来,从而确保完全隐私。
1inch Exchange1inch是一个DeFi聚合器和一个具有智能路由的去中心化交易所。
Curve Finance曲线的目的是利用先进的粘合曲线创造深层的链上流动性。
KyberSwap ETHKyberSwap ETH 去中心化交易
Loopring swapLoopring swap 去中心化交易
DODO Swap面向Web3的 去中心化交易协议
Kine ProtocolKINE提供了一个[点对点]的衍生品市场,由链上数字资产支持的流动性池作为交易所内所有交易者的被动对手方。
Matcha-Dex聚合交易 在 Ethereum、Binance、Polygon、Avalanche、Celo、Fantom 等平台上进行交易!Matcha 为您在交易所找到最优惠的价格,并将它们组合成一笔交易。
MDEX swapMDEX.COM 支持BSC、HECO及ETH的去中心化跨鏈交易協議,多次位列CoinMarketCap、CoinGecko的DEX排行榜第一。
QuickSwapQuickSwap 是一个去中心化交易所 (DEX),如果你想交易 MATIC,你绝对应该使用它。 它是Polygon网络的典型交易所,具有更低的gas成本和更容易交易的优势。
KyberSwap PolygonKyberSwap Polygon 去中心化交易平台
DODO Swap面向Web3的 去中心化交易协议
Matcha-Dex聚合交易 在 Ethereum、Binance、Polygon、Avalanche、Celo、Fantom 等平台上进行交易!Matcha 为您在交易所找到最优惠的价格,并将它们组合成一笔交易。
TraderJoeTrader Joe是你在Avalanche网络上的一站式去中心化交易平台。
Hurricane swapAvalanche 上的第一个跨链流动性 DEX
KyberSwap AVAXKyberSwap AVAX 去中心化交易
Lydia Swap-AVAXLydiaSwap-AVAXLydiaSwap-AVAX
Pangolin-AVAX一个社区驱动的去中心化交易所,用于 Avalanche 和以太坊资产 快速结算 , 低交易费用 ,和 提供支持的民主分配 由 Avalanche 。 穿山甲带给你 寻找和最大化收益的最佳交易机会。
RaydiumRaydium AcceleRaytor是自动化做市商Raydium旗下的IDO平台。平台目前已经成功IDO项目7个,包括近期热门的链游StarAtlas也选择了在Raydium上进行IDO。
Serum Portal在世界上最快、最强大的去中心化交易所进行交易。
DODO Swap面向Web3的 去中心化交易协议
SaberSabre 是一个面向全球范围的开放式交易和流动性平台,Sabre是在 Solana 上交易资产的自动化做市商。
SlopeSlope Finance是一个由社区驱动的全栈平台,由建立在Solana之上的DEX、钱包和NFT部门组成,为用户提供极快的速度、几乎为零的交易费用和直观的界面。我们的目标是打造一个
Cherry Swap樱桃交换
Pexpay | 币安投资币安投资全球最安全的C2C交易平台
BSC钱包ETH钱包Polygon钱包Avax钱包Sol钱包OKC钱包钱包工具MetaMaskMetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。
WalletconnectWalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。
imTokenimToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。
Trust walletTrust Wallet 是被全球最大加密资产交易所 Binance 收购的,去中心化移动钱包应用程序。Trust Wallet 钱包支持购买、存储数字货币,查看价格、交易等。 此外,它还是一个去中心化应用程序(dApp)浏览器,其内置的 dApp 浏览器可与 dApp 建立通信,因此用户可以直接在智能手机或平板电脑上交易加密货币和收藏品。
Mathwallet麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。
Binance WalletBinance Wallet是Binance Chain、Binance Smart Chain和Ethereum的加密货币钱包。它是存储、交换和赚取加密货币的一站式网关。它支持Firefox、Chrome和Brave浏览器。
MetaMaskMetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。
WalletconnectWalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。
imTokenimToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。
Mathwallet麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。
Binance WalletBinance Wallet是Binance Chain、Binance Smart Chain和Ethereum的加密货币钱包。它是存储、交换和赚取加密货币的一站式网关。它支持Firefox、Chrome和Brave浏览器。
MyetherwalletMEW (MyEtherWallet) 是一个免费的客户端界面,可帮助您与以太坊区块链进行交互。我们易于使用的开源平台允许您生成钱包、与智能合约交互等等。
Portis人们期望通过简单而熟悉的方式来加载和使用应用程序。设置钱包、签署交易和支付 gas 费用对主流用户来说可能是令人生畏的。您的 Dapp(去中心化应用程序)使用标准的 web3.js 方法与 Portis SDK 通信,这意味着它将自动与您现有的代码一起工作。 用户无需提前安装任何东西即可使用您的 DApp。使用 Portis,您的 DApp 已经与解决方案捆绑在一起,为他们提供了一种感觉熟悉的简单的浏览器内电子邮件/密码登录方法。
RainbowRainbow 是一种创建以太坊钱包、收集 NFT 和探索 Web3 新世界的有趣、简单且安全的方式。
ArgentArgent 是基于以太坊的移动钱包,可帮助用户轻松管理加密资产和身份,没有助记词、gas 费用或长地址,具备简单、安全和完全分布式等特点。
Ethereum 以太坊钱包以太坊是社区运营的技术,为加密货币以太坊(ETH)和成千上万的去中心化应用程序提供动力。
CoinbaseCoinbase 钱包支持超过 4,000 种代币和整个世界的去中心化应用程序
MetaMaskMetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。
WalletconnectWalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。
imTokenimToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。
Mathwallet麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。
