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发布时间:2023-12-07-21:05:00 来源:网络 比特币基础 代币   区块   合约








Ⅰ What is a token and what is the difference between a token and a digital currency

Tokens are encrypted virtual currencies. It consists of a symbol and serves as a representation. In the coin circle, BTC (bitcoin) and eth (ethereum) are considered the leading coins. More and more tokens are being issued on the market, and there are thousands of tokens. According to different types, tokens can be divided into equity tokens, application tokens and debt tokens.

Tokens can be transferred and traded in the blockchain system, and holders can ultimately exchange them with the issuer for the external assets or interests they represent. Converting external assets or interests into tokens is a process of asset digitization. Tokens are also referred to as "blockchain assets" at this time. The fundamental value of an asset-backed token comes from the value of the actual asset it represents.

Ⅱ Teach you step by step how to issue tokens

Currently, the most widely used token (blockchain currency) is the ERC20 token issued on Ethereum. ERC20 can be regarded as a smart contract. This smart contract keeps track of who owns how many tokens and includes some token transfer functions. If the token smart contract you write complies with the ERC20 standard, your token is called an ERC20 token.

Many concepts similar to ERC20 can seem complicated when you just listen to people talking about them. In fact, the easiest way to understand is to implement it yourself.

An ERC20 token is a smart contract, which records account token balance data and method functions for transferring tokens. Smart contracts can be tested in a test environment before deploying them on Ethereum. There are some Ethereum test networks available. We chose the Rinkeby network for this currency issuance experiment.
1. In the metemask wallet of Chrome browser, select the rinkeby test network.

Send a Post on Facebook, the content is the currency receiving address, which is the account address of the metamask wallet. The post is set to public. Right-click the posting time, copy the link, and fill it in Rinkeby Faucet. Choose to borrow 3 ETH, the usage period is 8 hours, and you can get the 3 ETH after waiting for a while.

You can also see that the ETH has arrived in the metamask wallet.

3. Now that we have the money and wallet, let’s start writing the currency issuance smart contract. We choose the Remix online development platform. There are a large number of cases for ERC20 tokens that you can refer to, borrow them directlyUse it.

After compiling the smart contract, Run it to fly.

Here you need to fill in some configuration information. Select "Web3" for the Environment running environment because we are using the metamask wallet; fill in the metamask wallet account for the Account account; fill in the upper limit of the Gas limit transaction fee. It doesn't matter if you fill in more for this. No real fees are consumed in the test network; the Value contract transfer amount, here is 0Wei; select the HayekToken smart contract; fill in the currency information (input parameters of the contract constructor), the number of coins is 21,000,000 (the same as Bitcoin, pay tribute to Satoshi Nakamoto ), currency name HayekToken, minimum currency unit 0 (decimaUnits), currency abbreviation HYT.
After filling in the configuration information, click "Create" and the contract will start running. Then the metamask wallet pops up, requiring us to confirm the "transaction" and click "Submit".

4. Verification
After the smart contract was released, the smart contract address appeared in Remix:
You can also check the account balance. Note that you must add "" when entering the account, and click "balanceOf ”

You can see 21 million HYT in my account.

Add Token to the metamask wallet and you can also see the token.

Coin issuance successful!

Blockchain token issuance is very simple. How is it different from other tokens, such as Q coins?

Tokens act as a circulation medium in a proprietary field. Q coins can be used to purchase Tencent's virtual services, game coins can be used to catch dolls, and cafeteria menus can be used to buy food. What is the difference between ordinary tokens (Q coins, game coins, menu cards) and blockchain tokens (ERC20)? The core difference is actually not the difference between centralization and decentralization, but the difference between whether it can be freely exchanged. Q coins can only be recharged with legal tender on Tencent's platform, but Q coins cannot be exchanged for legal tender. Game coins can only be used to catch dolls, not to buy snacks. Menu cards can only be used in the cafeteria. Blockchain tokens can be exchanged for another token on the exchange, and can also be exchanged for legal currency over the counter.

