如何购买RC币、如何购买RC教程 答案:
KyberSwap BSCKyberSwap BSC 去中心化交易平台
DODO Swap面向Web3的 去中心化交易协议
Kine ProtocolKINE提供了一个[点对点]的衍生品市场,由链上数字资产支持的流动性池作为交易所内所有交易者的被动对手方。
Matcha-Dex聚合交易 在 Ethereum、Binance、Polygon、Avalanche、Celo、Fantom 等平台上进行交易!Matcha 为您在交易所找到最优惠的价格,并将它们组合成一笔交易。
MDEX swapMDEX.COM 支持BSC、HECO及ETH的去中心化跨鏈交易協議,多次位列CoinMarketCap、CoinGecko的DEX排行榜第一。
Uniswap (V2)Uniswap是一个在以太坊上自动交换代币的协议。它于2018年11月2日推出。Uniswap将自己描述为一个简单的智能合约接口,用于交换ERC20代币。它有一个正式的模型来汇集流动性储备。它作为交易者和流动性提供者的开源前端接口,致力于提供免费和去中心化的资产交换。
TornadoTornado Cash 通过打破源地址和目标地址之间的链上链接来提高交易隐私。它使用一个智能合约,接受可以通过不同地址提取的 ETH 存款。为了保护隐私,可以使用中继器提取到没有 ETH 余额的地址。每当新地址提取 ETH 时,都无法将提取与存款联系起来,从而确保完全隐私。
1inch Exchange1inch是一个DeFi聚合器和一个具有智能路由的去中心化交易所。
Curve Finance曲线的目的是利用先进的粘合曲线创造深层的链上流动性。
KyberSwap ETHKyberSwap ETH 去中心化交易
Loopring swapLoopring swap 去中心化交易
DODO Swap面向Web3的 去中心化交易协议
Kine ProtocolKINE提供了一个[点对点]的衍生品市场,由链上数字资产支持的流动性池作为交易所内所有交易者的被动对手方。
Matcha-Dex聚合交易 在 Ethereum、Binance、Polygon、Avalanche、Celo、Fantom 等平台上进行交易!Matcha 为您在交易所找到最优惠的价格,并将它们组合成一笔交易。
MDEX swapMDEX.COM 支持BSC、HECO及ETH的去中心化跨鏈交易協議,多次位列CoinMarketCap、CoinGecko的DEX排行榜第一。
QuickSwapQuickSwap 是一个去中心化交易所 (DEX),如果你想交易 MATIC,你绝对应该使用它。 它是Polygon网络的典型交易所,具有更低的gas成本和更容易交易的优势。
KyberSwap PolygonKyberSwap Polygon 去中心化交易平台
DODO Swap面向Web3的 去中心化交易协议
Matcha-Dex聚合交易 在 Ethereum、Binance、Polygon、Avalanche、Celo、Fantom 等平台上进行交易!Matcha 为您在交易所找到最优惠的价格,并将它们组合成一笔交易。
TraderJoeTrader Joe是你在Avalanche网络上的一站式去中心化交易平台。
Hurricane swapAvalanche 上的第一个跨链流动性 DEX
KyberSwap AVAXKyberSwap AVAX 去中心化交易
Lydia Swap-AVAXLydiaSwap-AVAXLydiaSwap-AVAX
Pangolin-AVAX一个社区驱动的去中心化交易所,用于 Avalanche 和以太坊资产 快速结算 , 低交易费用 ,和 提供支持的民主分配 由 Avalanche 。 穿山甲带给你 寻找和最大化收益的最佳交易机会。
RaydiumRaydium AcceleRaytor是自动化做市商Raydium旗下的IDO平台。平台目前已经成功IDO项目7个,包括近期热门的链游StarAtlas也选择了在Raydium上进行IDO。
Serum Portal在世界上最快、最强大的去中心化交易所进行交易。
DODO Swap面向Web3的 去中心化交易协议
SaberSabre 是一个面向全球范围的开放式交易和流动性平台,Sabre是在 Solana 上交易资产的自动化做市商。
SlopeSlope Finance是一个由社区驱动的全栈平台,由建立在Solana之上的DEX、钱包和NFT部门组成,为用户提供极快的速度、几乎为零的交易费用和直观的界面。我们的目标是打造一个
Cherry Swap樱桃交换
Pexpay | 币安投资币安投资全球最安全的C2C交易平台
BSC钱包ETH钱包Polygon钱包Avax钱包Sol钱包OKC钱包钱包工具MetaMaskMetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。
WalletconnectWalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。
imTokenimToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。
Trust walletTrust Wallet 是被全球最大加密资产交易所 Binance 收购的,去中心化移动钱包应用程序。Trust Wallet 钱包支持购买、存储数字货币,查看价格、交易等。 此外,它还是一个去中心化应用程序(dApp)浏览器,其内置的 dApp 浏览器可与 dApp 建立通信,因此用户可以直接在智能手机或平板电脑上交易加密货币和收藏品。
Mathwallet麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。
Binance WalletBinance Wallet是Binance Chain、Binance Smart Chain和Ethereum的加密货币钱包。它是存储、交换和赚取加密货币的一站式网关。它支持Firefox、Chrome和Brave浏览器。
MetaMaskMetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。
WalletconnectWalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。
imTokenimToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。
Mathwallet麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。
Binance WalletBinance Wallet是Binance Chain、Binance Smart Chain和Ethereum的加密货币钱包。它是存储、交换和赚取加密货币的一站式网关。它支持Firefox、Chrome和Brave浏览器。
MyetherwalletMEW (MyEtherWallet) 是一个免费的客户端界面,可帮助您与以太坊区块链进行交互。我们易于使用的开源平台允许您生成钱包、与智能合约交互等等。
Portis人们期望通过简单而熟悉的方式来加载和使用应用程序。设置钱包、签署交易和支付 gas 费用对主流用户来说可能是令人生畏的。您的 Dapp(去中心化应用程序)使用标准的 web3.js 方法与 Portis SDK 通信,这意味着它将自动与您现有的代码一起工作。 用户无需提前安装任何东西即可使用您的 DApp。使用 Portis,您的 DApp 已经与解决方案捆绑在一起,为他们提供了一种感觉熟悉的简单的浏览器内电子邮件/密码登录方法。
RainbowRainbow 是一种创建以太坊钱包、收集 NFT 和探索 Web3 新世界的有趣、简单且安全的方式。
ArgentArgent 是基于以太坊的移动钱包,可帮助用户轻松管理加密资产和身份,没有助记词、gas 费用或长地址,具备简单、安全和完全分布式等特点。
Ethereum 以太坊钱包以太坊是社区运营的技术,为加密货币以太坊(ETH)和成千上万的去中心化应用程序提供动力。
CoinbaseCoinbase 钱包支持超过 4,000 种代币和整个世界的去中心化应用程序
MetaMaskMetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。
WalletconnectWalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。
imTokenimToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。
Mathwallet麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。
Portis人们期望通过简单而熟悉的方式来加载和使用应用程序。设置钱包、签署交易和支付 gas 费用对主流用户来说可能是令人生畏的。您的 Dapp(去中心化应用程序)使用标准的 web3.js 方法与 Portis SDK 通信,这意味着它将自动与您现有的代码一起工作。 用户无需提前安装任何东西即可使用您的 DApp。使用 Portis,您的 DApp 已经与解决方案捆绑在一起,为他们提供了一种感觉熟悉的简单的浏览器内电子邮件/密码登录方法。
Wallet-AVAX钱包Avalanche 钱包是一个简单、安全、非托管的钱包,用于存储 Avalanche 资产。
MetaMaskMetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。
WalletconnectWalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。
imTokenimToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。
Mathwallet麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。
MetaMaskMetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。
WalletconnectWalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。
imTokenimToken 是一款区块链支持多链的数字资产钱包。如以太坊、比特币、Cosmos 等,它能帮助非常简单、安全地管理在区块链上的账户和资产。此外,它还内置 Dapp 浏览器。
Mathwallet麦子钱包是一个多平台(移动/桌面/硬件)通用加密钱包。麦子钱包支持存储 50 多个区块链和 3000 多个代币。
SlopeSlope Finance是一个由社区驱动的全栈平台,由建立在Solana之上的DEX、钱包和NFT部门组成,为用户提供极快的速度、几乎为零的交易费用和直观的界面。我们的目标是打造一个