Portis人们期望通过简单而熟悉的方式来加载和使用应用程序。设置钱包、签署交易和支付 gas 费用对主流用户来说可能是令人生畏的。您的 Dapp(去中心化应用程序)使用标准的 web3.js 方法与 Portis SDK 通信,这意味着它将自动与您现有的代码一起工作。 用户无需提前安装任何东西即可使用您的 DApp。使用 Portis,您的 DApp 已经与解决方案捆绑在一起,为他们提供了一种感觉熟悉的简单的浏览器内电子邮件/密码登录方法。
Wallet-AVAX钱包Avalanche 钱包是一个简单、安全、非托管的钱包,用于存储 Avalanche 资产。
MetaMaskMetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。
WalletconnectWalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。
imTokenimToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。
Mathwallet麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。
MetaMaskMetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。
WalletconnectWalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。
imTokenimToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。
Mathwallet麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。
SlopeSlope Finance是一个由社区驱动的全栈平台,由建立在Solana之上的DEX、钱包和NFT部门组成,为用户提供极快的速度、几乎为零的交易费用和直观的界面。我们的目标是打造一个
PhantomPhantom 是用于访问部署在 Solana 区块链上的分布式应用程序的扩展。 该扩展程序将一个对象注入到每个网站的 javascript 上下文中,以便分散的应用程序可以与您的钱包进行交互,您也可以与应用程序进行交互。 Phantom 还允许用户创建和管理自己的身份(通过私钥、助记符和 Ledger 等硬件钱包),因此当去中心化应用程序想要执行交易并写入区块链时,用户可以获得一个安全界面来查看交易, 在批准或拒绝之前。 因为它为普通浏览器上下文添加了功能,所以 Phantom 需要读取和写入任何网页的权限。安全非常重视,Phantom 代码已经过顶级审计公司的审计。
MetaX数字货币钱包,DApp 入口,NFT 世界 —— 您想要的应有尽有
MetaMaskMetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。
WalletconnectWalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。
智能全链导入钱包右上方点选Connect Wallet 之后,便可以直接将该网络汇入至你的metamask 钱包,一键添加全网智能链到小狐狸钱包,多功能添加工具。链表 帮助用户连接到 EVM 供电的网络 Chainlist 是 EVM 网络的列表。用户可以使用这些信息将他们的钱包和 Web3 中间件提供商连接到适当的链 ID 和网络 ID 以连接到正确的链。
GEMIT钱包检查的化工具,可帮助交易者做出有关他们所做投资的日常决策。 只需几个简单的步骤,您就可以快速获取有关您当前盈亏的信息,以及币安智能链上钱包中每个仓位的反射收益。
Token 合约授权查询Token 合约授权查询
交易加速/取消 工具用于钱包Mtramask、WalletConnect 交易加速或取消。
Google Authenticator开启Google的登陆二步验证,用于加密账户登录安全
北京时间2018年11月16日凌晨0点40分,BCH进行一场备受瞩目的硬分叉,数字货币史上第一次算力战打响。这场算力对决的双方,一方是自称是“中本聪”的Craig Wright和他背后的赌博业巨富Calvin Ayre支持的nChain开发团队,另一方是Bitcoin ABC开发团队,以及背后的支持者比特大陆创始人吴忌寒和“比特币耶稣”Roger Ver。由于双方未能就如何最好地发展BCH及部署更新代码达成一致,最终走向硬分叉,BCH分裂为BCH ABC和BCH SV两个阵营,并约定用算力战定生死。BCH是于2017年8月由比特币硬分叉得来,时隔一年之后再次迎来分裂,并且这次是在没有重放保护的前提下,通过算力竞争互相搏杀。作为市值第四大的数字货币,BCH算力战引起了行业的广泛关注,并波及到比特币和整个数字货币市场,对未来的社区治理模式带来了深远影响。
BSV(Bitcoin Satoshi Vision)其中的“SV”是Satoshi Vision(中本聪愿景)的缩写,旨在实现原定的大规模链上扩容愿景,成为全球通用的点对点电子现金与价值数据传输网络。
BCHSV,它将成为硬分叉中的替代链。 他的方向得到了 Craig Wright的支持 BCHSV链将使用并遵循Satoshi Nakamoto在比特币白皮书中概述的原始规格,因此名称为SV或“Satoshi Vision”。对于有争议的硬叉,这是证明,BCHSV和BCHABC之间唯一的实际区别是 对于网络,SV将具有更大的块大小,大小为128MB。
Bitcoin SV提供了一种全新的全节点比特币现金(BCH)实现方式,旨在实现中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)最初在其比特币白皮书中所设定的愿景。
与其他竞相对比特币作出不必要变更的竞争性比特币现金(BCH)实现方式不同,Bitcoin SV的开发规划路线图在于恢复中本聪的初始协议、保持协议稳定性、进行大规模扩容、继而允许大型企业放心地在稳固的比特币现金(BCH)基础上开发创建项目活动。
引言:BSV 诞生
BTC一直被诟病的技术设计缺陷是区块容量小。目前的比特币系统,每一个区块的大小是 1M,每 10 分钟产生一个这样的区块,每一个最基本的比特币交易的大小是大约 250字节,每秒处理 6.6 个交易。被每秒处理上万笔交易的VISA和支付宝吊打,这样的性能是完全不足以支持商业化应用的,交易阻塞得不行,完全做不到中本聪创造比特币的初衷——成为全球通用的点对点电子现金与价值数据传输网络。
决战双方分别是,自称是“中本聪”的Craig Wright和他背后的赌博业巨富Calvin Ayre支持的nChain开发团队,和Bitcoin ABC开发团队,以及背后的支持者比特大陆创始人吴忌寒和“比特币耶稣”Roger Ver。
Bitcoin SV中的“SV”是Satoshi Vision(中本聪愿景)的缩写。这为信仰BSV的人写下了一个好故事,BSV被称为比特币原教旨币种,相当于告诉大家,原本的BTC已经无法实现中本聪的愿景了,没关系,我们再分叉一个BSV来继续完成,中本聪愿景也好,全球性商用也好,总之它有着无限美好的未来。除却后面我们要讲的“澳本聪”,这个概念是大家认为BSV价值不可估量的一大原因。
BSV 背后的男人,他真的是中本聪吗?
