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发布时间:2023-12-14-03:25:00 来源:网络 区块链知识 区块



共识机制是指在区块链系统中,节点之间通过一种机制来达成一致,从而确保系统的安全性。目前,最常用的共识机制是工作量证明(Proof of Work),它是由比特币的发明者中本聪提出的,也是最受欢迎的一种共识机制。工作量证明机制的原理是:参与节点需要花费大量的计算资源来解决一个复杂的数学问题,拥有最快速度的节点可以解决数学问题,从而获得新区块的打包权利,其他节点则需要验证该节点的答案是否正确,从而完成对区块的背书。





『一』In the introduction to Bitcoin, "traditional electronic currency relies on legal currency endorsement", what does it mean?

Alipay, the number in the bank card is not itself Currency, but the accounting symbol of RMB.
In the gold standard era decades ago, banknotes were backed by gold, which meant that banknotes were not currency, but the accounting symbol of gold.
The number of Bitcoins is limited and cannot be forged, so there is no need for anything to back it up. Back then, people believed that the U.S. dollar was unreliable and prone to over-issuance, so it needed to be used as the accounting symbol for gold. Now people have become accustomed to the over-issuance/unreliability of the U.S. dollar, so they have left the gold standard. But the number in the bank card cannot be separated from the endorsement of RMB, otherwise the number will grow too fast. "Endorsement" means credit support: if you have a balance in Alipay, Jack Ma will unconditionally allow you to withdraw RMB without any denial. The total amount of funds in everyone's Alipay is equal to the total deposits of Alipay Company in the bank. This kind of strict correspondence is called "endorsement"

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