PhantomPhantom 是用于访问部署在 Solana 区块链上的分布式应用程序的扩展。 该扩展程序将一个对象注入到每个网站的 javascript 上下文中,以便分散的应用程序可以与您的钱包进行交互,您也可以与应用程序进行交互。 Phantom 还允许用户创建和管理自己的身份(通过私钥、助记符和 Ledger 等硬件钱包),因此当去中心化应用程序想要执行交易并写入区块链时,用户可以获得一个安全界面来查看交易, 在批准或拒绝之前。 因为它为普通浏览器上下文添加了功能,所以 Phantom 需要读取和写入任何网页的权限。安全非常重视,Phantom 代码已经过顶级审计公司的审计。
MetaX数字货币钱包,DApp 入口,NFT 世界 —— 您想要的应有尽有
MetaMaskMetaMask是一款最流行的支持多链的浏览器插件钱包。它允许用户与以太坊生态系统进行交互,该生态系统承载着大量分散的应用程序 (Dapps),而无需在他们的设备上下载整个区块链。因此,它是最好的以太坊钱包解决方案之一,可轻松访问去中心化交易所 (DEX)、游戏平台和许多其他应用程序。目前已开发手机移动端产品。
WalletconnectWalletConnect 是一种开放协议,用于在 Dapp 和钱包之间安全地通信。该协议使用中继服务器在两个应用程序和/或设备之间建立远程配对以中继有效负载。这些有效载荷通过两个对等方之间的共享密钥对称加密。配对由显示二维码或带有标准 WalletConnect URI 的深层链接的一个对等方发起,并在对方批准此配对请求时建立。
智能全链导入钱包右上方点选Connect Wallet 之后,便可以直接将该网络汇入至你的metamask 钱包,一键添加全网智能链到小狐狸钱包,多功能添加工具。链表 帮助用户连接到 EVM 供电的网络 Chainlist 是 EVM 网络的列表。用户可以使用这些信息将他们的钱包和 Web3 中间件提供商连接到适当的链 ID 和网络 ID 以连接到正确的链。
GEMIT钱包检查的化工具,可帮助交易者做出有关他们所做投资的日常决策。 只需几个简单的步骤,您就可以快速获取有关您当前盈亏的信息,以及币安智能链上钱包中每个仓位的反射收益。
Token 合约授权查询Token 合约授权查询
交易加速/取消 工具用于钱包Mtramask、WalletConnect 交易加速或取消。
Google Authenticator开启Google的登陆二步验证,用于加密账户登录安全
Russell Coin采用了货币的主节点计划,并将POW采矿税提高到主节点机制,结合X11算法,匿名性更强。在本文中,哈希算法首次被执行。采用类似于PoW + PoS的混合采矿方法,RC设计了主节点系统,PoW + PoS采矿机制,主节点参与1000个币以上的主节点采矿。POW采矿奖励块币的50%。罗素币启动随机端口,这意味着您的ISP不会通过监控您的端口知道您在做什么,并且可以监控比特币,Peercoin甚至Darkcoin。所有的TCP网络传输层都使用安全的椭圆曲线加密密码套件。快速和简单,交易更安全和方便。目前,实现了即时投币的新功能,即零时差技术,无需使用块链接,即可在0.6秒内用于实时交易。
POS + POW混合挖掘
罗素币RC在自主创新的基础上,打造了提供企业级服务的“罗素币RC区块链”解决方案。基于 “开放分享”的理念,罗素币RC将搭建区块链基础设施,并开放内部能力,与全球企业共享,共同 推动可信互联网的发展,打造区块链的共赢生态。
罗素币RC在支付与金融、社交、媒体等多个领域积累了丰富的行业与技术经验,在高并发的交易处理方面取得了业界领先的突破;此外,罗素币RC还具备海量数据处理和分析、金融安全体系构 建的能力,在云生态和行业连接的探索上也积累了丰富的经验。
数据是未来以互联和机器学习为主的经济中最重要的成分,AI 算法分析数据会产生许多改变世界的发现。而对于数据收集能力有限的企业,数据交易将是一个互惠互利的工作,可以促进公司的创新,创造新的收入来源。然而由于目前数据交易市场上存在数据非法倒卖,信息透明度低,易被篡改等问题,导致数据交易的规模受限。
2、联网的无人驾驶汽车:联网汽车(Connecte Vehicle)使车辆变成巨大的智能应用程序。汽车自动化逐年加强,包括导航、道路救援等。区块链将利用数字网络追踪这些设备,实现车辆间通信和保险条款自动追踪,车辆年检等;
传统运营商基于”烟囱式的网络即业务”架构,业务和网络都是运营商经营,网络是支撑系统,业务与网络之间的费用内部结算,但随着 ICT 融合,通信产业从封闭走向开放,业务提供者除了运营商之外,还包括了大量 OTT 类云服务商和虚拟业务提供商。为支撑新业务生态的需求,运营商网络需要云化重构,实现类似云计算 IaaS/PaaS(Infrastructure as a Service/ Platform as a Service)一样灵活、弹性、自动化的网络即服务(NaaS)的能力。这些能力可以有偿的开放给各云服务商和虚拟业务提供商,实现网络能力变现。区块链可以在不同节点之间建立信任、随着运营商网络从封闭的内部结算方式向货币化的对外服务转型,可以引入区块链技术,为多云、多网、多端之间建立互信的新型交易模式。
根据英国电信(BT)对企业客户的调研显示,90%的企业希望能获得“云网一体化”的服务,以保障端到端的 SLA(Service-Level Agreement)、安全,获取端到端的性能报告、实现端到端的管理和故障诊断能力。云网系统需要支持从任意一个云服务或者网络业务的销售入口登入,可以购买到任意一家的云服务或网络业务的功能,而不用多次登录不同的入口。
RC关心区块链在金融行业的应用场景,因为这与我们通过“云、管、端”为金融服务推动数字化转型和成熟化的核心战略直接匹配,此外,区块链加速了信息的安全分发,呈现,传输和处理。从区块链技术中受益最多的往往是那些参与者之间信任度较低、交易记录安全性和完整性要求较高的行业,而金融业正是其中之一。相关咨询报告显示区块链或分布式账本技术每年可为金融行业节省成本 50-70 亿美元,这种成本的降低主要来自于区块链对现有业务的改进,如跨境支付价值链的改善、对账流程的优化、用户身份认证/反洗钱流程的效率提升和供应链金融以及普惠金融中的信息共享等。
“区块链+供应链金融”是区块链在金融领域的最佳应用场景之一,具有广阔的市场空间。供应链金融具有系统性、结构性的业务理念,决定了信息流是供应链金融风险把控的关键。如何获取真实、全面、有效的数据,既是供应链金融风控的基础,又是风控的难点,通过区块链的分布式账本等技术可以在供应链参与中的众多企业、众多金融机构间搭起一张可信的信息网络,从企业经营信息的源端获取信息,然后通过区块链达到端到端的信息数据透明、不可篡改,所有参与方都通过一个去中心化的记账系统分享商流、物流、资金流信息。 银行根据真实的企业贸易背景、实时产生的运营数据开展授信决策,缩短资料数据收集、校 验、评估的作业时间,降低风险成本,提升决策的精确性和效率。而企业通过供应链金融可 以获得更低的贷款成本,更快速迅捷的金融服务,帮助业务的顺利开展和拓广。
公证是公证机构根据自然人、法人或者其他组织的申请,依照法定程 序对民事法律行为、有法律意义的事实和文书的真实性、合法性予以 证明的活动。传统公证存在手续繁琐、处理低效等痛点。
针对公证领域的痛点,运用区块链进行第三方录,将 有助于维护一个安全存管、基于时间戳记录的区块链账本,并将提高 数据证明过程的透明度,在明确权属的同时节省成本、提高效率。
RC认为,区块链在公证领域的应用可以实现的最重要的价值 是,证明任何文件的存在、完整性和所有权,即存在性证明、完整性 证明以及所有权证明。基于这一价值,RC在公证领域应用存在以下应用场景:
以学历证书为例,在应聘、考评等情况下,需对学历或所持毕业 证书(学位证书)的真实性、合法性予以证明,尤其是涉外学历证 书,对证书公证的需求更为频仍。除此以外,房产证、结婚证、驾驶 证等各种证书也存在公证的需求。然而目前证书公证存在低效、程序 繁琐等问题,带来诸多不便。
对于经济体而言,每一份合同都可能成为日后的重要证据,对合 同进行公证将极大有利于其法律权益的伸张。对于个人而言,取得关 键法律证据的公证成为保护自身合法权益的关键,例如遗嘱公证以及 语音、邮件、微信、微博等各种类型的法律证据,都是法律申诉的有 力证据。律师作为专业法律咨询服务提供者,单位时间的效率十分要,但由于“取证难”占用大量宝贵时间。如果有一种便利、简单的取证工具,将极大利于个体合法权益的保护以及提升律师工作效率。
电子病历作为医院信息化建设的核心工作,眼下已被大部分医院 所采用。但伴随而来的,是电子病历信息的法律效力问题别是诉讼中 的电子病历真实性认证问题,尤其值得关注。在大部分医疗纠纷案件 中,病历法律效力的认证是司法机关不可回避的工作难点。按照民事 诉讼法证据规则的相关规定,病历作为证据材料应当具备证据“三性”,即真实性、合法性、关联性,其中病历的真实性承受的质疑最多。
网络媒体监管不力导致网络侵权现象屡见不鲜,著作权的侵权尤为 严重。侵权问题难以解决,也使得知识产权成为网络的“重灾区”。因为 著作权人的作品内容和发布时间难以认定,因此自主发起的维权因证据 难以得到法律认定而倍显艰难。
合同的使用范围相当广泛,内容十分复杂,专业程度较强。为了确 保签订合同的双方履行合同条款,避免产生纠纷和诉讼,对合同内容是 否符合有关法律法规及签订合同的双方代表是否具备合法资格等进行公 证,是十分必要的,如我国的劳务出口,一般都需订立严格的合同条 文。公证机关对合同条款是否违反法律等,要进行认真审核。因此,合同公证也是我国在对外合作中,不可缺少的必要环节。
在知识经济时代背景下,艺术品展现出巨大的商业价值,但面对艺术作品受到侵权的现象,艺术家的维权也面临不少的困难。有专家指 出,艺术作品举证困难,维权成本高及艺术家本身意识薄弱是导致作品 侵权事件频发的重要原因。
运用罗素币RC公证技术几乎可以对任何文件公证,包括文档、网页、微 信、微博、邮件、同、证书,涉及到各行各业各个领域,可以对包 括Word、PPT、TXT、PDF、JPG、PNG等任何格式类型的文件进行 公证。相比现有的各国公证中心保管的文件,其保管方式是在带有日期 的材料上盖章,拍照载入系统,这些纸质文件或图片记录很可能由 于IT系统本身遭受攻击而丢失。针对这一点,罗素币可以提供完整的解 决方案。将文件生成唯一的数值散列值记录到区块链上,给记录文件打 上进入公证系统的时间戳,区块一旦生成,记录的文件信息将永远无法 篡改,对于何时、何人、登记的文件内容都具备完全的唯一性和可追溯性。并且因为区块链的广泛分布特性,使得在任何灾难情形下,只要 有1个以上节点仍在工作,认证的数据信息即可完整保全。文件的存在 性证明和真实性证明可以在分布广泛的众多去中心化节点的反复自认证中得到保障。
当今游戏产业发展迅速,2017年市场规模达到 1065 亿美元,年均复合增速率约12.3%,全球拥有22亿玩家,付费用户超过10亿。然而在令人惊叹的数据背后却问题重重。
