java 区块链开发,java区块链项目实战教程
Ⅰ What is the main content of Java training
The first phase of content Java design and programming basics (OOD and OOP)
The main content involves technical knowledge points and the total course length
Java Language Basics
Java language, Java environment variables, variables, operators, expressions, branch statements, loop statements, arrays, array applications, industry standards. Double color ball lottery program is implemented.
5 days
Java object-oriented
Classes, objects, properties, methods, construction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, overwriting, overloading, access control characters, this and super, static , singleton design pattern, final, abstract classes and interfaces, template design patterns, internal classes
5 days
JavaSE core class library
Java core classes, Java strings, date processing, packaging classes , collections, data structures, exceptions and exception handling, JavaIO, multi-threaded programming, thread synchronization mechanism, concurrent packages, JAVA network programming, Java generics, Java reflection mechanism.
10 days
Java design
Design principles, design patterns, common algorithms, new features of Java8/9, use of Maven, SVN version management, Lamda expressions, Git, IDEA tools
2 days
The second stage content database technology and Web front-end technology (H5/JS)
The main content involves technical knowledge points and the total course length
Oracle database development
SQL statements, SQL statement principles , SQL statement optimization, tables, views, sequences, indexes, Oracle data dictionary, stored procedures, functions, triggers, PL/SQL development, database design principles, etc.
6 days
JDBC Core API, JDBC optimization technology (caching technology, batch processing technology, dbcp, c3p0 and other database connection pools)
2 days
XML syntax, XML parsing (SAX, DOM, Dom4j)< br />1 day
Web front-end basics (HTML5/CSS3/JS)
HTML5 (H5) basic document structure, links, lists, tables, forms; basic CSS syntax, box model, floating layout, positioning ; JavaScript language basics, DOM programming, event model, etc.
HTML5 canvas, Web storage, geolocation, audio/video, drag and drop, WebSocket technology, etc.
CSS borders, background, text effects, fonts, animations, etc.
8 days
Web Advanced front-end
jQuery framework
JQuery, JQuery objects, element selectors, DOM operations, attribute operations, CSS operations, animation effects, JQuery plug-ins, etc.
2 days
Web front-end advanced
jQuery Extension plug-ins
Installation, usage, template syntax, conditions, loops, event processing, forms, etc.
BootstrapCSS, layout components, plug-ins, editors
highcharts chart components
jquery form verification , pop-up boxes and other plug-ins
3 days
The third stage content JavaWeb technology and mainstream frameworks
The main content involves technical knowledge points and the total course length
JSP syntax, JSP tags , custom tags, JSTL and EL expressions, new JSP features, MVC design pattern, Servlet life cycle and Servlet server, Servlet filters and listeners, Tomcat configuration and deployment, etc.
MySQL installation, use, Java access MySQL Wait
8 days
AJAX framework
Ajax basics, XHR objects, Ajax design patterns, JSON technology, Ajax functions in jQuery, etc.
2 days
SpringIoc, Ioc injection skills, advanced assembly of objects (automatic assembly, template assembly, component scanning features, FactoryBean, object life cycle), Spring AOP principles, AspectJ, SpringJDBC support, Spring transaction and security management, SpringMVC, RESTful technology, Spring internationalization SpringSecurity , Apache Shiro, Spring integration Shiro, etc.
8 days
Spring-BootServlet, filter, listener, interceptor, startup loading, database connection, multiple data sources, Dynamic data sources, transactions, Spring-BootShiro permission management, Spring-BootJDBC access database, Spring-BootMyBatis access database, etc.
Spring-Cloud distributed configuration management, service registration
5 days
MyBatis< br />MyBatis mapping basics, DQL mapping, DML mapping, result set mapping, advanced dynamic SQL mapping, use of SqlSession, SprigMyBatis integration, MyBatis paging processing, related query mapping, etc.
2 days
Redis principles, Redis commands, JavaRedisAPI, Redis cluster and cache
MongoDB principles, MongoDB commands, JavaMongoDBAPI
3 days
Struts2 Control flow, Ognl, Action, Interceptor, Result, FreeMarker, Struts2 tag library, Struts2 extension, Struts2 application, HibernateAPI, Hibernate entity mapping technology, Hibernate relationship mapping skills, HQL query, Hibernate caching technology, SSH integration
6 days
The fourth stage content project actual combat, enterprise solutions
The main content involves technical knowledge points and the total course length
Enterprise projects
Enterprise actual combat
CRM/ P2P system development practice
Linux enterprise-level application operation deployment solution
Enterprise project development process, specifications and common architecture solutions
Message service solution
Search service solution
Load Balanced solution
Common enterprise business solutions
Application cluster solution
Database cluster solution
Security service solution
Distributed service solution
Cache Service solution
High concurrency, cluster mode integration solution
Workflow workflow solution
15 days
Fifth stage content employment sprint course
Main content total class length< br />Technical lectures, practical corporate interview questions
3 days
Practical project interviews
2 days
Technical Q&A, interview guidance, employment recommendation services
No deadline
The sixth phase content hot technologies, cases, tool applications (free gift)
WeChat mini program/public account development, based on Java+WeChat API development of mini programs and public accounts
Java+blockchain development, based on Cases of Java+ blockchain technology development
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