澳大利亚博彩大佬Calvin Ayre,是在算力大战中为BSV提供支持的区块链公司Coingeek的实际控制人,最早靠博彩起家,亿万富豪。被媒体称为“澳本聪”的CWS是一位澳大利亚计算机科学家。
两人之间发生交际得从2007年开始说起,当时CWS担任了澳洲最大在线赌场之一 Centrebet 的安全顾问,认识了该项目的网络负责人S(字母代称),2010年S又成为了博彩大佬CA(简称)其中一个公司的CTO,然后CSW也经他介绍加入。
CA曾在接受星球日报的采访时称:“......创造了比特币的CSW(Craig S. Wright)当时在我手下工作,但我并不认识他。很多人知道比特币也是因为 Craig。
另一种说法是,CA这个有着经商头脑的亿万富翁找到了技术大牛CSW,希望联合他一起“搞大事”,于是把CSW包装成中本聪,推至台前,这些都是有计划有预谋的。当时CSW自己的公司正面临门头沟倒闭、ATO 调查(骗取退税和偷税漏税)等问题,背上了个人巨额债务,这时大老板CA同意下属拿出1500万美元慷慨救助,2015 年 6 月给 CSW 度过困境,CSW则得满足两个义务“1、转移所有的比特币知识产权;2、告诉媒体我就是中本聪”。
黑客称“我黑了Satoshi Naklamoto,这些文件都是从他的企业账户上获得的。这个人就是雷格·赖特博士”。 Gizmodo随后收到了一堆电子邮件文件,显然是直接从澳大利亚学者,计算机工程专家,以及连续创业者CSW的Outlook帐户提取的。
2014年2月,CSW和自己的律师以及澳大利亚税务办公室的就比特币监管问题进行的会谈的笔录,CSW似乎一直在试图说服澳大利亚政府将他持有的比特币视作货币,而不是必须要交税的投资品。如果没有这个监管举措,他的商业利益将受损失。其中引用了他愤怒的话:"我尽力隐瞒了自2009年以来我一直在经营比特币的事实,"CSW说。 "到这件事结束的时候,我想半个世界都会知道。” Gizmodo杂志采访了多个会谈纪要上的相关人员,他们证实确实参加过这次会议。
CSW 试图通过地址为[email protected] 的电子邮件联系澳大利亚参议员,询问比特币监管情况,并试图说服澳政府将他持有的比特币作为货币,而不是一项需要征收税收的资产。Nakomoto 用这个邮箱定期与早期的比特币用户和开发者联系。
另一邮件中显示,CSW将110万个比特币委托给合作伙伴Dave Kleiman成立郁金香信托。该邮件中还显示,Dave Kleiman同意他不会透露“[email protected]也就是中本聪发表白皮书的邮箱就是CSW的。(以上资料来源@丝路花语)
2.CSW委托合作伙伴成立了郁金香信托。此举有三个作用,第一,他掌握了郁金香信托私钥的一部分,(注:82.5 万的比特币被锁密钥和地址都被锁在了郁金香信托中,而该信托基金已经用其私人密钥加密成 15 个部分,其中 7 个由他控制。)可以不用立马证明自己确实拥有大额的比特币;第二,要向公众证明自己就是中本聪,需要出示的强有力证据之一就是创世区块挖出过的超110万个BTC,郁金香信托是很好的回避方案;第三,信托的合作伙伴Dave Kleiman是当初被中本聪任命的比特币接班人。
尽管有曾参与过比特币开发,成立了比特币基金会的Gavin Andresen给CSW背书,称他就是比特币之父,但整个加密社区依然对这位新晋中本聪并不买账。
就连当时审判此案(合作伙伴Dave Kleiman的兄弟诉CSW)的法官都表示:我完全否认 CSW 博士关于所谓的郁金香信托基金,所谓的加密文件的证词,以及他所谓的无法识别他的比特币持有量。CSW 博士唯一的希望就是一个有抵押的信使带着解密密钥在 2020 年 1 月到达一个不知名的地方。如果 2020 年 DavidKleiman 所委托递送信托密钥切片的信使不出现,CSW 博士就失去了获取价值数十亿美元的比特币的能力,而他似乎也不在乎,这不可思议。这些违背了常识和现实生活经验。
对于加密社区来说,证明自己是中本聪的办法只有一个,那就是出示创始区块的签名,或者将中本聪所应该拥有的数字货币移动。CSW 承诺移动第一个区块的比特币,同时使用该区块私钥签名来证明自己的身份。
本来发生在2016年的事儿,至此也就该沉寂。但2018年,CSW 曾经的合作伙伴 Dave Kleiman 已经去世 6 年,他的弟弟 Ira Kleiman却将 CSW 告上了法院,称CSW侵占Dave110万比特币,价值100亿,另外还有相关比特币知识产权。由此在币圈声名大噪的百万美元比特币(现在已价值96亿美金)诉讼案拉开序幕。
根据南佛罗里达州地方法院的法院文件,美国地方法院法官 Beth Bloom 表示,CSW 被控干涉 Dave Kleiman 遗产案部分此前影响审判结果的部分事实存在争议,因此延长CSW 解锁并交付郁金香信托中相应数量 BTC 的期限至 2 月 3 日。
原因有两个重点:1.如果该信托真的解锁,很大程度就证明CSW或者合作伙伴Dave Kleiman 两人中,其中一人是中本聪,而Dave Kleiman 已于2013年发生摩托车车祸意外去世了。
郁金香信托的原文就是 Tulip Trust,并非中文翻译时另取了名字。根据 2015 年 12 月黑客曝光给媒体的泄漏文件,郁金香信托首次进入公众视野。据称这份文件是 2011 年由法医电脑调查员兼作家戴夫・克莱曼(Dave Kleiman)撰写的,该文件描述了一个含有 1,100,111 个比特币的信托基金,这些币合并了CSW于 2009 年到 2011 年期间挖矿与购买所得的比特币,“在任何时候将被至少三人但不多于七人管理”,为了防止这笔资金在保管期间因各种原因被滥用,信托的私钥被一分为七,该文件声明信托中的所有私钥将于 2020 年 1 月 1 日时被返还给CSW。
根据2014年比特币的价格,郁金香信托保管的100多万个BTC,总价值才不过上亿美金,但CSW或者Dave Kleiman犹如早有预料,给这份信托取名“郁金香”,短短几年时间,100多万枚比特币已经价值超96亿美金了,这场泡沫被称为郁金香再恰当不过。
但也正是因为这样的先知,让人不得不怀疑,2015年由黑客向媒体曝光的这份信托似乎是一早就设计好的。但是在关于郁金香信托诉讼案中,令法官深信但听起来非常违背现实的故事版本却是:原告称他哥哥Dave Kleiman是创造比特币的合伙人,CSW博士侵占了他哥哥的55万比特币和比特币和知识产权。他哥哥2010年就入院治疗,身体每况愈下,2013年临死前却没有留下遗嘱告诉家人,他拥有55万比特币和知识产权,也没有留下任何和比特币有关的信息。死后清点财产时一贫如洗,欠下银行的许多债务,所居住的房屋被银行没收。
根据公开资料,CAW拥有多个学士和硕士学位及博士学位,遍布在经济学、计算机、统计、数学和法律。还拥有超过多种计算机技术证书,除了获得众多的学位,他还拥有24个 GIAC 安全资格证书。 这些都是计算机科学领域中最高的安全荣誉。 (CSW的 GIAC 认证可以在这里看到: )。CSW还是世界上第一个 IT 全球信息保证认证(GIAC)安全专家(GSE)。
他确实拥有过大额的比特币资产。《连线》杂志(WIRED)2015年12月8日披露:CSW比特币财富的另一条线索没有泄露给WIRED ,而是保留在企业咨询公司网站上,这是一份关于CSW创立的几家公司之一 Hotwire 的清算报告。
Hotwire 试图创建一家基于比特币的银行,数据显示,2013年6月,CSW持有的比特币为这家创业公司带来了2300万美元的回报。 这笔钱在2015年底价值超过6000万美元。 在成立公司时,CSW仅对这家公司的投资就占到了现有比特币总量的1.5% 以上,对于比特币世界中一个不知名的玩家来说,这是一个奇怪的大数目。此外,从2014年税务纪要中披露,CSW用45万个比特币价值5000万,购买了银行核心代码。
《A Comparative Analysis of Bitcoin Forks》
2022-04-26 03:21:54
2022-04-08 16:26:41
安全公司:UTXO多簽機制可被用於發起對Blockbook的假充值攻擊,請注意排查風險【安全公司:UTXO多簽機制可被用於發起對Blockbook的假充值攻擊,請注意排查風險】據官方消息,繼昨日慢霧安全團隊披露的 UTXO 多簽機制可被用於發起對交易所的假充值攻擊之後,慢霧區安全夥伴安全鷺(Safeheron)反餽了新的威脇情報,知名開源中間件 Blockbook (Trezor 開源産品) 也受此特性影響,安全鷺發現 Blockbook 獲取交易數據接口返廻結果中對 MultiSig 類型交易展示不完善,如果 output 爲 MultiSig 腳本,Blockbook 將會選擇腳本中最後一個地址展示,和普通地址交易無法區分 。如果交易所、錢包客戶耑或者其它中心化服務僅根據 Blockbook 返廻結果進行入賬判斷,將會造成誤判導致假充值。目前已知可能受此多簽特性影響的代幣有 BTC/LTC/DOGE/BCH/BSV/BHD/CPU/DFI/BTCV/BXC/ZCL,慢霧安全團隊建議相關運營方注意排查風險。
2022-03-27 10:45:32