第一个阶段,数据映射。也就是将游戏里的数字资产与链上的Token 建立起一比一映射的关系。这个阶段游戏还是中心化的,无非就是允许与Token 建立起映射关系的那部分游戏资产可以在玩家之间、玩家与交易平台之间、玩家与投资者之间自由流通。现在区块链给游戏发币是非常成熟的,可以很快地实现。
1. 区块链与大数据在技术上的融合由于大数据技术已经发展了一段时间,可以说是一种比较成熟的互联网技术。因此,以大数据技术作为载体,将区块链技术作为新的技术融入到大数据技术中,在实际的操作中比较容易实现。第一,将区块链技术作为大数据技术平台的数据搜集技术, 打破数据孤岛现象。 区块链技术的本质是一种分布式存储技术,属于计算机底层技术。在现有的计算机技术能力下,只要基于大数据平台开发出一套符合区块链技术的程序与接口,就可以直接让区块链技术与大数据平台进行融合并为其提供服务,可以直接实现区块链技术与大数据技术的融合。并且由区块链技术在数据方面的开放共享、不可篡改、可追溯等特征,可以确保采用了区块链技术的大数据平台所搜集到的数据将是真实与可靠的;第二,利用区块链技术对数据的检验性,将区块链数据作为大数据平台的数据源,保护数据安全。数据隐私保护作为限制共享经济持续发展的重要因素之一,依靠区块链技术的私钥签名验证形式可有效保护数据的安全性。建议各行业组建各自的区块链联盟平台,将行业中的企业以节点形式加入到区块链系统当中,只有获得授权的经济体才有资格对数据进行查看;第三,将区块链系统中的存储数据作为资产可以自由
2. 政府推动区块链技术与大数据技术融合推动社会各行业进行数据化改革,将行业数据化发展上升到国家战略高度。第一,制定行业数据化发展统一标准,为区块链技术与大数据技术发展提供基础。同时,注重行业数据化发展产学研的结合,鼓励高等院校或者科研机构与正在进行数据化转型的行业进行合作,形成遇到困难- 解决困难- 发现困难的良性发展循环;第二,出台有关大数据和区块链法律法规,以强化数据信息监管。虽然政府应当鼓励各行业与各企业积极发展区块链技术与大数据技术,尽早的实现行业数据化发展。但是在数字信息化时代,只有在数据监管到位的环境中,保证数据信息安全,“区块链+大数据”才能更好融合与健康发展。
比如,政府可以成立数据保护部门机构, 专门监督各行业数据化转型过程中的行为,看是否有违规行为。并且要对数据进行分类监管,对于大数据搜集到的数据政府可以持开放态度,而对于区块链技术所包含的私人数据要严加监管。
3. 企业推动区块链技术有大数据技术融合第一,实行企业内部数据化运营与管理,加快区块链技术与大数据技术建设。建议企业内部在实行数据化运营与管理时,可先在非重点业务或者部门进行试验性整改。待非重点业务或者部门有一定经验后,再逐渐向重点业务或者重点部门进行转型升级;第二,加强互联网技术人才培养,企业设立专门的数据业务部门。企业要想实现区块链技术与大数据技术发展并逐步实现融合,必须要有人才作为基础。企业可以与高校合作培养专业的区块链技术或者大数据技术的互联网复合型人才,也可以通过社会教育培训机构直接招收具有互联网技术的人才,作为企业人才储备。此外,企业还应当成立专门从事互联网技术研发、管理与运营的独立部门,以加快企业数据化转型。
How to buy RC coins, how to buy RC tutorial answers:
1. Buy Russell coins through the trading platform
Trading platform
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MDEX swapMDEX.COM supports the decentralized cross-chain trading protocol of BSC, HECO and ETH, and has repeatedly ranked first in the DEX rankings of CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko.
MsgSenderMsgSender is a decentralized multi-chain wallet using the Trustwallet core.
Uniswap (V2)Uniswap is a protocol for automatically exchanging tokens on Ethereum. It was launched on November 2, 2018. Uniswap describes itself as a simple smart contract interface for exchanging ERC20 tokens. It has a formal model for pooling liquidity reserves. It serves as an open source front-end interface for traders and liquidity providers, committed to providing free and decentralized asset exchange.
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1inch Exchange1inch is a DeFi aggregator and a decentralized exchange with smart routing.
Curve FinanceThe purpose of Curve Finance is to create deep on-chain liquidity using advanced bonding curves.
SushiswapSushiSwap is a Uniswap fork with the idea of taking power away from VCs and returning it to the community.
BalancerAutomated portfolio manager and decentralized trading platform
BancorBancor decentralized trading protocol
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DYDX Futures ExchangedYdX is a leading developer of non-custodial decentralized exchanges whose mission is to build an open, secure and Powerful financial products. dYdX runs on audited smart contracts on Ethereum, eliminating the need to trust a central exchange when trading. The exchange combines the security and transparency of a decentralized exchange with the speed and utility of a centralized exchange.
DODO SwapDecentralized trading protocol for Web3
DappRadar-ETHETH decentralized trading aggregation platform
Kine ProtocolKINE provides a [point-to-point] In the derivatives market, the liquidity pool backed by on-chain digital assets serves as the passive counterparty for all traders within the exchange.
Matcha-Dex aggregation trading Trade on Ethereum, Binance, Polygon, Avalanche, Celo, Fantom and other platforms!Matcha finds you the best prices on exchanges and combines them into one trade.
MDEX swapMDEX.COM supports the decentralized cross-chain trading protocol of BSC, HECO and ETH, and has repeatedly ranked first in the DEX rankings of CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko.
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QuickSwapQuickSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX). If you want to trade MATIC, you should definitely use it it. It is a typical exchange of the Polygon network, with the advantages of lower gas costs and easier transactions.
SushiswapSushiSwap is a Uniswap fork with the idea of taking power away from VCs and returning it to the community.
KyberSwap PolygonKyberSwap Polygon decentralized trading platform
DappRadar-PolygonPolygon decentralized trading aggregation platform
ParaSwap-Polygon trading marketPolygon on-chain trading market
DODO SwapDecentralized trading protocol for Web3
Matcha-Dex aggregation trading is conducted on Ethereum, Binance, Polygon, Avalanche, Celo, Fantom and other platforms!Matcha finds you the best prices on exchanges and combines them into one trade.