This difference makes a huge difference. Blockchain tokens can be traded freely, forming a trading market with fluctuations and financial attributes. Scams such as banker coins and pyramid schemes use the financial properties of blockchain tokens to make money. In order to protect small investors (non-qualified investors), various countries have adopted varying degrees of supervision on blockchain tokens.

These analogies are actually very inaccurate, because with the introduction of blockchain tokens and incentive mechanisms, investors and users are integrated in these applications. That is to say, after the introduction of token incentives, holders of tokens will become shareholders. Of course, shareholders hope that this application will be widely popularized, and even contribute to the application, and they will receive benefits when the tokens appreciate. At the same time, token holders are also users and can use tokens to purchase application services or even rent tokens to others. This makes applications that introduce token incentives completely different from ordinary applications. Although ordinary applications may also have point rewards, points cannot be freely circulated and cannot be exchanged for money at will.

New production relationships based on blockchain tokens are being created. You can also try sending a token.

ⅢWhat does the token contract address mean?

The token contract address refers to a set of data and codes (the data represents the status of the contract, and the code is the function that interprets the contract ), using the contract account address created by Solidity in Ethereum.

Types of Ethereum accounts

1. External accounts created by individual users using Ethereum wallets. The external accounts consist of private keys and public keys;


2. Contract account: As introduced above, the token contract is a smart contract that includes user account address and balance mapping. The contract account is at a special address on the Ethereum blockchain and does not have a private key.

Advantages of token contracts

1. The digital currency trading market is open year-round, with no price restrictions;

2. The token contract supports long and short two-way transactions, and allows for When choosing high leverage, the spot market conditions are copied, and the asset liquidity and capital utilization rate are greatly improved;

3. The higher the leverage of the token contract, the smaller the required initial margin ratio. Characteristics, that is to say, the entry threshold for investors is low, and there is the possibility of making big gains with small things.

To sum up, the token contract is a magnifying glass that can magnify profits, risks, and losses. Investors need to fully understand before choosing to enter the market.

What currency is Ⅳ xec

xec is an eternity token, a cryptocurrency token issued on the Ethereum platform. The original name of XEC coin is Bitcoin Cash ABC, which is one of the forked coins of Bitcoin. The coin is also called BCHABC and ecash. XEC is the token of the Bitfinex platform and is a virtual digital currency. On July 1, 2021, the Bitfinex platform renamed BCHABC to XEC, and users on the platform can replace BCHABC with XEC coins, and each BCHABC can be exchanged for one million XEC coins. In addition, after 8 o'clock in the evening on July 1, 2021, all transactions through BCHABC coins will be stopped.
Cryptocurrency is based on a decentralized consensus mechanism, as opposed to the banking financial system that relies on a centralized regulatory system. The decentralized nature comes from blockchain technology using distributed ledgers. Blockchain is an intelligent peer-to-peer network that uses distributed databases to identify, disseminate and record information. It is also called the Internet of Value. Satoshi Nakamoto proposed the concept of blockchain in the "Bitcoin White Paper" in 2008, founded the Bitcoin Social Network in 2009, and developed the first block, the genesis block.
Extended information
The blockchain shared value system was first imitated by many cryptocurrencies, and improvements were made in proof of work and algorithm development, such as the use of proof of equity and SCrypt algorithms. Subsequently, the blockchain ecosystem continued to evolve around the world, with the emergence of initial coin offerings (ICO); smart contract blockchain Ethereum; asset tokenization sharing economy with light ownership and heavy usage rights; and blockchain countries. People are using this shared value system to develop decentralized computer programs in all walks of life and build decentralized autonomous organizations and decentralized autonomous communities around the world.
1. How to obtain: Users can buy Bitcoin on many virtual currency exchanges, and can also mine Bitcoin through computer mining. However, mining Bitcoin requires a large amount of electricity, and is Computer configuration also has certain requirements;
2. Transaction method: Bitcoin transactions are generally carried out in major virtual currency exchanges, and the receipt and payment of Bitcoin is like sending and receiving emails. Every Bitcoin All have unique addresses;
3. Consumption method: Users can use Bitcoin to directly purchase goods on many websites, or they can also be exchanged for legal currency.

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