BSV縂交易量達到10億【BSV縂交易量達到10億】金色財經報道,數據顯示,BSV網絡縂交易量突破10億,以太坊自2015年以來処理了超過 15 億筆交易。然而,每日交易圖表也顯示 BSV 在該數字上快速增長。盡琯以太坊的縂交易量在過去幾個月和幾年中穩步增長,但其每日縂交易量仍然增長緩慢。(coingeek)
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WalletconnectWalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are symmetrically encrypted using a shared key between the two peers. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.
imTokenimToken is a digital asset wallet whose blockchain supports multiple chains. Such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cosmos, etc., it can help manage accounts and assets on the blockchain very simply and securely. Additionally, it has a built-in Dapp browser.
TokenPocketTokenPocket is a multi-chain digital wallet.
MathwalletMathwallet is a multi-platform (mobile/desktop/hardware) universal encryption wallet. Math Wallet supports storage of more than 50 blockchains and more than 3,000 tokens.
Binance WalletBinance Wallet is Binance Chain, Binance Smart Chain and EtheCryptocurrency wallet for reum. It is a one-stop gateway to store, exchange and earn cryptocurrencies. It supports Firefox, Chrome and Brave browsers.
HyperPayHyperPay is a four-in-one digital asset wallet that innovatively integrates managed wallets, self-managed wallets, co-managed wallets, and hardware wallets.
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RainbowRainbow is a fun, easy, and secure way to create an Ethereum wallet, collect NFTs, and explore the new world of Web3.
ArgentArgent is an Ethereum-based mobile wallet that helps users easily manage crypto assets and identities. There are no mnemonics, gas fees or long addresses. It is simple, secure and fully distributed.
Ethereum Ethereum WalletEthereum is the community-run technology that powers the cryptocurrency Ethereum (ETH) and thousands of decentralized applications.
CoinbaseCoinbase wallet supports over 4,000 tokens and an entire world of decentralized applications
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WalletconnectWalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are symmetrically encrypted using a shared key between the two peers. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.
imTokenimToken is a digital asset wallet whose blockchain supports multiple chains. Such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cosmos, etc., it canHelps manage accounts and assets on the blockchain very simply and securely. Additionally, it has a built-in Dapp browser.
TokenPocketTokenPocket is a multi-chain digital wallet.
MathwalletMathwallet is a multi-platform (mobile/desktop/hardware) universal encryption wallet. Math Wallet supports storage of more than 50 blockchains and more than 3,000 tokens.
MetaMaskMetaMask is the most popular browser plug-in wallet that supports multiple chains. It allows users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem, which hosts a large number of decentralized applications (Dapps), without downloading the entire blockchain on their devices. Therefore, it is one of the best Ethereum wallet solutions that provides easy access to decentralized exchanges (DEX), gaming platforms, and many other applications. Currently, mobile products have been developed.
WalletconnectWalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are symmetrically encrypted using a shared key between the two peers. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.
imTokenimToken is a digital asset wallet whose blockchain supports multiple chains. Such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cosmos, etc., it can help manage accounts and assets on the blockchain very simply and securely. Additionally, it has a built-in Dapp browser.
TokenPocketTokenPocket is a multi-chain digital wallet.
MathwalletMathwallet is a multi-platform (mobile/desktop/hardware) universal encryption wallet. Math Wallet supports storage of more than 50 blockchains and more than 3,000 tokens.