TraderJoeTrader Joe is your one-stop decentralized trading platform on the Avalanche network.
SushiswapSushiSwap is a Uniswap fork with the idea of taking power away from VCs and returning it to the community.
Hurricane swapThe first cross-chain liquidity DEX on Avalanche
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Pangolin-AVAXA community-driven decentralized exchange for Avalanche and Ethereum assets with fast settlement, low transaction fees, and democratic distribution powered by Avalanche. Pangolin brings you the best trading opportunities to find and maximize your profits.
RaydiumRaydium AcceleRaytor is the IDO platform of the automated market maker Raydium. The platform currently has 7 successful IDO projects, including the recently popular blockchain game StarAtlas, which also chose to conduct its IDO on Raydium.
Serum PortalTrade on the world’s fastest and most powerful decentralized exchange.
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DappRadar-SolSol decentralized trading aggregation platform
SaberSabre is an open and global A trading and liquidity platform, Saber is an automated market maker for assets traded on Solana.
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SlopeSlope Finance is a community-driven, full-stack platform consisting of DEX, wallet and NFT sectors built on Solana, providing users with blazing speeds, near-zero transaction fees and Intuitive interface. Our goal is to build a
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Cherry Swapcherry exchange
KswapOKExChain ecological decentralized exchange
Pexpay | Binance InvestmentBinance Investment The world’s most secure C2C trading platform
Digital Wallet
BSC Wallet ETH Wallet Polygon Wallet Avax Wallet Sol Wallet OKC Wallet Wallet Tool MetaMaskMetaMask is the most popular browser plug-in wallet that supports multiple chains. It allows users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem, which hosts a large number of decentralized applications (Dapps), without downloading the entire blockchain on their devices. Therefore, it is one of the best Ethereum wallet solutions that provides easy access to decentralized exchanges (DEX), gaming platforms, and many other applications. Currently, mobile products have been developed.
WalletconnectWalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are symmetrically encrypted using a shared key between the two peers. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.
imTokenimToken is a digital asset wallet whose blockchain supports multiple chains. Such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cosmos, etc., it can help manage accounts and assets on the blockchain very simply and securely. Additionally, it has a built-in Dapp browser.
Trust walletTrust Wallet is a decentralized mobile wallet application acquired by Binance, the world's largest crypto asset exchange. Trust Wallet supports purchasing and storing digital currencies, viewing prices, transactions, and more. In addition, it is a decentralized application (dApp) browser with its built-in dApp browser.The browser can communicate with dApps so users can trade cryptocurrencies and collectibles directly from their smartphone or tablet.
TokenPocketTokenPocket is a multi-chain digital wallet.
MathwalletMathwallet is a multi-platform (mobile/desktop/hardware) universal encryption wallet. Math Wallet supports storage of more than 50 blockchains and more than 3,000 tokens.
Binance WalletBinance Wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet for Binance Chain, Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum. It is a one-stop gateway to store, exchange and earn cryptocurrencies. It supports Firefox, Chrome and Brave browsers.
HyperPayHyperPay is a four-in-one digital asset wallet that innovatively integrates managed wallets, self-managed wallets, co-managed wallets, and hardware wallets.
MetaMaskMetaMask is the most popular browser plug-in wallet that supports multiple chains. It allows users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem, which hosts a large number of decentralized applications (Dapps), without downloading the entire blockchain on their devices. Therefore, it is one of the best Ethereum wallet solutions that provides easy access to decentralized exchanges (DEX), gaming platforms, and many other applications. Currently, mobile products have been developed.
WalletconnectWalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are symmetrically encrypted using a shared key between the two peers. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.
imTokenimToken is a digital asset wallet whose blockchain supports multiple chains. Such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cosmos, etc., it can help manage accounts and assets on the blockchain very simply and securely. Additionally, it has a built-in Dapp browser.
TokenPocketTokenPocket is a multi-chain digital wallet.
MathwalletMathwallet is a multi-platform (mobile/desktop/hardware) universal encryption wallet. Math Wallet supports storage of more than 50 blockchains and more than 3,000 tokens.
Binance WalletBinance Wallet is Binance Chain, Binance Smart Chain and EthereumCryptocurrency wallet. It is a one-stop gateway to store, exchange and earn cryptocurrencies. It supports Firefox, Chrome and Brave browsers.
HyperPayHyperPay is a four-in-one digital asset wallet that innovatively integrates managed wallets, self-managed wallets, co-managed wallets, and hardware wallets.
MyetherwalletMEW (MyEtherWallet) is a free client interface that helps you interact with the Ethereum blockchain. Our easy-to-use open source platform allows you to generate wallets, interact with smart contracts, and more.
PortisPeople expect a simple and familiar way to load and use applications. Setting up a wallet, signing transactions, and paying gas fees can be intimidating for mainstream users. Your Dapp (decentralized application) communicates with the Portis SDK using standard web3.js methods, which means it will automatically work with your existing code. Users don’t need to install anything in advance to use your DApp. With Portis, your DApp is already bundled with the solution, giving them a simple in-browser email/password login method that feels familiar.
RainbowRainbow is a fun, easy, and secure way to create an Ethereum wallet, collect NFTs, and explore the new world of Web3.
ArgentArgent is an Ethereum-based mobile wallet that helps users easily manage crypto assets and identities. There are no mnemonics, gas fees or long addresses. It is simple, secure and fully distributed.
Ethereum Ethereum WalletEthereum is the community-run technology that powers the cryptocurrency Ethereum (ETH) and thousands of decentralized applications.
CoinbaseCoinbase wallet supports over 4,000 tokens and an entire world of decentralized applications
MetaMaskMetaMask is the most popular browser plug-in wallet that supports multiple chains. It allows users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem, which hosts a large number of decentralized applications (Dapps), without downloading the entire blockchain on their devices. Therefore, it is one of the best Ethereum wallet solutions that provides easy access to decentralized exchanges (DEX), gaming platforms, and many other applications. Currently, mobile products have been developed.
WalletconnectWalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are passed between the two peersShared key symmetric encryption between. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.
imTokenimToken is a digital asset wallet whose blockchain supports multiple chains. Such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cosmos, etc., it can help manage accounts and assets on the blockchain very simply and securely. Additionally, it has a built-in Dapp browser.
TokenPocketTokenPocket is a multi-chain digital wallet.
MathwalletMathwallet is a multi-platform (mobile/desktop/hardware) universal encryption wallet. Math Wallet supports storage of more than 50 blockchains and more than 3,000 tokens.
PortisPeople expect a simple and familiar way to load and use applications. Setting up a wallet, signing transactions, and paying gas fees can be intimidating for mainstream users. Your Dapp (decentralized application) communicates with the Portis SDK using standard web3.js methods, which means it will automatically work with your existing code. Users don’t need to install anything in advance to use your DApp. With Portis, your DApp is already bundled with the solution, giving them a simple in-browser email/password login method that feels familiar.
Wallet-AVAX WalletAvalanche Wallet is a simple, secure, non-custodial wallet for storing Avalanche assets.
MetaMaskMetaMask is the most popular browser plug-in wallet that supports multiple chains. It allows users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem, which hosts a large number of decentralized applications (Dapps), without downloading the entire blockchain on their devices. Therefore, it is one of the best Ethereum wallet solutions that provides easy access to decentralized exchanges (DEX), gaming platforms, and many other applications. Currently, mobile products have been developed.
WalletconnectWalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are symmetrically encrypted using a shared key between the two peers. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.
imTokenimToken is a digital asset wallet whose blockchain supports multiple chains. Such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cosmos, etc., it can help a lotManage accounts and assets on the blockchain simply and securely. Additionally, it has a built-in Dapp browser.
TokenPocketTokenPocket is a multi-chain digital wallet.
MathwalletMathwallet is a multi-platform (mobile/desktop/hardware) universal encryption wallet. Math Wallet supports storage of more than 50 blockchains and more than 3,000 tokens.
MetaMaskMetaMask is the most popular browser plug-in wallet that supports multiple chains. It allows users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem, which hosts a large number of decentralized applications (Dapps), without downloading the entire blockchain on their devices. Therefore, it is one of the best Ethereum wallet solutions that provides easy access to decentralized exchanges (DEX), gaming platforms, and many other applications. Currently, mobile products have been developed.
WalletconnectWalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are symmetrically encrypted using a shared key between the two peers. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.
imTokenimToken is a digital asset wallet whose blockchain supports multiple chains. Such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, Cosmos, etc., it can help manage accounts and assets on the blockchain very simply and securely. Additionally, it has a built-in Dapp browser.