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2. Purchase BSV through the tutorial< /p>
At 0:40 a.m. on November 16, 2018, Beijing time, BCH conducted a high-profile hard fork, and the first computing power war in the history of digital currency began. The two sides in this computing power showdown are the nChain development team supported by Craig Wright, who claims to be "Satoshi Nakamoto" and the gambling industry tycoon behind him, Calvin Ayre, and the Bitcoin ABC development team and the supporter Bitcoin behind it. Mainland China founder Wu Jihan and “Bitcoin Jesus” Roger Ver. As the two parties failed to reach an agreement on how to best develop BCH and deploy updated codes, they eventually moved towards a hard fork. BCH split into two camps, BCH ABC and BCH SV, and agreed to use computing power to determine life and death. BCH was derived from the hard fork of Bitcoin in August 2017. It split again a year later, and this time they fought each other through computing power competition without replay protection. As the fourth largest digital currency by market value, the BCH computing power war has attracted widespread attention in the industry and has affected Bitcoin and the entire digital currency market, having a profound impact on the future community governance model.
The BCH computing power battle started on the 16th and lasted for more than a week until November 23rd when SV surrendered and gave up the fight for naming rights. Since then, the computing power war has officially ended, BCH bifurcated into the original BCH chain and the BSV chain, and BSV was born.
BSV (Bitcoin Satoshi Vision), where "SV" is the abbreviation of Satoshi Vision (Satoshi Vision), aims to realize the original vision of large-scale on-chain expansion and become a global peer-to-peer electronic cash. and value data transmission network.
BCHSV, it will become the alternative chain in the hard fork. His direction was supported by Craig Wright. The BCHSV chain will use and follow the original specifications outlined by Satoshi Nakamoto in the Bitcoin white paper, hence the name SV or "Satoshi Vision." As evidenced by the controversial hard fork, the only practical difference between BCHSV and BCHABC is that SV will have a larger block size for the network, at 128MB.
Bitcoin SV provides a new full-node Bitcoin Cash (BCH) implementation designed to realize the vision originally set by Satoshi Nakamoto in his Bitcoin white paper.
Competing Bitcoin Cash with others competing to make unnecessary changes to Bitcoin (BCH) is implemented in different ways. Bitcoin SV’s development planning roadmap is to restore Satoshi Nakamoto’s original protocol, maintain protocol stability, conduct large-scale expansion, and then allow large enterprises to develop on the solid basis of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) with confidence Create project activities.
BSV and "Oben Satoshi"
As a series of mining currency halving frenzy approaches, enter the world The “big bull market” of 2020, with its uncertainties soaring and turmoil rising, seems to be about to begin. Looking from the outside in, the entire currency circle seems to be turbulent under the influence of the global economy. Looking from the inside, it is the Bitcoin market that is affecting the overall market trend.
But today we will not discuss how Bitcoin created the wealth myth for more than ten years, nor will we discuss whether its final value can reach 100,000 US dollars. Let’s look at the complex interest game in the currency circle from another perspective—the rise of BSV (Bitcoin’s fundamental currency).
Introduction: The birth of BSV
BSV is a fork of BCH. The relationship between them is as follows:
People who don’t know much about BTC may wonder why it has forked so many times? Why is BSV, which was born after two forks, so promising? Then we need to start with the technical principles of Bitcoin. The author tries to make it as easy to understand as possible.
The technical design flaw that BTC has been criticized for is its small block capacity. In the current Bitcoin system, the size of each block is 1M, and one such block is generated every 10 minutes. The size of each most basic Bitcoin transaction is approximately 250 bytes, and 6.6 transactions are processed per second. Being beaten down by VISA and Alipay, which process tens of thousands of transactions per second, this performance is completely insufficient to support commercial applications. Transactions are blocked, and it completely fails to achieve Satoshi Nakamoto's original intention of creating Bitcoin - to become a global currency. A peer-to-peer electronic cash and value data transmission network.
When it comes to the issue of expansion, many geeks and Bitcoin believers have made improvements on the original basis of Bitcoin (omitting thousands of words of sectarian arguments), so a series of BCH and BTG were born. There are more than 80 forked coins at most, but most of them are just to ride on the popularity of BTC. The ones that have survived and are recognized by some people are BCH and BTG.
But the story is far from over. BCH was derived from the hard fork of Bitcoin in August 2017. A year later, it split again. The reason was that the two development teams of BCH failed to agree on how to best develop BCH and deploy updated codes. , decided to conduct a computing power war.
The two sides in the decisive battle are the nChain development team supported by Craig Wright, who claims to be "Satoshi Nakamoto" and the gambling industry tycoon Calvin Ayre behind him, and the Bitcoin ABC development team, as well as the backer Bitcoin Mainland founderJihan Wu and “Bitcoin Jesus” Roger Ver.
As the fourth largest digital currency by market value, the BCH computing power war has attracted widespread attention in the industry and has affected Bitcoin and the entire digital currency market.
The BCH computing power battle started on the 16th and lasted for more than a week until SV gave up on the fight for naming rights on November 23rd. Since then, the computing power war has officially ended, BCH bifurcated into the original BCH chain and the BSV chain, and BSV was born.
The "SV" in Bitcoin SV is the abbreviation of Satoshi Vision. This writes a good story for those who believe in BSV. BSV is called the fundamental currency of Bitcoin. It is equivalent to telling everyone that the original BTC can no longer realize Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision. It doesn’t matter. Let’s fork another BSV. Continue to complete, whether it is Nakamoto’s vision or global commercial use, in short it has an infinitely bright future. Except for the "Auburn Satoshi" we will talk about later, this concept is a major reason why everyone thinks that BSV is of immeasurable value.
The man behind BSV, is he really Satoshi Nakamoto?
After sorting out the origin of BSV, we continue to understand the nChain team that founded BSV after the failure of the computing power war.
Australian gambling tycoon Calvin Ayre is the actual controller of Coingeek, a blockchain company that provided support for BSV in the computing power war. He first started his career in gambling. Billionaire. CWS, known as "Satoshi Satoshi" by the media, is an Australian computer scientist.
The relationship between the two people began in 2007. At that time, CWS served as a security consultant for Centrebet, one of Australia’s largest online casinos, and met S (letter name), the network leader of the project. In 2010, S became the CTO of one of the companies of the gaming giant CA (abbreviation), and then CSW also joined through his introduction.
CA once said in an interview with the Daily Planet: “…CSW (Craig S. Wright), who created Bitcoin, was working under me at the time, but I didn’t know him. Many people know Bitcoin because of Craig.
Later, around June or July 2015, I met Craig, and then he explained these principles to me, allowing me to connect all the dots, and I finally understood I learned what this technology means. Since then, I have been more actively involved in this technology.”
In this way, CSW was introduced to CA’s company by his colleagues, and then “Amway” to CA BTC. Then there was a series of "Auburn Satoshi", BSV project, Tulip Trust...
There are currently two circulating versions of the cooperation between these two people.
One theory is that CSW, as the real Satoshi Nakamoto, recommended BTC to CA.And convinced him that he was really Satoshi Nakamoto, and created BSV because he wanted to realize his vision. CA even said in the interview that BCH was nothing in the end, and everyone attacked BSV just because they were afraid that CSW's technology would surpass the original BCH.
Another theory is that CA, a billionaire with a business mind, found the technology giant CSW and hoped to join him to "do big things", so he packaged CSW as Satoshi Nakamoto and pushed it to Taiwan. Previously, these were all planned and premeditated. At that time, CSW's own company was facing problems such as the collapse of Mentougou, ATO investigation (tax refund fraud and tax evasion), and was saddled with huge personal debts. At this time, the big boss CA agreed to provide a generous bailout of 15 million US dollars to CSW in June 2015. To survive the predicament, CSW must meet two obligations: "1. Transfer all Bitcoin intellectual property rights; 2. Tell the media that I am Satoshi Nakamoto."
So how to package a Satoshi Nakamoto? This is a big job.
Making Satoshi Nakamoto
Even people of Indian and Pakistani nationality have come forward to say that they are Satoshi Nakamoto, and they have been accused one after another. The media and community members ridiculed the revelations. CA or CWS may know this well and choose a third party to announce the identity of "Satoshi Nakamoto" to get off to a winning start.
On December 8, 2015, WIRED magazine and Gizmodo magazine simultaneously published articles claiming to have discovered the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, who may be Australian computer scientist CSW.
WIRED magazine and Gizmodo magazine stated that they obtained a series of anonymous news clue emails. The clue provider not only claimed to know the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, but even claimed to have worked for him.
The hacker said, "I hacked Satoshi Naklamoto, and these files were obtained from his corporate account. This person is Dr. Reg Wright." Gizmodo subsequently received a bunch of email files apparently pulled directly from the Outlook account of Australian academic, computer engineering expert, and serial entrepreneur CSW.
The evidence provided by WIRED magazine and Gizmodo magazine is as follows (Note: The following evidence cannot be confirmed or falsified):
In February 2014, CSW and his own lawyer As well as transcripts of meetings with the Australian Taxation Office on Bitcoin regulation, CSW appears to have been trying to convince the Australian government to treat his Bitcoin holdings as currency rather than investments that must pay tax. Without this regulatory initiative, his business interests would suffer. It quoted him saying angrily: "I tried my best to hide the fact that I had been dealing in Bitcoin since 2009," CSW said. "By the time this is over, I think half the world will know." Gizmodo magazine interviewed multiple people involved in the meeting minutes, who confirmed that it was indeedAttended this meeting.
CSW attempted to contact the Australian Senator via email at [email protected] to inquire about Bitcoin regulation and to try to persuade the Australian government to treat his Bitcoin holdings as currency rather than as a currency. Assets subject to tax. Nakomoto used this email address to regularly communicate with early Bitcoin users and developers.
Another email showed that CSW entrusted 1.1 million Bitcoins to partner Dave Kleiman to establish the Tulip Trust. The email also showed that Dave Kleiman agreed that he would not disclose that "[email protected], which is the email address where Satoshi Nakamoto published the white paper, belongs to CSW. (The above information comes from @ Silk Road Flower Language)
The summary is, In order to make everyone believe that CSW is Satoshi Nakamoto, the exposure process was "designed" into two parts:
1. Two magazines announced that CWS is Satoshi Nakamoto, and the clue provider was a hacker who hacked the CWS account. , the main supporting documents are the email from CWS to the Australian government in 2014 to "Amway" Bitcoin, and the email address that CWS used to be recognized as Satoshi Nakamoto's account;
2. CSW entrusted its partners to establish the Tulip Trust . This move has three effects. First, he has mastered part of the private key of the Tulip Trust. (Note: 825,000 Bitcoin locked keys and addresses are locked in the Tulip Trust, and the trust fund has used its The private key is encrypted into 15 parts, 7 of which are controlled by him.) There is no need to immediately prove that he indeed owns a large amount of Bitcoin; secondly, to prove to the public that he is Satoshi Nakamoto, one of the strong evidences that need to be produced is One is that more than 1.1 million BTC have been mined in the genesis block, and the Tulip Trust is a good avoidance plan; third, the trust's partner Dave Kleiman was the Bitcoin successor appointed by Satoshi Nakamoto.
Did CSW get his wish? No.
Although Gavin Andresen, who had participated in the development of Bitcoin and established the Bitcoin Foundation, endorsed CSW and called him the father of Bitcoin. But the entire encryption community still does not buy into this new Satoshi Nakamoto.
Even the judge who tried the case at the time (partner Dave Kleiman’s brother v. CSW) said: I completely deny Dr. CSW Testimony regarding the alleged Tulip Trust Fund, alleged encrypted documents, and his alleged inability to identify his Bitcoin holdings. Dr. CSW’s only hope is for a secured courier to arrive in January 2020 with the decryption key An unknown place. If the messenger entrusted by David Kleiman to deliver the slice of the trust key had not appeared in 2020, Dr. CSW would have lost the ability to obtain billions of dollars worth of Bitcoin, and it is incredible that he does not seem to care. These violationsMemorize common sense and real life experience.
In addition to those emails that cannot be verified or falsified, CSW also tried to prove that he is a Bitcoin by publicly showing that the digital signature of his early Bitcoin development key matches the block mined by Satoshi Nakamoto. creator of the coin, although this evidence was later shown to be a copy-paste of an old publicly available signature from Satoshi Nakamoto.
For the encryption community, there is only one way to prove that you are Satoshi Nakamoto, and that is to show the signature of the founding block, or to move the digital currency that Satoshi Nakamoto should own. CSW commits to moving the first block of Bitcoins while proving its identity using the block’s private key signature.
Not long after, CSW repented and sent an open letter explaining the reason for his remorse. The general content is: I don’t think I have the courage to prove that I am Satoshi Nakamoto now...
The crowd was confused and even more suspicious of CSW’s rhetoric.