TokenPocketTokenPocket is a multi-chain digital wallet.
MathwalletMathwallet is a multi-platform (mobile/desktop/hardware) universal encryption wallet. Math Wallet supports storage of more than 50 blockchains and more than 3,000 tokens.
SlopeSlope Finance is a community-driven, full-stack platform consisting of DEX, wallet and NFT sectors built on Solana, providing users with blazing speeds, near-zero transaction fees and Intuitive interface. Our goal is to build a
PhantomPhantom is an extension for accessing distributed applications deployed on the Solana blockchain. The extension injects an object into each website's javascript context so that decentralized applications can interact with your wallet and you can interact with the application. Phantom also allows users to create and manage their own identities (via private keys, mnemonics, and hardware wallets like Ledger), so when decentralizedWhen an application wants to execute a transaction and write it to the blockchain, the user gets a secure interface to review the transaction, before approving or rejecting it. Because it adds functionality to a normal browser context, Phantom requires permission to read and write any web page. Security is taken very seriously, and Phantom code has been audited by top auditing firms.
MetaXDigital currency wallet, DApp entrance, NFT world - everything you want
MetaMaskMetaMask is the most popular browser plug-in wallet that supports multiple chains. It allows users to interact with the Ethereum ecosystem, which hosts a large number of decentralized applications (Dapps), without downloading the entire blockchain on their devices. Therefore, it is one of the best Ethereum wallet solutions that provides easy access to decentralized exchanges (DEX), gaming platforms, and many other applications. Currently, mobile products have been developed.
WalletconnectWalletConnect is an open protocol for secure communication between Dapps and wallets. This protocol uses a relay server to establish a remote pairing between two applications and/or devices to relay payloads. These payloads are symmetrically encrypted using a shared key between the two peers. Pairing is initiated by a peer displaying a QR code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI, and is established when the peer approves the pairing request.
Scientists grab coinsUse scientific tools to grab coins quickly
Intelligent whole-chain import into walletAfter clicking Connect Wallet on the upper right, you can directly import the network to your metamask wallet. One-click to add the entire network smart chain to the Little Fox Wallet, a multi-functional adding tool. Chainlist Helps users connect to EVM powered networks Chainlist is a list of EVM networks. Users can use this information to connect their wallets and Web3 middleware providers to the appropriate chain ID and network ID to connect to the correct chain.
GEMITWallet Check is a tool that helps traders make day-to-day decisions about the investments they make. In just a few simple steps, you can quickly get information about your current profit and loss, as well as reflected profits for each position in your wallet on Binance Smart Chain.
Wallet many-to-many transferWallet many-to-many transfer
Token batch collectionToken batch collection tool
Token authorizationUsed for token authorization
Token contract authorization queryToken contract authorization query
Batch production of walletsBatch production of wallets
Batch balance queryFor batch query of wallet balance
Send in batches TokensFor sending tokens in bulk
Transaction acceleration/cancellation toolFor walletsMtramask, WalletConnect transaction acceleration or cancellation.
Google AuthenticatorEnable Google's two-step login verification for encrypted account login security
2. Purchase RC through the tutorial< /p>
Russell Coin adopts the currency’s master node plan and increases the POW mining tax to the master node mechanism. Combined with the X11 algorithm, the anonymity is stronger. In this paper, the hashing algorithm is implemented for the first time. Adopting a hybrid mining method similar to PoW + PoS, RC designed the master node system, PoW + PoS mining mechanism, and the master node participates in master node mining of more than 1,000 coins. POW mining rewards 50% of the block coins. Russell Coin launches random ports, which means your ISP won't know what you are doing by monitoring your ports, and can monitor Bitcoin, Peercoin, and even Darkcoin. All TCP network transport layers use secure elliptic curve encryption cipher suites. Fast and easy, transactions are safer and more convenient. Currently, a new feature of instant coin delivery is implemented, namely zero-day technology, which can be used for real-time transactions in 0.6 seconds without using block chaining.
Product specifications:
Total 21 million
POS + POW hybrid mining
Using X11 algorithm reward mechanism
1000RC can establish a master node
The master node rewards 50% of the coins
Master Nodes reward 50% of the coins
The first phase rewards 20 coins per block
The second phase rewards 10 coins per block
The third phase rewards 5 coins per block
After the fourth phase, every Block reward 2.5 coins
After the fourth phase, the output of 3.2% of the total coin supply will be formulated, and each additional 132,000 block height (half a year) will enter the next phase.
Technical Features
Russell Coin RC has created a “Russell Coin RC Blockchain” solution that provides enterprise-level services based on independent innovation. . Based on the concept of "open sharing", Russell Coin RC will build blockchain infrastructure and open up internal capabilities to share with global enterprises to jointly promote the development of the trusted Internet and create a win-win ecosystem for blockchain.
Russell Coin RC has accumulated rich industry and technical experience in many fields such as payment and finance, social networking, and media, and has made industry-leading breakthroughs in high-concurrency transaction processing; in addition, Russell Coin RC also has massive data With capabilities in processing, analysis, and financial security system construction, we have also accumulated rich experience in exploring cloud ecology and industry connections.
Applications and Ecosystem
The main application scenarios of blockchain that Russell Coin RC is currently focusing on are as follows (including but not Limited to)
1. Data
1.1 Data Transaction: Make the process of data transaction transparent and auditable, and rebuild social credibility
Data is the most important in the future economy dominated by the Internet and machine learning Ingredients, AI algorithms analyzing data will lead to many world-changing discoveries. For companies with limited data collection capabilities, data trading will be a mutually beneficial endeavor that can promote company innovation and create new revenue streams. However, due to problems such as illegal reselling of data, low information transparency, and easy tampering in the current data trading market, the scale of data trading is limited.
The decentralization, security and tamper-proof traceability of blockchain can establish trust between participating entities and promote the sustainable and substantial growth of data transactions: data ownership, transactions and authorization scope are recorded in the blockchain On the other hand, data ownership can be confirmed, and refined authorization scope can regulate the use of data. At the same time, every step of data from collection to distribution can be recorded on the blockchain, making the data source traceable, thereby constraining the data source and enhancing data quality. A decentralized data trading platform based on blockchain can form a larger-scale global data trading scenario.
1.2 Identity Authentication: Verify the legitimacy of identity and accelerate the development of digital society
Identity and access management services are an important area of blockchain technology application. Not only that, because blockchain technology can bring high reliability Characteristics such as flexibility, traceability and collaboration make it have the potential to become a basic technology in the application field of identity and access management services.
With the acceleration of the digitalization process, the application fields of identity and access management services will become more and more extensive, including the Internet, the Internet of Things, social and economic life, etc. In these application fields, the typical role of identity and access management services is to ensure that users or devices with legal identities can access and enjoy services safely and efficiently.
Identity and access management services play a vital role in various application fields, but currently the service has been facing problems such as privacy leaks, identity fraud, and fragmentation, which have brought problems to users, devices, and systems. A huge challenge.
The introduction and development of blockchain technology provides new ideas for further solving the above problems. Applying blockchain technology to identity and access management services will make it possible to form a collaborative and transparent identity management solution, which will help enterprises and organizations better complete identity management and access authentication.
The application of Russell Coin RC blockchain technology in identity and access management services will rely on the supporting support of new hardware, software and blockchain platforms to provide enterprises and organizations with professional, safe and efficient identity and access management services. Management services.
2. New energy: building a cornerstone of trust in clean energy transactions
In the field of new energy, the application of blockchain technology is changing the existing industry structure, reducing transaction costs, and retaining more effective Record and realize the development of the Energy Internet from digitalization to informatization and finally to intelligence.path. As the cost of distributed photovoltaics and energy storage decreases significantly, energy microgrid communities with regional autonomy as the core will gradually become more economical. At the same time, new energy sources such as solar energy often have distributed characteristics. Power plants and households can use solar panels to store energy. Energy claiming can occur between producers and consumers, so it can be achieved through blockchain and smart devices. The electricity meter measures and registers the power generation of different entities to form an untamperable power generation ledger; at the same time, smart contracts are used to realize point-to-point claiming and trading of excess power. On the other hand, blockchain can also promote new energy to bring huge public welfare and environmental protection value to society. Through blockchain and smart meters, the power generation of different entities is calculated and registered to form an untamperable clean power generation ledger. Relevant environmental protection and public welfare organizations can completely verify the validity of the transaction when it is verified in the blockchain. Issue clean energy production and use certificates to users and power plants to encourage both parties to produce and use new energy.