What originally happened in 2016 should have been silent by now. But in 2018, CSW’s former partner Dave Kleiman had passed away for 6 years. His brother Ira Kleiman took CSW to court, claiming that CSW had embezzled Dave’s 1.1 million Bitcoins worth 10 billion, as well as related Bitcoin intellectual property rights. This kicked off the million-dollar Bitcoin (now worth $9.6 billion) lawsuit that became famous in the currency circle.
It all starts with the Tulip Trust, which is also the core part of the BSV myth.
Tulip Trust and the Madness of BSV
Regarding the latest developments in the Tulip Trust case, it was originally scheduled to be announced in January 2020. Unlocked, but delayed again.
According to court documents in the District Court of South Florida, U.S. District Court Judge Beth Bloom said that CSW was accused of interfering in the case of Dave Kleiman's estate. Some of the facts that previously affected the outcome of the trial were disputed, and therefore extended CSW's unlocking and delivery of the corresponding funds in the Tulip Trust. The amount of BTC is valid until February 3rd.
Why has the unlocking of trusts experienced twists and turns and attracted the attention of all people in the industry?
There are two key reasons: 1. If the trust is really unlocked, it will largely prove that one of CSW or partner Dave Kleiman is Satoshi Nakamoto, and Dave Kleiman has already Passed away accidentally in a motorcycle accident in 2006.
2. It is rumored that CSW will use half of the 9.6 billion U.S. dollars unlocked by the trust (the other half may be awarded by the judge to the partner’s brother) to support BSV. In this way, BSV will gain the largest amount in history. If it explodes, it may directly exceed BCH.
In short, as long as the trust is unlocked, 50% of the 9.6 billion funds will be obtained by CSW, regardless of whether this huge amount of funds is used to support BSV, BSV will rise sharply.
But the announcement of this answer has been postponed to February 3. Will BSV still surge 3-4 times during this period? I'm afraid everyone is confused.
The original text of Tulip Trust is Tulip Trust, and it was not another name in Chinese translation. The Tulip Trust first came into public view in December 2015 based on leaked documents exposed to the media by hackers. The document, purportedly written in 2011 by forensic computer investigator and author Dave Kleiman, describes a trust fund containing 1,100,111 Bitcoins that merged with CSW in 2009 Bitcoins mined and purchased during 2011 "will be managed by at least three but not more than seven people at any time." In order to prevent the funds from being misused for various reasons during the custody period, the trust's private key Divided into seven, the document states that all private keys in the trust will be returned to CSW on January 1, 2020.
According to the price of Bitcoin in 2014, the total value of the more than 1 million BTC held by Tulip Trust was only a few hundred million US dollars, but CSW or Dave Kleiman seemed to have expected it. Name this trust "Tulip". In just a few years, more than 1 million Bitcoins have been worth more than 9.6 billion U.S. dollars. It is fitting that this bubble is called Tulip.
But it is precisely because of such a prophet that people have to suspect that the trust exposed to the media by hackers in 2015 seemed to have been designed early on. But in the Tulip Trust lawsuit, the judge was convinced by a version of the story that sounded very contrary to reality: the plaintiff claimed that his brother Dave Kleiman was a partner in the creation of Bitcoin, and that Dr. CSW misappropriated his brother’s 550,000 Bitcoins and Bitcoin and intellectual property. His brother was hospitalized in 2010 and his health deteriorated. Before his death in 2013, he did not leave a will to tell his family that he owned 550,000 bitcoins and intellectual property rights, and he did not leave any information related to bitcoins. After his death, he was destitute when his property was counted. He owed a lot of debt to the bank, and the house he lived in was confiscated by the bank.
The younger brother also thought that his older brother had nothing but debts until his older brother’s partner Dr. CSW wrote an email in 2014 telling the plaintiff that his older brother had participated in the creation of Bitcoin and asked him to keep his brother’s money. There may be hundreds of thousands of Bitcoins in the hard drive, but the plaintiff said that I have formatted my brother’s hard drive. What should I do?
Dr. CSW also told the plaintiff that he would receive US$12 million and 50% of the company's shares. Later, the plaintiff did not realize that his brother's partner had misappropriated 550,000 bitcoins and intellectual property for four years from 2014. Bitcoin finally rose to $20,000 in 2018At that time, he suddenly woke up from his dream and filed a 10 billion US dollar lawsuit in the Florida court of the United States.
Moreover, the trust document evidence provided by the plaintiff in the lawsuit is consistent with the previously exposed documents. Assuming that this trust really exists, why does the plaintiff not have any trust evidence left by his brother? The ownership of the 1.1 million Bitcoins worth US$10 billion in the Tulip Trust is the cause of the lawsuit and the focus of the lawsuit. Moreover, all the evidence and people involved cannot be falsified or confirmed at present. It is a dead end. The plaintiff has interests reasons. , even if he knew that his brother had not participated in any trust management, he would not tell the truth.
I personally feel that Dr. CSW shot himself in the foot by proactively contacting the plaintiff. Isn’t this not in line with the genius setting of the “Father of Bitcoin”?
But his background is far from simple. This is also the reason why other Satoshi Nakamoto was quickly counterfeited by everyone and disappeared, but CSW was able to delay the lawsuit again and again, like Sun Yuchen, he repeatedly let everyone go, and still gained a large number of believers.
According to public information, CAW has multiple bachelor's and master's degrees and doctoral degrees in economics, computer, statistics, mathematics and law. He also holds more than a variety of computer technology certifications. In addition to numerous degrees, he also holds 24 GIAC security qualifications. These are among the highest security honors in computer science. (CSW’s GIAC certification can be seen here: ). CSW is also the world's first IT Global Information Assurance Certified (GIAC) Security Expert (GSE).
Until July 2015, CSW was the CEO of approximately 15 companies.
He does own a large amount of Bitcoin assets. WIRED revealed on December 8, 2015: Another clue to CSW’s Bitcoin wealth was not leaked to WIRED but remained on the corporate consulting firm’s website, a report on several companies founded by CSW One of Hotwire's liquidation reports.
Hotwire is trying to create a bank based on Bitcoin. Data shows that in June 2013, the Bitcoin held by CSW brought the startup a $23 million return. The money was worth more than $60 million at the end of 2015. At the time of its founding, CSW's investment in the company alone accounted for more than 1.5% of all existing Bitcoins, a strangely large amount for an unknown player in the Bitcoin world. In addition, it was revealed in 2014 tax records that CSW used 450,000 Bitcoins worth 50 million to purchase the bank’s core code.