Russell Coin In a new energy blockchain project, through the use of blockchain technology, users can clearly check each of their transaction records and understand which power station each kilowatt hour of electricity used comes from. Which photovoltaic power generation panel is used, and can independently choose its own power supply source based on the electricity price and remaining available power generation of the power station. The smart contract directly matches the claim between the power station and the user. By claiming clean electricity, users obtain authoritative electronic certificates proving their relevant contributions to energy conservation and emission reduction. For power generation companies, they can dynamically calculate the supply and demand status of each power station based on the power applications submitted by users, and adjust power generation strategies and prices in a timely manner.
3. Internet of Things
Blockchain and the Internet of Things are a perfect match and can provide many application scenarios and use cases for the Internet of Things. These possibilities are no longer futuristic, the realization of such applications is just around the corner.
Blockchain and the Internet of Things are also hot topics in the current technology field, and the possibility of combining the two has always attracted much attention. From the analysis and summary, it can be seen that blockchain can make up for the five key deficiencies of the Internet of Things. The application cases of blockchain in the field of Internet of Things cover eight major industries. The potential of blockchain in the field of Internet of Things is so huge, so the upgrading and improvement of blockchain technology should be the current focus of work.
Internet of Things meets Blockchain
There is no doubt that blockchain and Internet of Things are the two hot words in the current technology field. The Internet of Things includes moving objects such as sensors and vehicles, and basically includes any device that uses embedded electronic components to communicate with the outside world, especially the IP protocol.
Combining it with blockchain is beneficial to the entire life cycle of IoT devices and applications, and is an auxiliary for business processes. You can imagine a scenario where a connected driverless car can use a private chain to ensure real-time secure communication of the vehicle, including starting the car, confirming the driver's identity, using smart contracts to exchange insurance and maintenance service information, providing real-time location information, and tracking the vehicle.
Blockchain-based distributed ledger technology fills the five major barriers of the Internet of ThingsKey defects
1. In the above typical scenarios, blockchain-based distributed ledgers can provide trust, ownership records, transparency, and communication support for the Internet of Things
2. It should be noted that the Internet of Things community will A private chain will be developed in a few years to save transaction information in an extremely secure manner. The IoT architecture that uses centralized servers to collect and store data can write information into local ledgers and synchronize with other localized ledgers to ensure the security and uniqueness of facts
3. All IoT transactions on the blockchain are added Timestamp to ensure availability for future generations
4. The real innovation of blockchain lies in digital protocols or smart contracts, which can be applied to blockchain data to execute commercial terms in IoT communications
5. IoT One of the biggest flaws is that safety standards are not in place. Blockchain with high-end encryption technology can solve security problems.
Vertical application cases of the Internet of Things in this context
1. Industrial manufacturing: The manufacturing cycle has begun to enter a completely virtual world, including product research and development, customer demand monitoring, production, and inventory management. As devices and systems become more intelligent and interactive, blockchain will also become a ledger at the factory, regional, and global supply chain levels. Thereby greatly reducing costs, strengthening just-in-time production (JIT), making better use of factory capacity, and improving operational efficiency;
2. Connected driverless cars: Connected Vehicles turn vehicles into huge intelligent applications program. Automotive automation is increasing year by year, including navigation, roadside assistance, etc. Blockchain will use digital networks to track these devices, realize inter-vehicle communication and automatic tracking of insurance terms, annual vehicle inspections, etc.;
3. Transportation: Internet of Things + Blockchain = Internet-connected transportation. There are many application scenarios in vehicle networks, which can transmit all traffic information and avoid traffic jams and other problems. Extending it to global trade, this transportation network can include water transportation, air transportation, and ground transportation networks to track cargo transportation;
4. Public technical facilities and smart cities: Smart devices have been used to track bridges, roads, power grids, etc. Conditions, blockchain can connect all of these together, share efficiencies, perform maintenance, predict usage and contamination, etc. Another important application is to help remote areas monitor natural disasters and prevent major disasters such as large-scale wildfires and pests and diseases;
5. Financial services and insurance: Banks can use blockchain to track IoT devices, such as ATMs, and Perform maintenance. Insurance companies that already use drones to conduct property insurance claims and loss assessments in remote areas can use blockchain to verify and verify claims.
6. Home and commercial property management: Use sensors in housing and commercial buildings to implement smart home and office monitoring; the use cases in the two fields are different, but the application range is large and the basic functions of distributed ledgers can be integrated.
7. Smart contracts: Blockchain-based cryptocurrency can realize two advanced business functions: one is cryptocurrency transfer, and the other is business rules that stipulate the time of dividend payment, especially execution in accordance with the terms. these rulesKnown as "smart contracts," they apply to all of these business areas and can track business rules and take action based on preset thresholds. For example, a driverless car that fails the annual inspection must be turned off. If the owner does not pay the premium, a notice will be sent to the homeowners association
8. Retail: Retailers are already using IoT devices and terminals in the business cycle. Including store floors, tracking store deliveries, understanding customer transportation patterns, wearables and more. Connected stores add shelves to the Internet of Things to reduce inventory time. Blockchain can enhance all use cases, enabling vital connections between retailers and consumers, using automation to remove the middleman, whether it’s a card issuer or a central server. For example, consumers can store product information and sizes in the blockchain, and retailers can obtain relevant data safely and directly.
4. Communications and Telecommunications
Operator cloud-network collaboration: Solve operator network fragmentation and build new business models
Traditional operators are based on the "chimney network-as-a-service" architecture, business and Networks are all operated by operators, and the network is a support system. The fees between services and networks are settled internally. However, with the integration of ICT, the communication industry has moved from closed to open. In addition to operators, service providers also include a large number of OTT types. Cloud service providers and virtual service providers. In order to support the needs of the new business ecosystem, operator networks need to be reconstructed in the cloud to achieve flexible, elastic, and automated Network as a Service (NaaS) capabilities similar to cloud computing IaaS/PaaS (Infrastructure as a Service/Platform as a Service). . These capabilities can be opened to various cloud service providers and virtual service providers for a fee to realize the realization of network capabilities. Blockchain can establish trust between different nodes. As operator networks transform from closed internal settlement methods to monetized external services, blockchain technology can be introduced to establish mutual trust between multiple clouds, multiple networks, and multiple terminals. New trading model.
According to a survey of enterprise customers by British Telecom (BT), 90% of enterprises hope to obtain "cloud and network integration" services to ensure end-to-end SLA (Service-Level Agreement), security, and obtain end-to-end End-to-end performance reporting, end-to-end management and fault diagnosis capabilities. The cloud network system needs to support logging in from any cloud service or network business sales portal. You can purchase the functions of any cloud service or network business without having to log in to different portals multiple times.
Based on the above appeal, a cloud network business solution based on the alliance chain can be designed: authorize and authenticate the "multi-cloud + multi-network" sales of enterprises in the alliance, and keep accounts of the sales records and configuration of Yunhe.com and traceability. Take the cloud service side purchasing the network as an example: the cloud service side submits a purchase/configuration information request to the blockchain, and the network service side verifies the request and confirms the request. The cloud service and network service sides reach a consensus and write it into the blockchain, and the purchase is completed. success. In terms of settlement, it can be based on the areaPurchase information, configuration change information, and usage information are settled on the blockchain while ensuring the consistency of the ledger and supporting real-time settlement.
5. Finance
Supply chain finance: effectively reduce financial risks and expand financial business development
RC is concerned about the application scenarios of blockchain in the financial industry, because this is related to our use of "cloud, management ", end" directly matches the core strategy of promoting digital transformation and maturity of financial services. In addition, blockchain accelerates the secure distribution, presentation, transmission and processing of information. Those industries that benefit most from blockchain technology tend to be those industries with low trust among participants and high requirements for the security and integrity of transaction records, and the financial industry is one of them. Relevant consulting reports show that blockchain or distributed ledger technology can save the financial industry US$5 billion to US$7 billion annually. This cost reduction mainly comes from the improvement of existing businesses by blockchain, such as the cross-border payment value chain. Improvement, optimization of reconciliation process, efficiency improvement of user identity authentication/anti-money laundering process, information sharing in supply chain finance and inclusive finance, etc.
"Blockchain + Supply Chain Finance" is one of the best application scenarios of blockchain in the financial field and has a broad market space. Supply chain finance has a systematic and structural business concept, which determines that information flow is the key to controlling supply chain financial risks. How to obtain real, comprehensive and effective data is not only the basis of supply chain financial risk control, but also the difficulty of risk control. Through blockchain distributed ledger and other technologies, it can be used among many enterprises and financial institutions involved in the supply chain. Build a trustworthy information network, obtain information from the source of enterprise business information, and then achieve end-to-end information data transparency and non-tampering through the blockchain. All participants share business flows through a decentralized accounting system. , logistics, and capital flow information. Banks make credit decisions based on real corporate trade background and real-time operational data, shortening the time for data collection, verification, and evaluation, reducing risk costs, and improving the accuracy and efficiency of decision-making. Through supply chain finance, enterprises can obtain lower loan costs and faster financial services, helping the smooth development and expansion of business.
Specifically, blockchain technology can provide strong support for supply chain finance in the following aspects:
Through the non-tamperability of blockchain, the funds of upstream and downstream enterprises and surrounding enterprises in supply chain finance can be recorded flow, logistics, and business flow processes, reducing the difficulty of collecting and transmitting trusted data in the supply chain finance process; and providing convenience for financial institutions to obtain first-hand supply chain information. If an enterprise widely deploys IoT terminals and combines the purchase, sale and inventory information of the enterprise's information system, it can truly outline the operation and assets of the enterprise; the enterprise generates funds with upstream and downstream enterprises through corporate online banking, bank-enterprise direct connection and other channels. transactions, providing real financial capital information; this information will help financial institutions greatly simplify the credit evaluation process and costs in the process of trade financing, warehouse receipt loans, and accounts receivable loans, thereby reducing the cost of corporate financing and providing financing efficiency;
Through technical means such as "smart contracts", new safeguards are added to the "contractual trust" relationship between enterprises, simplifying the processes of mutual guarantees, risk sharing, repurchases, contract performance and other business activities between enterprises, and reducing breach of contract disputes The time cost and financial cost of processing. Taking contract financing as an example, the buyer and seller of the contract have established a medium- and long-term supply relationship. The purchaser's sales data derives evaluation data for the procurement demand for raw materials. The true supply and demand relationship in the market is the first guarantee for financing recovery; if the purchase The party enterprise provides risk mitigation measures. After the risk conditions are triggered, whether the purchaser carries out risk compensation performance measures such as repurchase and refund as instructed will directly affect whether the financing loan generates non-performing assets. In current operations, the above-mentioned performance constraints mainly come from "contractual trust", but there may be legal disputes during the performance process, which will increase the processing time and cost of legal disputes in the future. Introduce blockchain "smart contracts" to put the above-mentioned contract stipulations on the chain, making them automatic triggers and operations. From a technical perspective, we can make up for the unexpected process and subjective breach of contract during contract performance, and ensure the security of financing.
6. Notarization
Notarization is a notarization institution that certifies the authenticity and legality of civil legal acts, legally significant facts and documents based on the application of natural persons, legal persons or other organizations in accordance with legal procedures. activity. Traditional notarization has pain points such as cumbersome procedures and inefficient processing.
Aiming at the pain points in the notarization field, using blockchain for third-party recording will help maintain a secure, time-stamp-based blockchain ledger, and will improve the transparency of the data certification process. At the same time, it saves costs and improves efficiency.
RC believes that the most important value that can be achieved by the application of blockchain in the field of notarization is to prove the existence, integrity and ownership of any document, that is, existence proof, integrity proof and ownership proof. Based on this value, RC has the following application scenarios in the field of notarization:
Certificate Blockchain Notarization
Take academic certificates as an example. In situations such as application and evaluation, it is necessary to verify academic qualifications or graduation certificates (degree certificates) ) to prove the authenticity and legality, especially for foreign-related academic certificates, the demand for certificate notarization is more frequent. In addition, various certificates such as real estate certificates, marriage certificates, and driver's licenses also require notarization. However, the current certificate notarization has problems such as inefficiency and cumbersome procedures, which brings a lot of inconvenience.
Legal Evidence Blockchain Notarization
For the economy, every contract may become important evidence in the future, and notarizing the contract will greatly benefit the protection of its legal rights and interests. For individuals, obtaining notarization of key legal evidence has become the key to protecting their legitimate rights and interests. For example, notarization of wills and various types of legal evidence such as voice, email, WeChat, and Weibo are all powerful evidence for legal complaints. As a professional legal consulting service provider, lawyers are very important to be efficient per unit of time, but due to the "difficulty in obtaining evidence" it takes up a lot of valuable time. If there is a convenient and simple evidence collection tool, it will greatly benefit individualsProtection of legitimate rights and interests and improvement of lawyer work efficiency.
Blockchain Notarization of Medical Case Information
As the core work of hospital information construction, electronic medical records have been adopted by most hospitals. However, along with it, the legal validity of electronic medical record information, especially the issue of authenticity authentication of electronic medical records in litigation, is particularly worthy of attention. In most medical dispute cases, the certification of the legal validity of medical records is an unavoidable difficulty for judicial authorities. According to the relevant provisions of the evidence rules of the Civil Procedure Law, medical records as evidence materials should possess the "three properties" of evidence, namely authenticity, legality, and relevance. Among them, the authenticity of medical records has been questioned the most.
Blockchain Notarization of E-Government Data
Due to its seriousness, e-Government data has higher requirements for data accuracy and completeness. Because it is related to the credibility of government agencies, the traceability of the activity process is particularly important. . Relying solely on the e-government platform itself to solve trust issues is likely to affect government authority and credibility.
Blockchain Notarization of Digital Works
Inadequate supervision of online media has led to frequent online infringements, and copyright infringement is particularly serious. The problem of infringement is difficult to solve, which also makes intellectual property rights the "hardest hit area" on the Internet. Because it is difficult to identify the copyright owner’s work content and publication time, self-initiated rights protection is doubly difficult because the evidence is difficult to obtain legal recognition.
Blockchain Notarization of Contract Documents
The scope of use of contracts is quite wide, the content is very complex, and the degree of professionalism is strong. In order to ensure that both parties signing the contract fulfill the terms of the contract and avoid disputes and litigation, it is very necessary to notarize whether the content of the contract complies with relevant laws and regulations and whether the representatives of both parties signing the contract have legal qualifications. For example, in my country's labor export, generally Strict contract terms are required. The notary office must carefully review whether the terms of the contract violate the law. Therefore, contract notarization is also an indispensable and necessary link in my country's foreign cooperation.
Blockchain Notarization of Artworks, Calligraphy and Painting
In the context of the knowledge economy era, artworks have shown great commercial value. However, in the face of infringement of artistic works, artists also face many difficulties in safeguarding their rights. Some experts pointed out that the difficulty in proving artistic works, the high cost of rights protection and the weak awareness of artists themselves are important reasons for the frequent occurrence of infringement incidents.
Notarization of intangible works such as the Internet
Using Russell Coin RC notarization technology, almost any document can be notarized, including documents, web pages, WeChat, Weibo, emails, contracts, and certificates, involving all walks of life and various fields. Including Word, PPT, TXT, PDF, JPG, PNG and other file formats for notarization. Compared with the existing documents kept by notary centers in various countries, the storage method is to stamp the materials with dates, take photos and load them into the system. These paper documents or picture records are likely to be lost due to attacks on the IT system itself. For this, Russell Coin can provide a complete solution. generate fileThe unique numerical hash value is recorded on the blockchain, and the recorded file is stamped with the timestamp of entering the notarization system. Once the block is generated, the recorded file information will never be tampered with, and it will have the knowledge of when, who, and the contents of the registered file. Complete uniqueness and traceability. And because of the widely distributed nature of the blockchain, in any disaster situation, as long as more than one node is still working, the certified data information can be completely preserved. The existence proof and authenticity proof of the file can be guaranteed through repeated self-certification of many widely distributed decentralized nodes.
7. Games
Russell Coin RC predicts: Blockchain will subvert the gaming industry.
Combining blockchain technology with the development of the game industry may be able to solve many of the pain points in the game industry mentioned above. Blockchain may have disruptive changes in the game industry based on its decentralization, distributed accounting and other characteristics. .
Today's game industry is developing rapidly. In 2017, the market size reached US$106.5 billion, with an average annual compound growth rate of approximately 12.3%. There are 2.2 billion players worldwide and more than 1 billion paying users. However, behind the impressive data there are many problems.
In the traditional game industry, CP, as the creator of game content, has always been at the bottom of the value chain and does not receive the most direct benefits. CP has endured the greatest pressure, but most of the profits have been divided up by publishers and distributors; on the other hand, looking at the game market, four giant companies have basically taken away 80% of the market share, and small and medium-sized enterprises Game developers are basically in dire straits; in addition, problems such as data monopolization by operators, proliferation of cheats, gradually shortening life cycles, and illegal operations have also been regarded as chronic diseases of the game industry.
Combining blockchain technology with the development of the game industry may be able to solve many of the pain points in the game industry mentioned above. Blockchain may have disruptive changes in the game industry based on its decentralization, distributed accounting and other characteristics. .
How does blockchain disrupt the value chain of the gaming industry?