Based on the above information, it can be known that CSW himself has multiple degrees and is even a security expert at GIAC. Before the exposure, he was the CEO of many companies and also had huge Bitcoin assets. He looked absolutely It’s not like you need to rely on your identity as “Satoshi Nakamoto” to make money.What’s more, after the exposure, he was not only investigated by the Australian Taxation Office, but also the company was liquidated, his reputation was tarnished, and he was regarded as a liar by the crypto community he admired... lack of motivation and did not obtain any substantial benefits through the exposure. , the statement that CSW impersonated Satoshi Nakamoto seemed too unreasonable, and the whole incident has fallen into confusion.
Unless CSW obtains the private key to unlock the trust and obtains 9.6 billion US dollars in BTC ownership, BSV will always have a story to tell, and the truth or falsehood will not be so important.
As early as 2013, there was a saying about BTC: Bitcoin is definitely a scam, but it is strange. It is designed to deceive the smartest people in the world, and fools can’t get in yet.
Now it seems appropriate to place it on BSV, Satoshi Oben, and Tulip Trust. It is definitely a scam, but only smart people fall for it.
Will BSV skyrocket to 1,000 US dollars?
According to market data, BSV has surged nearly three times recently, rising from US$97 to a maximum of US$459, an increase of 373%.
Unlike small currencies that can easily increase dozens of times, mainstream currencies have risen to fourth place in market capitalization in a short period of time, which is an increase that cannot be underestimated. Although the highest peak of US$400 in this wave of rise is still more than half the distance from the US$1,000 shouted by community supporters, BSV has indeed made investors/speculators in the entire currency circle see its roughness and madness. If And the next time it rises, more funds may rush in due to FOMO sentiment.
In addition to the capital mobilization of retail investors, we can look at the computing power. BTC, BCH, and BSV are all SHA256 algorithms. The same mining machine can mine these three cryptocurrencies. According to the principle of maximizing profits, which currency has the greatest benefit from mining, computing power will flow into that currency. Through this surge, BSV’s computing power has doubled. Let’s not forget what we said before. The birth of BSV is due to the computing power war. The goal of the gambling boss is to use computing power to make BCH worthless. Value, if the computing power of BTC and BCH starts to pour into BSV, it will only be a matter of time before BSV’s computing power exceeds that of BCH.
So will BSV become the real BTC one day? From a technical point of view, in fact, many cryptocurrency enthusiasts are not optimistic about the story of Satoshi Oben, but are also not optimistic about BCH and BSV.
Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision is to make BTC a global peer-to-peer electronic cash and value data transmission network. The only shortcoming now seems to be performance issues. Then expand the block and increase the number of transactions, so that Can “perfect BTC” be realized?
The problem is far from simple. Some netizens believe that increasing the block size will bring about another serious problem - increasing transaction costs. However, in the Bitcoin system, regardless of large transactions or small transactions, their transaction costs are almost the same, so if the block size continues to increase, block raise handoverIn the case of low transaction costs, small transactions will generate transaction profits
To sum up, from the perspective of short-term news and marketing stories, it does not matter whether the evidence supporting the series of values behind BSV is true or false. Whether it will rise and whether it can attract more and more speculators is the key to the direction of BSV; from the perspective of long-term technical logic, BSV cannot yet achieve the true "Satoshi Vision", and the BTC fundamental currency can only support A gimmick that readers want to believe.
BTC, BCH, and BSV will all face halving in the first half of this year. The troika of the Bit family may lead all halving currencies to reach new heights. how should I do it? I don’t know if you have seen it. There is a saying that you can never make money beyond your knowledge. In other words, the money you make by luck will eventually be lost by your strength. What I want to remind everyone here is that before the halving, read and understand all the project information about BCH and BSV as much as possible, fully expand your information capture network, and be able to pass on the basis of existing understanding of the BCH and BSV projects. On the market, distinguish every time news about these projects is released in the market, which is sensitive information that affects the trend, and which is irrelevant and rhythmic, and then you can make the money you should have made through cognition.
When you can't predict the market, prepare bullets and maps, know the route and when to snipe.
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BSV News
2022-04-26 03:21:54
Data: BSV single-day transactions Volume exceeds 20 million[Data: BSV single-day transaction volume exceeds 20 million] According to news on April 26, data shows that the BSV blockchain network’s single-day transaction volume exceeded the milestone of 20 million. In terms of transaction volume, it far exceeds other blockchain networks. Although gaming transaction volume currently dominates BSV’s transaction volume, the addition of social media and financial applications means that BSV’s ecosystem is more diverse than most other blockchains.
2022-04-08 16:26:41
Security Company: The UTXO multi-signature mechanism can be used to launch fake recharge attacks on Blockbook, please pay attention to check the risks[Security Company : The UTXO multi-signature mechanism can be used to launch fake recharge attacks on Blockbook, please pay attention to troubleshooting risks] According to official news, the UTXO multi-signature mechanism disclosed by the SlowMist security team yesterday can be used to launch fake recharge attacks on exchanges. Later, Safeheron, the security partner of the Slow Mist Zone, reported new threat intelligence, and the well-known open source middleware Blockbook (Trezor open source product) is also affected by this feature. Security Heron found that the MultiSig type transaction display in the result returned by Blockbook's transaction data acquisition interface is incomplete. If the output is a MultiSig script, Blockbook will select the last address in the script for display, and Ordinary address transactions cannot be distinguished. If exchanges, wallet clients or other centralized services only make accounting judgments based on Blockbook return results, it will cause misjudgments and lead to false recharges. It is currently known that the tokens that may be affected by this multi-signature feature include BTC/LTC/DOGE/BCH/BSV/BHD/CPU/DFI/BTCV/BXC/ZCL. The SlowMist security team recommends that relevant operators pay attention to investigating risks.
2022-03-27 10:45:32
BSV’s total transaction volume reached 1 billion[BSV’s total transaction volume reached 1 billion] Golden Finance reported that data showed that the BSV network’s total transaction volume reached 1 billion. Transaction volume exceeded 1 billion, and Ethereum has processed more than 1.5 billion transactions since 2015. However, the daily trading chart also shows BSV growing rapidly on this number. Although Ethereum’s total transaction volume has grown steadily over the past months and years, its total daily transaction volume is still growing slowly. (coingeek)
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