The emergence of blockchain has given rise to new possibilities for value distribution rules in the gaming industry. The decentralization of the blockchain can return the right to data knowledge and economic control from centralized organizers to players. Blockchain technology is a distributed accounting method. Everyone can participate in accounting, and everyone will get an identical ledger. This means that all data is open and transparent, and everyone can You can see
what data changes there are on each account. All the data in it is almost impossible to modify, which means it is very safe. Any small actions that players want to do will be permanently recorded; in addition, the block Everyone on the chain has completely equal power. The system will not collapse because of one more or less person. Naturally, there is no so-called central server.
Corresponding to the gaming industry, first of all, precisely because of the high security characteristics of blockchain, account theft, fraud, cheating and other stubborn diseases will have no place to hide in blockchain games. Secondly, the advantage of not having a central server is that the gameOperators and the majority of player groups have the same right to know game data. This prevents unfairness caused by game operators monopolizing data.
The decentralized nature of blockchain technology can also return the control of the in-game economy from centralized organizers to the majority of players. The characteristics of digital cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology that cannot be controlled or modified make trading center hubs represented by game malls unnecessary because players can build their own online economies.
In the traditional game industry, players pay in the game but cannot obtain direct benefits. The growth of game value is not directly related to the interests of players. The carrier through which game companies manage digital virtual property is their own servers. The existence of the server imposes restrictions on players: all players have is the right to use virtual property, not ownership.
In addition, players’ virtual properties cannot be “exchanged.” This is also a problem that has been troubling players: players spend a lot of money or energy on a certain game, but when they decide to leave, they cannot exchange their virtual property for use in another game.
Blockchain games can change everything. Blockchain can put the game coins and props of traditional games on the chain to realize assetization. In the blockchain system, players are the real owners of these game assets. The non-destructibility of the blockchain protocol makes the property rights on the chain clear and will not disappear out of thin air due to the cessation of operation of the game server.
The problem of "exchange" can be solved in theory, but the degree of freedom of "exchange" depends on the size of the game that the blockchain is applicable to, that is to say, whether there are enough games that follow a certain blockchain at the same time .
Blockchain projects are based on a trust relationship based on decentralized distributed ledgers, and their value hinges on community construction. The more community users reach value recognition, the higher the value of the project. Just like Bitcoin, the more people recognize it, the more they hold it, the higher its value becomes. Similarly, the more game users recognize your game and are willing to own your game, the higher the value of your game will be. The combination of blockchain and games makes game users equivalent to owning shares in blockchain projects. The value growth of games is directly related to players. Users are both investors and benefit sharers.
Theoretically, if the blockchain successfully builds a completely decentralized game economy, then there will be no need for middlemen, and developers can directly contact players (or conversely, everyone can become a middleman , promote within the gaming community and obtain corresponding benefits).
In the current game industry chain, game developers have a hard time living. They need to transfer a large part of their revenue to publishers and channel providers. Originally, the competitiveness of a game should lie in the quality of the game itself, but now it gives way to promotion and marketing. These intermediate links do not generate value, but only deliver value. At the same time, they also consume a lot of traffic costs.
From the perspective of the game environment, the existence of middlemen is extremelyIt is actually a loss of overall value. The return of game value lies in putting developers and players at the core, reducing costs and improving efficiency. Only in this way can the healthy development of the game industry be truly promoted.
Some large game companies have almost a monopoly on game distribution channels, and they are vested interests. Therefore, it should be said that if the blockchain can succeed, it will be good news for small and medium-sized game companies. The development of blockchain games will not only greatly weaken the advantages of channel providers such as Apple and Google, but will also break the hegemony of the two giant companies, Tencent and NetEase, over games.
Difficulties facing the development of blockchain games
Although blockchain games are a very good blue ocean market, it is still in its infancy. The development of blockchain games
requires three stages:
The first stage is data mapping. That is to establish a one-to-one mapping relationship between the digital assets in the game and the Tokens on the chain. At this stage, the game is still centralized, which is nothing more than allowing the part of the game assets that have established a mapping relationship with the Token to circulate freely between players, between players and trading platforms, and between players and investors. Nowadays, blockchain is very mature for issuing coins to games and can be implemented quickly.
The second stage is to put the data on the chain. At this stage, game data is decentralized, game assets are stored directly on the chain, and all user information in the game is read from the chain. The implementation of this step requires the support of the underlying technology of the blockchain.
The third stage is logical chaining. This stage is to write the core logic in the game, such as combat calculations, into smart contracts and put them on the chain. The player's gaming behavior in the game is to trigger the smart contract. This stage also requires the support of the underlying technology of the blockchain, but it can be realized in the next 1 to 2 years.
All in all, it is still the early stage of the blockchain game, and large companies have not yet fully entered the game. Large companies are slower to make decisions and act slower, and they will consider many policy factors. Blockchain games may be an opportunity for small and medium-sized R&D companies to overtake large companies.
8. Big Data
With the continuous development of the sharing economy, the integration and symbiotic development of blockchain technology and big data technology can be said to be the general trend. On the one hand, blockchain technology can solve the current bottleneck of big data technology and better provide services for the sharing economy; on the other hand, the increasingly mature big data technology also requires an application entity to reflect its own value. As two independent Internet technologies, big data technology and blockchain technology need to be fully integrated. Not only do they need to overcome technical difficulties, but they also require governments and enterprises to integrate the two through the power of the market.
1. The technical integration of blockchain and big data. Since big data technology has been developed for some time, it can be said to be a relatively mature Internet technology. Therefore, using big data technology as a carrier and integrating blockchain technology as a new technology into big data technology is relatively easy to implement in actual operations. First, use blockchain technology as a data collection platform for big data technologyTechnology breaks the phenomenon of data islands. The essence of blockchain technology is a distributed storage technology, which belongs to the underlying computer technology. With the existing computer technology capabilities, as long as a set of programs and interfaces consistent with blockchain technology are developed based on the big data platform, the blockchain technology can be directly integrated with the big data platform and provide services. Realize the integration of blockchain technology and big data technology. And the open sharing, non-tampering, traceability and other characteristics of data in blockchain technology can ensure that the data collected by the big data platform using blockchain technology will be true and reliable; secondly, using the zone Blockchain technology verifies data and uses blockchain data as the data source of the big data platform to protect data security. Data privacy protection is one of the important factors limiting the sustainable development of the sharing economy. The private key signature verification form relying on blockchain technology can effectively protect the security of data. It is recommended that each industry establish its own blockchain alliance platform and add enterprises in the industry to the blockchain system in the form of nodes. Only authorized economies are qualified to view the data; thirdly, the blockchain system The stored data as assets can be freely traded in the big data platform, thereby achieving the purpose of integrating the two technologies.
For example, establish a data points system. When an enterprise uploads data to the blockchain system, the system can give it certain points based on the value of the data. When an enterprise wants to conduct data query, it needs to deduct certain points. By treating data as an asset, blockchain technology and big data technology are integrated in a transactional manner.
2. The government promotes the integration of blockchain technology and big data technology to promote digital reforms in various industries in society, and elevates the digital development of industries to a national strategic level. First, formulate unified standards for industry data development to provide a foundation for the development of blockchain technology and big data technology. At the same time, we should pay attention to the integration of industry, academia and research in the development of industry digitalization, and encourage universities or scientific research institutions to cooperate with industries undergoing digital transformation to form a virtuous development cycle of encountering difficulties - solving difficulties - discovering difficulties; secondly, introduce relevant Big data and blockchain laws and regulations to strengthen data information supervision. Although the government should encourage various industries and enterprises to actively develop blockchain technology and big data technology and realize the digital development of the industry as soon as possible. However, in the era of digital information, only in an environment where data supervision is in place and the security of data information is ensured, can "blockchain + big data" be better integrated and develop healthily.
For example, the government can set up a data protection department to oversee the data transformation process of various industries to see if there are any violations. And the data must be classified and supervised. The government can be open to the data collected by big data, but the private data contained in the blockchain technology must be strictly supervised.
3. Enterprises should prioritize the integration of big data technology in promoting blockchain technology, implement internal data-based operations and management within the enterprise, and accelerate the construction of blockchain technology and big data technology. It is recommended that enterprises implement data-based operations and managementWhen necessary, experimental rectification can be carried out first in non-key businesses or departments. After non-key businesses or departments have gained some experience, they will gradually transform and upgrade to key businesses or departments; secondly, strengthen the training of Internet technology talents, and companies will set up specialized data business departments. If enterprises want to realize the development and gradual integration of blockchain technology and big data technology, they must have talents as the foundation. Enterprises can cooperate with universities to cultivate professional Internet talents with blockchain technology or big data technology, or they can directly recruit talents with Internet technology through social education and training institutions as corporate talent reserves. In addition, enterprises should also establish independent departments specializing in Internet technology research and development, management and operation to accelerate the digital transformation of enterprises.
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